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Question about DVD#39 Energy from the vacuum: The bioharmonic machine

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  • Claude Champagne
    After watching the 2 DVD EFV #39, i would like to understand the GAIN calculation.
    If a tube gain is rated at 100, how could you get more than what it can deliver ?
    John explain that the gain is the plate resistor value divided by the cathode resistor value, in his first example ; 250 K / 30 = 12500 but round that value to 5000.

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  • devon303
    Hi, Thank you for the quick feedback - I had not expected this after over 2 years from the last post on this subject.
    Much very interesting and useful info in your posts - esp yours Aaron (any relation to Haruki Murakami - the author of which we are great fans?) a coincidence perhaps.
    Having looked at screen shots of the construction of the Cjeka device in some detail ( from Bedini's explanation in #39) there are many differences from the Ukaco circuit - eg in the Cjeka device the high voltage supply does not include any smoothing caps etc; the metal screens of the 6AC7s in the Cjeka circuit are held at 300volts, not earthed; stage multiplication factors for each valve are quite low at around 300, and the need for this battery filter between input and ground; also construction technique seems quite adhoc. I would however be interested to know whether the standard US mains frequency of 60 Hz was important - I recall that Tesla said that this would be optimal based on reasoning related to the dimensions of the earth, and in the Cjeka circuit frequencies must be modulated quite seriously by 60Hz, though some filtering must be due to the low values of the coupling capacitors. Here in the UK mains frequency is 50Hz, so that if this element was important the device might not operate here.
    Owing to the inherent dangers of a properly working device, the need for meticulous cleansing of the plate and no doubt also of the internal circuitry, there is little wonder that a cap has been placed on its wider utilisation, not to mention its unpopularity among pesticide and agrochemical manufacturers!
    My own interest stems from two separate sources - firstly having worked for most of my life in pest control overseas and thus come face to face with the effects of dangerous chemicals on inexperienced farmers, their cost to people who cant afford them, and increasing insect resistance to pesticides; and secondly having a long and profound interest in organic agriculture, radionics, orgonomy, morphic fields, dowsing and all related 'precursor' (after Bearden) sciences and the role of human 'intent' in their functioning. Much of this was evoked back in the '60s by an interest in ufology but especially by the works of Wilbert Smith who I met shortly before his death, who in his The New Science, set out what to my mind could be described as a primer in precursor science. Through the ontogeny of his 'parameters' a rationale is clearly set out of how reality is 'structured'.
    I'll quit now but intend to return idc.
    Andy K

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  • Tom C
    this is the live science article on it .... what some discovered years ago about the nature of the universe, the establishment is just now catching up.

    an SG if left in one spot will slowly affix itself into the quantum state, creating a larger and larger connection, this conversely creates a larger field around it, plants that are closer will grow faster than others, the scalar given off is beneficial...

    some may remember the early orbo experiments ... they had an overunity machine, it had sat in 1 spot in their lab for 2 or 3 years. they moved it and it went under unity. Col. Bearden said it was BECAUSE they moved it they had problems.

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  • Tom C
    see I told you.... Aaron knows, don't build it unless you know what you are doing..... some of the stuff I have heard this machine do is just ridiculous. I would not pursue electrical means of altering the quantum state. the SG is a quantum pump, but the dipoles flow out of the quantum state thru the bloch wall into the coil, thru the wire and into the battery. its a 1 way transaction. the ukaco machine injects intention into the quantum state, science has already proven actions at a distance with particles. its a known quantum fact that all particles are entangled with all other particles.

    Tom C

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  • Aaron Murakami
    The REAL Ukaco

    I see that Rupert Sheldrake's work was mentioned. It was Gustave LeBon who was discussing the morphic fields before Sheldrake was born. I never see that credit given like I never see Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief) give credit to Edmund Jacobson for Biology of Emotions.

    As far as a transistor, etc. version - tubes are analog and exist in the real world so to speak and are susceptible to the subtle vibrations in a way that transistors, etc... are not. Also, it is impossible to separate the mental influence on any machine but this machine is not dependent on the operator. I will say however, wear rubber gloves when building anything like this and alcohol swab the hell out of everything because you do not want YOU on any part of the circuit.

