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Dissecting Erfinder’s comments

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  • Originally posted by bigmotherwhale View Post
    i wasnt going to post but come on, whats wrong?

    are you bitter becuse someone wont give you the answers? JB does not give everything away after all.... i cant comprehend this.
    I'm afraid you have hit the nail on the head here.

    See if you can figure out who is who here:

    There is always someone who knows something of great import and is trying to convey that knowledge.

    There are the blind who become the antagonists because they either don't agree with message or don't appreciate the delivery. Some of them are just ever so sarcastic.

    Then there are the fence sitters, the feather smoothers who usually lean just a bit towards the antagonists only would never admit it.

    I take it back

    Would you like a set of blueprints with those photos?


    • 'Would you like a set of blueprints with those photos?'

      that would be sweet

      peace to all

      BMW out


      • The one thing that I know for certain is that no one is asking the right questions. Since this discussion has no practical value to a select few, I direct this at them. What is the Dipole! Note the lack of question mark....I am not asking you to inform me of what it is, I have my own dogma of what it is, but inquiring minds would like your take on it. See, honestly I don't think those of you who take cheap shots at me have a clue! The one that you assume to have was given to you by someone else......You hang around with the inner circle wannabees....trying to get in good with them so as to be seen as one of them, good luck with that....The inner group surrounds the man with the much of "his knowledge" have you been able to distill from the sea of information which occult's the gems we all know he has? See, I don't bad mouth my sources of inspiration, I have no sympathy for their cheerleaders though, the merry band of rear smoochers, those who will do any and everything to keep the king of the mound happy, whomever that might be. How much have you been able to figure out?

        The way I see it......the mother of all secrets is in properly defining the entity we ignorantly call the dipole isn't it? Isn't that where Bearden says all the energy is pouring in from? I repeat my question, my challenge.....tell them what a dipole really is.....let me help you on this them the dual monopole, the clover....the quadrapole! Explain to them how it works, in layman's terms, show them how to use it in a self sustaining manner.....clever switching my that and I will leave! This challenge is not directed at the ones who inspired me to seek it out myself. This challenge is directed at the cheerleaders, minions of the man with the knowledge.



        • Originally posted by bigmotherwhale View Post
          'Would you like a set of blueprints with those photos?'

          that would be sweet

          peace to all

          BMW out
          Dude....what do you require that wasn't already provided? I told you the circuit doesn't matter. The only requirement being it must be a PWM circuit, preferably hall or opto triggered. I told you how to wind your coils, how to connect your coils, where to connect the scope and why.....What more can I provide, a set of plans for something that simple sends me the message that you are too stupid to comprehend what was said. I know better than that, I don't draw the attention of stupid people, I don't associate myself with stupid people!

          Kiril hit the ground gotta love him for his effort! You have no idea how good it felt to see him get the basic back charging, his results sucked, but he experienced what all must, a shedding of the old was beautiful! What his effort showed is anyone can do it! No plans from me! Stop asking for plans, you said there is enough info to build what you something.....

          No one gave me plans, I figured if plans were needed, I would have found one who had some for sale....guess I didn't need any....cause here I am telling you you don't need any. What I do offer you is something you won't get on your own, but that's another story.

          I showed you a video of how stupid easy it is, still not good enough, I honestly don't know what else to do, the next step would be to draw it all out in crayon and treat you all like children instead of serious researchers? I don't have time for that. When you get the effects....the basic ones...where are you going to go from there? That's the question I keep asking myself. Where ever you end up, I hope it's where I wanted to accompany you.



          • actually I asked the only question that really matters, who you wont share the circuit and how it works..... OH I know you want my money....

            I find this fascinating that Erfinder has not responded to my post, but ortho did..... thanks for the insult, I will not respond in kind. it was a simple request to put on the bench the theory Erfinder has espoused, you want 2500 dollars to see an effect? really? for 2500 I want a working device that powers itself and runs loads. that is the holy grail, you Erfinder have made zero claims, only tried in round circular descriptions to say something that has led you to something you do not want to give away......

            at least the members of this forum (most of them anyway) are willing to share what they know. thanks Patrick, after seeing your post on coil paralleling I will try it and see how a PWM can chop the wave.

            thanks Tom C for the post on the side by side coils over on the Ferris wheel thread, I think it has some merit to how the circuit is driven. perhaps if one set of coils is switched at the zero cross of the other set, it might give us something we can use.

            livin life in the keys.......


