Since NOBODY is interested in this I will say that I AM. Let explain why.
Back in 2006 I started a BAD DIVORCE. Outside of that I came across a product that did the IMPOSSIABLE!!!!
It was called NATURIZE. It looked like another product but this was most definately NOT the same thing. I am an organic gardener so the other was out of the picture anyways. This was microbial or atleast that was the claim. I bought this stuff at a GARAGE near Livingston,Tennessee. Yes a garage. This guy bought all kinds of now defunct products andsold them out of his garage. Well the divorce occured and I was alone at the beginning (early Janurary) of 2007. I did have a garden which I used some of this stuff on. I got too many tomatoes to eat for a family of 4...odd since I only had 6 plants.
Well during that cold Janurary month I watched a DEAD perinial(however you spell it!) plant not only grow but bloom into something I just could not believe! Yes I treated it...just for fun. Since then....
Well, I lost my place AFTER getting it in the divorce due to the ex. My supply of NATURIZE vanished with it. This stuff works!!! I guess that is why it NO LONGER CAN BE FOUND!!! Since then I have sought out where to find ANY of it that remains. If you find ..... hang on to it as it is better than gold in my book.
John H
Back in 2006 I started a BAD DIVORCE. Outside of that I came across a product that did the IMPOSSIABLE!!!!

Well, I lost my place AFTER getting it in the divorce due to the ex. My supply of NATURIZE vanished with it. This stuff works!!! I guess that is why it NO LONGER CAN BE FOUND!!! Since then I have sought out where to find ANY of it that remains. If you find ..... hang on to it as it is better than gold in my book.
John H