Originally posted by Radiantnrg
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Hello Alan,
I do not stand between them and folks who want to support them by purchasing their materials, I wholeheartedly recommend many of the works they offer. They do not appreciate it when I mention my kit, but don't seem to have a problem with me advertising through reference, their books, patents and videos....I get no kick back for that....
Start by recognizing that you are smart! Accept that you can know what the authorities know, through your own efforts. If you choose to build the SG, build two. Build the first as you are instructed, and the second like your intuition instructs you to build it. It cannot be demanded of you to build something to a certain standard, if, the person making such a request isn't willing to explain why you should. Those reasons we are being provided do not qualify, they do not get you to the heart of the matter. The reason for doing what we are told should give insight into what the device is and how and why it does what it does. Here you will be confronted with the basic rebuttal of why, you should do what you are told, it always ends with if you don't do what you are told to do, your results will not be what the inventor says you should have. Here you just have to trust yourself, your common sense, your intuition. Always have in the back of your mind that we were never told what the point of the drama is! Never told what this device really is. At one point we were told that the SG is the perfected version of the Watson machine! IF thats true, going from the available information, the basic SG is a red herring, and the GT3 is the version we are to be looking at.
Keep in mind at one point in time it was a secret to operate the device in attraction mode. Now its common knowledge, but we still find folks who prefer to operate in repulsion mode?! The fundamental difference was never really discussed. The advantage of one mode over the other, never explained in detail, and the super pole configuration just didn't make any sense. While investigating the two modes of operation, it became clear that we should be looking at both modes from the perspective of the generator action. That's the lesson. Here for reasons that I shouldn't have to get into, attraction mode is superior to repulsion mode.
Although attraction mode is superior to repulsion mode, the separation of the two isn't what we ultimately want, we want both modes. We want to use both sides of the magnet, and here I'm not so much talking about the poles, in this particular instance, I am talking about the corner spins of the magnet. The north pole of the magnet contains multiple orders of spin, however, only two are of immediate interest. Flux leaves the north pole in a left handed spiral, and a right handed spiral. Flux leaves the south pole in a left handed spiral and a right handed spiral. H. Johnson shows you this in his work, we were re-introduced to his work by JB. It's my opinion that H. Johnson's work applies to JB's work. JB suppresses one of the corner spins in a manner similar to how H. Johnson did, turning the SG into a kind of magnetic gate, when operated in attraction mode. Had I been preoccupied with doing what I am told, this connection would not have been made! After studying this for a while, when you start looking at the other technologies, specifically the window and zero force typologies, it becomes clear that once again we are dealing with rotor to coil corner spin interactions. At this point it hits you, how is this any different from what we already experience in conventional designs which have been with us for over the last 100 years. The answer shocked me, fundamentally there is no difference!
I was asked about the three coil positions yesterday, and as I was short on time and didn't get to finish saying what I wanted to say. Namely, the three coils to three magnets of the same polarity as presented in the GT3 is superseded by the use of a super pole configuration which is for all intents and purposes the exact same thing, just reduced to single coil interaction instead of two coil. These folks are clever in the extreme, but are very tight lipped about what they are doing. We are not honoring them by doing what we are told, you must look at the work! See it and through it, see them, they have years invested in this. They may not like me but I am a fan! Truly, I only wish they were more open.
Study the information they provide you with, it has value. Where you start depends on the questions you have that you want answered. Don't stagnate, compare all, and unite all, they have done an excellent job of assembling this huge wealth of information into a mosaic. From our present perspective we get to know all of the parts, but from our position cannot see how the parts relate one to another, it's at this point were we must view the information from a higher vantage point, to see how the parts form a whole, that's where your common sense and intuition come in. So to answer your question, study all they provide, but be guided by your intuition and common sense when doing so, if the latter two are not in the equation, you will become lost in the labyrinth of information that they have built around themselves.
Hope that answers your question....
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