            • Thanks BMW
              I didn't know, I couldn't imagine what I said, guess it was just a timing issue.
              I posted before about the wave, 1&3, Erfinder said to not get caught up in it, I don't think anyone should either, but at the same time, it is just part of the first step, it is something you should see. It would be impossible not to, I think. One coil, scope it!
              I would like to be sitting in at the university lecture that day. Lucky kids or profs, I hope they appreciate it.


              • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                Dude....what do you require that wasn't already provided? I told you the circuit doesn't matter. The only requirement being it must be a PWM circuit, preferably hall or opto triggered. I told you how to wind your coils, how to connect your coils, where to connect the scope and why.....What more can I provide, a set of plans for something that simple sends me the message that you are too stupid to comprehend what was said. I know better than that, I don't draw the attention of stupid people, I don't associate myself with stupid people!

                Kiril hit the ground gotta love him for his effort! You have no idea how good it felt to see him get the basic back charging, his results sucked, but he experienced what all must, a shedding of the old was beautiful! What his effort showed is anyone can do it! No plans from me! Stop asking for plans, you said there is enough info to build what you something.....

                No one gave me plans, I figured if plans were needed, I would have found one who had some for sale....guess I didn't need any....cause here I am telling you you don't need any. What I do offer you is something you won't get on your own, but that's another story.

                I showed you a video of how stupid easy it is, still not good enough, I honestly don't know what else to do, the next step would be to draw it all out in crayon and treat you all like children instead of serious researchers? I don't have time for that. When you get the effects....the basic ones...where are you going to go from there? That's the question I keep asking myself. Where ever you end up, I hope it's where I wanted to accompany you.

                Dude did you see the link i posted and the words underneath? it was a joke! hence the rotfl! could you not see from my previous posts that i would never ask that from you? and that i also feel it is already here for anyone who listens.
                its okay tho just a mis-understanding i can comprehend your response tho, not suprising all the petty non productive remarks and for lack of a better word - poilitics.
                my build starts mid september as im not at home right now, i can only think, my mind is not as clouded and head bashing has ceaced.
                you have a supporter dude, i beleive in you.

                someone once said to me:
                'You are wise, not because you know the answers, but because you are looking for them.'
                Last edited by bigmotherwhale; 08-24-2014, 03:17 PM. Reason: additional quote


                • Originally posted by fredsavage View Post

                  I have now read all of your posts on this forum, it has taken me a long time and I still do not comprehend everything you are saying. if I had a small machine in front of me and the circuit you are using we could understand. even just the 2 or 3 coil arrangement you wrote to kiril about. over and over again you tell everyone they do not understand except for maybe kiril's work which has helped a bit. you say if I don't buy your kit I will never get it, and yet you tell us it is so easy to understand you have shared everything. I don't think there would be a thread trying to "dissect" your comments if everyone understood.

                  John Bedini shared all his work including how he builds things. you can buy stuff from him, or you can read his work on the internet and buy a few DVD to understand. you can build the school girl motor for free with a few parts scrounged up. I think this is his forum, right?

                  why do you not share the motor completely and then also offer to build it for those who can afford it? I know I cannot afford it right now. I watched your last video and you show the motor behind the scope as being the answer, the tool or the kit or whatever you want to call it.

                  I cannot afford your expensive kit, but I can cobble together some wire and a few components so I can actually learn something instead of
                  Ok ....You've read everything, I appreciate your time. You don't comprehend aren't alone on this. I don't recommend folks build anything, this recommendation is always ignored, I don't expect you to behave any differently than the rest. You may have missed it but you don't need the circuit i use....I have said that time and time again, this too is ignored....

                  I say if you don't get the kit, you wont see what I see, and this is true! Why folks think otherwise is beyond me.....I tell you the basic effects are easy to get....seems like you are suggesting that I am contradicting myself....I'm not. I was told the thread was started because I speak in riddles...