    John's machine was a custom variation built by Cjeka. However, as far as I know, I'm the only one in the world with a working ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC Ukaco and I built a replica with the help of someone else who reverse engineered it. The real Ukaco was mysteriously placed into my hands years ago on a road trip through the West Coast. I have technology that causes synchronicities to happen - otherwise, I'd never have gotten it. I might show some photographs of the original and my replication to some of you at the conference, but I'm not posting them online.

    The ONLY modification to the original Ukako machine was that a relay was put into the power switch with a cord that could be plugged into a timer so that it was all automated. I didn't include that in my build because I simply replicated the original build. There was one Ukako device shown in an old Borderlands video, but that actually is not the real machine. And if anyone with tube amp experience looked at the original circuit, there are a few things that will cause them to state that it's not built right (as a mutli-stage tube amp "should" be built). Eric Dollard gave me feedback on my machine one time when he was here last year. The input signal is amplified around 11 Trillion times. Does anyone think they can actually tune something like this? My opinion is that maybe one in a million people might be able to intuitively walk themselves into the right window. Even if there are written instructions, almost nobody will ever get it to work.

    Heed the warnings by Tom, etc. because you will hurt yourself and you can't build this by throwing mud at a wall and seeing what sticks - meaning - there are a few things that are NOT normal for these mutli stage tube amps and designing schematics based on what a tube amp is with the input and output is not going to cut it and just putting together ideas of what it could be makes it worse. I'm not going to reveal the few unique alterations to conventional tube amp circuits that makes it work. The machine does work and I have tested it countless times on controlled garden tests, etc... and even used it to create a historical bumper crop of chantrelle and matsutake mushrooms in a secret location in North Idaho about 6 years ago or so. I have never and will never spent a second trying to kill a bug with it because that will open Pandora's Box. The only harmonious way to use these technologies is to strengthen what is instead of fighting against something you don't want. "It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

    If someone wants to increase crop production, I'm releasing a fertilizer that will bend some minds. In 3 weeks it is ready for some trials in the local area. After I get some modern testimonials, photos, etc... on this, I'll then be making it available to everyone. It isn't something I came up with but was taught how to process it by a modern day wizard so it isn't something new but something only a few select insiders have ever used. My goals is to get it into the hands of everyone and I have permission to make this happen. When this is used, it will accomplish what a handful of the best and most organic additives cannot accomplish, combined. You can add biochar, mychorrhizal fungus and other goodies to the soil and I'm a HUGE fan of all of that, but this brew makes those practically obsolete, literally.

    Anyway, the morphic fields exist and are constructs that can be engineered. The more a certain construct is reinforced with repetition, potential, etc... the more probable it is to manifest in reality either by usually influencing the person via the ideomotor response (the nervous system is the 1st thing to respond to subconscious stimuli) to carry out what is necessary to bring it into fruition.

    All the random event generator technology is very interesting and and was a very small part of the most powerful mind enhancement technology in the world known as PATHS If you saw the Matrix, when Neo says, "I know kung fu." This is the closest thing to that reality. It isn't that exaggerated but allows someone to rapidly internalize certain intentions in the shortest period of time and then some. I've used it since March of 2006, created the affiliate program for it and became the director of special projects.

    I created the "instructions" for quite literally massively increasing the probability for positive synchronicities to happen and can't tell you how many people used it and could have sworn they went down the rabbit's hole due to its effectiveness. The technology can create a morphic field for a very specific thing and then massively boosts the potential in the aether for that particular thing until the probability is so high that it probably happens. That's all I'll say on that but its for real.

    I used a lot of quantum lingo to describe it in the past since we had to invent new language, but over time, I'm seeing that the aetheric Faraday tube concepts are actually what is responsible for action at a distance - not action at a distance at all I guess, but a physical link from one point to another. I've advanced this technology quietly behind the scenes and will relaunch it under a new name in the near future. The original primary operating principle was discovered with Technical Remote Viewing - the real protocols and not the bastardized methods used by popular names who are only trying to circumvent the original copyrighted protocols. Technical Remote Viewing works and does work because these morphic field concepts are real and the information is indeed recorded in the aether. Matrix, collective unconscious, Akashic Records, and whatever you want to call it - its all the same thing.