                  John Bedini shared all his work including how he builds things.....Fred, I am not John Bedini. Look at the huge mess being made there. I have yet to see a single person get what they are supposed to be getting from that system. I am hopeful that one day I will see such. I own all the material they cannot build anything that information suggest for biggest SG cost me 4000 euros, I built two.....I figured go big or go home. I do believe this is his forum...not sure where you're going with that.

                  It took me a very long time to get to where I am, to get to the point to where I know exactly what I want you to see and when. I showed my system several times complete, pointless experience. What I call details others are not interested in....the majority only want schematics and blueprints, they don't care how you think your device works. Well with me you get how i think my device works, and demonstration of the devices in action. I am not looking for you to replicate. You watched the last video..and the only thing you can tell me about it is that I made some remark about a machine behind the the clip was a waste of both of our time.....

                  Not many can afford the kit, hell I cant afford the damn thing! I am glad I took the chance though, because had I not, I wouldn't have anything to crap in your ear about!? I am not asking you to build anything, not asking you to buy anything, if you want to do something do it. What you do is up to you. For the record, I didnt ignore this post, you came on kinda strong, like many with that attitude like I owe you something....I take my time responding to such posts...



                  • Originally posted by bigmotherwhale View Post
                    Dude did you see the link i posted and the words underneath? it was a joke! hence the rotfl! could you not see from my previous posts that i would never ask that from you? and that i also feel it is already here for anyone who listens.
                    its okay tho just a mis-understanding i can comprehend your response tho, not suprising all the petty non productive remarks and for lack of a better word - poilitics.
                    my build starts mid september as im not at home right now, i can only think, my mind is not as clouded and head bashing has ceaced.
                    you have a supporter dude, i beleive in you.

                    someone once said to me:
                    'You are wise, not because you know the answers, but because you are looking for them.'
                    Guess its starting to take its toll.....the resistance you know...forgive me for reading through that at light speed and missing the joke....I appreciate your support, with each post like this one, you earn mine....Like Kiril before you, I believe that through your own effort you too will experience the basic effects of this I am sure. If you need me you know how to reach me. Again forgive me for being short with you.



                    • Originally posted by fredsavage View Post
                      actually I asked the only question that really matters, who you wont share the circuit and how it works..... OH I know you want my money....

                      I find this fascinating that Erfinder has not responded to my post, but ortho did..... thanks for the insult, I will not respond in kind. it was a simple request to put on the bench the theory Erfinder has espoused, you want 2500 dollars to see an effect? really? for 2500 I want a working device that powers itself and runs loads. that is the holy grail, you Erfinder have made zero claims, only tried in round circular descriptions to say something that has led you to something you do not want to give away......

                      at least the members of this forum (most of them anyway) are willing to share what they know. thanks Patrick, after seeing your post on coil paralleling I will try it and see how a PWM can chop the wave.

                      thanks Tom C for the post on the side by side coils over on the Ferris wheel thread, I think it has some merit to how the circuit is driven. perhaps if one set of coils is switched at the zero cross of the other set, it might give us something we can use.

                      Fred....Fred.....can I call you Fred? You ask me the only question that matters to you. A question that I have answered several times. Why you expect my response to you would be any different...I will repeat it here for you in bold type....The circuit doesn't matter!! How it works....that's a good question but it too was answered. What I said, doesn't matter to you. That's not my problem. I told all exactly what I do and why.

                      Whats fascinating is how you feel I owe you something. Whats fascinating is that you feel insulted for not receiving a response from me when you want it....feel free to respond or not its up to you. Now you call what I have been sharing a "theory" that I haven't demonstrated on the bench?!?! Uh....I want 2500 for the kit. You say to see an effect. You don't have to purchase one. Good luck finding a machine that powers itself and external loads for cant get a decent high output conventional generator for that....hell in some cant find a decent shirt and tie for that amount....a self powering shirt and tie combo which can power external loads would rock...

                      I don't make claims....that's right, I am informing you of principles, demonstrable principles which can lead to even greater revelations. And I am giving it just don't like my method....your problem.