    This isn't just a belief, I'm also a trained Technical Remote Viewer in all the advanced protocols and I have learned a few other related methods that have never been taught to the public. You can see my early practice tests on either the 1st or 2nd page of this thread: its for real and anyone can learn it. It's just so boring it takes a lot of discipline to keep up the practice and if you do it too much, you get a bit of short term memory loss. The reason for that is because the more present you are in any moment, the stronger the signal you are imprinting for that moment into the collective. When remote viewing too much, part of your conscious awareness is bi-located to another time and coordinates in space and when the sessions end, you're still a bit bi-located so are not completely present. And if that becomes chronic, then short term memory is not the greatest. Just need a balance. In my opinion, memory does not reside in the brain, when you remember something, you are literally bi-locating your conscious awareness to that time and spatial coordinates and the more present you were in that moment, the better your memory of it.

    I've been clairvoyant all my life but natural "psychic abilities" are not needed. I know the top remote viewers in the world and one of the best considers himself to be as psychic as a box of rocks. Anyway, I wouldn't go with PATHS at this moment - if anyone is interested, wait until I release the advanced version, which will include longitudinal ground transmission (not at the start but later on). I've been working on this all for a very long time and I can't tell you how related it is to this entire topic. By the way, the original purpose of Energetic Forum was actually as a support forum for affiliates and customers who used PATHS. It wasn't until later that I suggested we add a Renewable Energy section since I knew a handful of the experts in the "free energy" world.

    Ground transmission was mentioned in this thread - I'd recommend watching Eric's presentation on the Crystal Radio Initiative - if you are already subscribed to Energy Times, then you already got a direct link.

    By the way, it was my synchronicity technology that was custom tweaked to caused the "impossible" acquisition of the Ukaco into my hands in a most amazing way. If anyone wants to know the operating theory behind my thinking on it, it's here: That synchronicity diagram is why remote viewing works, the ideomotor effect in all circumstances, the PATHS technology, Ukaco, etc.

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  • 2balkane
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bio-Harmonics_Schematics.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	95.6 KB
ID:	47053
    Experimental schematics, build at your own risk.

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  • devon303
    Question about Cejka bioharmonic machine

    Originally posted by James McDonald View Post
    Hi Claude --

    I believe there are two reasons why John did not talk about a semiconductor equivalent.
    Reason 1 would be he did not want to be responsible for anyone getting hurt making this Bio-Harmonics
    device and Reason 2 would be since this device had at least 4 pentode amplifier circuits the closest
    equivalent would be a FETRON which does not have a suppressor grid equivalent circuit. The closest
    equivalent to a tube would be a FET. Transistors would not work quite the same. If you can find the tubes
    or for that matter a FETRON you could try to make the device. You may have to make your own FETRON
    in order to make this device. Then you would need at least a $1500.00 dollar spectrum analyzer to tune
    the device. The original schematic is on the Cejka Files DVD Part 20. This device appears to produce a
    wave front that used the earth's internal frequencies to transport its signal and to amplify it to a power
    beyond our control which is pretty scary. I would not recommend making the device.


    Bedini was quite clear saying that it was not possible to build this machine with solid state technology - he said there was something about the operation of the vacuum tube, not present in solid state devices, which was necessary to make the machine work.
    I did not see any schematics for the bioresonance machine posted by Bedini on DVD #20 - although one might get some idea from looking at pictures of the underside wiring that were shown. One wonders how much the mental element of 'intent' plays in the machine's operation?

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  • bruno
    I came across another way on how maybe measurements can be made, the influence on Random Event Generators.
    With humans it's used to control something but measurements can be done, altough quite expensive (otherwhise I orderd myself one to test ) Maybe plants can influence the outcome of a random event genererator in the same way?
    Anyone any experience with this?

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  • bruno
    About the response of plants: In the documentary of David Attenborough "Natural curiosities" season 2 episode 6 he used a device where he put a needle in the plant and then amplified the signal an one could hear the reaction of the flower when a bee whas in the neighbourhood, the flower build up charge when it whas ready to receive a bee and you could hear a change in sound. Maybe this signal also changes with the mood and you see changes when you connect an oscilloscope? It wasn't shown if it whas just and amplification or also a modulation off the signal to create the tone.

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  • AlvaroHN
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Hi Alvaro,
    I learn that plants,also respond to various pleasant notes of Music and rejuvenate in mood depanding on what note of Music is played, Tansain the Famous vocalist in the 16th century was know to recreate wonders of causing Rain by what is so-called as the 'Megmallar' Raga and also the Deepak raga i'm My self a good singer,and follow Kishore Kumar who him self was not a trained Singer but had Natural abailities to recreate the songs of the required mood, it is also recorded that Kishore Kumar who was an Eccentric singer was often seen communicating with Plants in his Backyard.
    I need to experiment with plants to see their responses to differnt moods of songs do you know how to capure the reponses (be it even the Frozen water crystal photoghraps) to such tests.
    Thank you, '
    Intresting .. I will google those rain songs

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  • AlvaroHN
    Originally posted by bruno View Post
    Thank you AlvaroHN for the information.
    I wasn't sure that there where other factors to handle when working with crystals.
    Well.. regarding safety using crystals I should mention that is important to have them clean, without negative energies on it. If you get a crystal is possible to be impregnated with energies that you don't know, so is important to clean them. People clean the crystals putting them in salt water for a while and then in the sun.

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  • Faraday88
    Originally posted by AlvaroHN View Post
    Yes, musical notes, and human thought also.
    Hi Alvaro,
    I learn that plants,also respond to various pleasant notes of Music and rejuvenate in mood depanding on what note of Music is played, Tansain the Famous vocalist in the 16th century was know to recreate wonders of causing Rain by what is so-called as the 'Megmallar' Raga and also the Deepak raga i'm My self a good singer,and follow Kishore Kumar who him self was not a trained Singer but had Natural abailities to recreate the songs of the required mood, it is also recorded that Kishore Kumar who was an Eccentric singer was often seen communicating with Plants in his Backyard.
    I need to experiment with plants to see their responses to differnt moods of songs do you know how to capure the reponses (be it even the Frozen water crystal photoghraps) to such tests.
    Thank you, '
    Last edited by Faraday88; 04-15-2015, 02:11 AM.

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  • bruno
    Thank you AlvaroHN for the information.
    I wasn't sure that there where other factors to handle when working with crystals.

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  • AlvaroHN
    Originally posted by bruno View Post
    Do you know if there's somewhere an explication on how to use a crystal in that way? I read that crystals have positive and negative side, but how is it placed in the setup of transmitting that wish, what direction,... I find mostly parts of explication but not the whole story.
    When I looked at the movie "The Law Of resonance" (also available as book) by pierre franckh, I saw that the hart is even a 5000 times stronger transmitter then the mind, so if we could use that the right way, we could have a very nice looking garden
    It is possible, there was one exercise when I use to go to radionics class, we were using the mind to pulse an energy field with the heart, one would do it and the others would sense the energy with the hand. Anyway the creative force (the one that creates the reality) is the kundalini and it is located in a normal person on the lower part of the body, that kundalini energy is the creative energy and the sexual energy both are the same. But anyway, if you think that your plants are going to be healthy then they will do that, if you think they are going to die, they will die, if you think your business is going to succeed it will, etc, etc, etc.

    About the crystal what I believe is that it is not much important, the crystal oscillates all the time so if you program it with your mind to what ever you want it to do, it will do that, it will re-send the energy and intention that you give it.
    Position of the crystal and all that is relative, the whole thing of the ritual (crystal paper etc) is a suggestion to make the whole thing more effective. (like a “good luck charm” if you think an object is protecting you or giving you good luck then… you will have good luck, but no because of the "good luck charm", but because you believe that it will, the object is a helper for the mind)

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  • AlvaroHN
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Hi Alvaro,

    'Masaru Emoto experiments with water crystals' are you refering to the respone of Ice to various musical notes (the geometrucal pattaren changes with the notes)
    Yes, musical notes, and human thought also.

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