                      Most members on this forum are willing to share what they know.....uh....most members on this form are willing to share with you that which you already know, or should already know...right.....? You now want "try" Patricks coil paralleling....pulse it with a PWM.....uh...ok.....go for it? Thanks Tom for the post on the side by side are thanking these guys.....LOL.....I wonder if they would even be looking in this area if it weren't for this thread that's leading "you" into their grace....? Look back in the history....this subject was ancient history, a dead subject....why the newly sparked interest.....! Think man! I am trying to give you something you can use, that's what I do, if you cant see that....oh well. The only bad thing in that is you are the only one who looses in the end.



                      • I don't recommend folks build anything, this recommendation is always ignored, I don't expect you to behave any differently than the rest.
                        I say if you don't get the kit, you wont see what I see, and this is true! Why folks think otherwise is beyond me.....

                        I don't buy you're kit because I am super brilliant and don't need anything from you and call your bluff. I will ignore you and build many different machines. I don't believe a word you say anyway. The sooner others see this too the better for them. I said this same thing pages back several times so why do you all drag this thing on and on? I call this a 28 page psychological, psy-op, informercial, sales pitch. Stop feeding the monster. Don't buy the kit, build your own machines, experiment, think for yourselves. I will help you any way I can! Nothing hidden, no ego, all clearly, openly explained, and given away freely by me.
                        Last edited by Radiantnrg; 08-24-2014, 06:16 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Radiantnrg View Post
                          I don't recommend folks build anything, this recommendation is always ignored, I don't expect you to behave any differently than the rest.
                          I say if you don't get the kit, you wont see what I see, and this is true! Why folks think otherwise is beyond me.....

                          I don't buy you're kit because I am super brilliant and don't need anything from you and call your bluff. I will ignore you and build many different machines. I don't believe a word you say anyway. The sooner others see this too the better for them. I said this same thing pages back several times so why do you all drag this thing on and on? I call this a 28 page psychological, psy-op, informercial, sales pitch. Stop feeding the monster. Don't buy the kit, build your own machines, experiment, think for yourselves. I will help you any way I can! Nothing hidden, no ego, all given away freely by me.
                          I am sorry I failed you. I am sure folks will appreciate all you give them...don't do anything that will negatively effect your image....what I mean is don't bash me to make you look good....just be better than me....
                          Last edited by erfinder; 08-24-2014, 06:17 PM.


                          • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                            What is the Dipole! Note the lack of question mark....I am not asking you to inform me of what it is, I have my own dogma of what it is, but inquiring minds would like your take on it.
                            The way I understand it, the dipole is charge and discharge from the dielectric, or rephrased, the dielectric in charge and discharge mode. There is one dielectric; there is one coil topology in particular that interacts most strongly with the dielectric.


                            • Originally posted by Radiantnrg View Post
                              [B][I][U][COLOR="#FF0000"] I am super brilliant and don't need anything from you and call your bluff. I will ignore you and build many different machines. Nothing hidden, no ego, all clearly, openly explained, and given away freely by me.
                              You said you were going to leave this thread. You started your own thread and no one followed you there. You say you are super brilliant then state you have no ego. Below you state your machines will output thousands of times as much as your motor consumes. You keep saying we and us but I don't see anyone but you. You are a hoot dude! Come back when you have something besides words of discontent about someone who actually has an incredible machine already working!

                              Originally posted by Radiantnrg View Post
                              OrthoParameter, The motor section will be over-unity by some amount on its own. We really don't care by how much just that it is so we don't have to make an electrical connection between the motor and generator. The main electrical output will come from the generator and by far outweigh the electrical out put of the motor section by many thousands of times. Our initial goal is 3KW to 10KW @ 110volts. I hope that makes more sense. I need to be more careful how I use the terms power, torque, energy, and electrical output.
                              Everyone has simply decided to forget the thread topic. No one is trying to understand the affects presented. All I hear is whining. All I see is jealous raging. Pathetic and Childlike behaviour. Get on topic or shut up.

                              Well, not everyone
                              Last edited by OrthoParameter; 08-24-2014, 09:42 PM.


                              • Originally posted by bob smith View Post
                                The way I understand it, the dipole is charge and discharge from the dielectric, or rephrased, the dielectric in charge and discharge mode. There is one dielectric; there is one coil topology in particular that interacts most strongly with the dielectric.
                                That post wasn't directed at you Bob...I am sure they know who I was talking to. Not a bad try....however its not what we are looking for. At present, waveform are what preoccupies them....


