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Dissecting Erfinder’s comments

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by aln View Post
    I am not sure why my message didn't make it, but I have Private messaged 4 people on this forum, Bobzilla, Patrick, Dennis F. (1x), and Ortho (1x). You want it in the open ok. I am not trying to hide anything. For all I know, Orthoparameter is Kiril, who is Erfinder. I am not super savy on the computer to know how to Skype or investigate. I want to believe all this is true, but I will not make the sacrifice others have made until I see some results on my bench. Which may take me a little bit. I will not progress with the three of you who "have what I see," as erfinder states until I am certain of the things stated being fact. That being said, no one here can prove them to me. I need to find them. There are lots of unuseful posts on this thread, maybe 90 percent of them. They are off task, pointless, speculative, or accusatory, this one in included in the bunch. I am working on a glossary of terms used by erfinder. This week is busy for me so I may finish it next week. I am not done working out in the open, I was asking ortho for a picture if his new purchase and for any details that would convince me to pursue what he is pursuing. I sent my real name and phone # to erfinders email a while back and asked for the same from him. He chose not to share his info with me, Ok, we have not built trust, I did not ask for credit card #'s. I work in corrections, I do not trust people either. I learned erfinder's name from Tom C. Not erfinder,ortho, or Kiril. It is after Tom used his name, Steve (supposedly) that others started using it. So There you have it out in the open for all to see, Enjoy my meaningless post that doesn't help dissect erfinders findings. Sorry to all reading this in one year, maybe I will pull and erfinder and delete it in a month. God Bless no hard feelings here, I am concerned about the cause not this fluff. And I do not see Patrick as a fly either. Aln

    It's been said that there's more than enough here for anyone to build whatever they want......go for it. When you make it your business to hang around just to make unexpected appearances to throw cheap shots, you are a fly on the wall. Actually there's another phrase that comes to mind, but I don't want to be obscene. The focus should be on the bench, that's where I am, that's where you should meet me if you have something to say. I don't care if you don't agree with what I say, its not about us agreeing on terms! I am still waiting on these folks to show me something that I can use, something that you can use! All I see is them reopening a chapter which was for all interested parties......a closed chapter till I came around stirring the nest. You got the wave you me what you can do with us what you can do with it! I'm growing tired of the cheap shots.

    Lets up the ante.....

    Where did the idea of the monopole come from? Show them the dual monopole.....the clover....the quadrapole! Show them, explain to them how it works, do that and I will leave!

    Last edited by erfinder; 08-24-2014, 11:27 AM.

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  • aln
    I am not sure why my message didn't make it, but I have Private messaged 4 people on this forum, Bobzilla, Patrick, Dennis F. (1x), and Ortho (1x). You want it in the open ok. I am not trying to hide anything. For all I know, Orthoparameter is Kiril, who is Erfinder. I am not super savy on the computer to know how to Skype or investigate. I want to believe all this is true, but I will not make the sacrifice others have made until I see some results on my bench. Which may take me a little bit. I will not progress with the three of you who "have what I see," as erfinder states until I am certain of the things stated being fact. That being said, no one here can prove them to me. I need to find them. There are lots of unuseful posts on this thread, maybe 90 percent of them. They are off task, pointless, speculative, or accusatory, this one in included in the bunch. I am working on a glossary of terms used by erfinder. This week is busy for me so I may finish it next week. I am not done working out in the open, I was asking ortho for a picture if his new purchase and for any details that would convince me to pursue what he is pursuing. I sent my real name and phone # to erfinders email a while back and asked for the same from him. He chose not to share his info with me, Ok, we have not built trust, I did not ask for credit card #'s. I work in corrections, I do not trust people either. I learned erfinder's name from Tom C. Not erfinder,ortho, or Kiril. It is after Tom used his name, Steve (supposedly) that others started using it. So There you have it out in the open for all to see, Enjoy my meaningless post that doesn't help dissect erfinders findings. Sorry to all reading this in one year, maybe I will pull and erfinder and delete it in a month. God Bless no hard feelings here, I am concerned about the cause not this fluff. And I do not see Patrick as a fly either. Aln

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by forelle View Post
    I want a generator which has no effect on the prime mover, its output is irrelevant.
    Thats what i also want.

    Good because in addition to what I am trying to show with my machine, the operating principles behind this generator is also presented. So you know, I am serious, I stated before that I am not into wasting your time or mine. In a few weeks I will be visiting the TU Gratz, I have been invited to give a presentation of those things which I have been sharing here, maybe we can meet afterwards.


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  • erfinder
    Guys.....keep your posts in the open, do not go PM, and if you do, don't advertise it, just do it. Announcements like that send the wrong message, and attracts flies in a manner similar to a hot pile of....Patrick seems to have been drawn in by Aln's post, or maybe it was my asking OrthoParameter to retreat with me to our underground labs (not to be confused with the bat cave....singular......). Got to love it when the fly on the wall reacts, got to love what the fly on the wall reacts to.


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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by min2oly View Post
    To the batcave Robin! Grab the cheetos.
    what a joke... LMAO
    why don't you all exchange email or do something clever like create your own "private $2.5k club" forum... then you can say whatever you want.

    Really appreciate the suggestions, and the sarcasm. Try to stay focused, you aren't helping yourself or anyone else with posts like these......

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  • min2oly
    To the batcave Robin! Grab the cheetos.
    what a joke... LMAO
    why don't you all exchange email or do something clever like create your own "private $2.5k club" forum... then you can say whatever you want.

    Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
    Nothing there? Try again.
    Originally posted by aln View Post
    ortho, check your pm.
    Originally posted by erfinder View Post
    my ideas and reality aren't in phase yet.

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  • OrthoParameter
    Originally posted by aln View Post
    ortho, check your pm.
    Nothing there? Try again.

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  • aln
    ortho, check your pm.

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by bigmotherwhale View Post
    its true, the time has come i felt it too, all that needs to be said has been said..... im not planning on asking any more questions here

    the information here and provided is enough for anybody to make a machine on their own.

    i appriciate the ammount of work you have done to advance the field.

    especialy the hints that you leave us with ... its good to work things out and not be told what to do, there is no point in copying anyone unless you plan on changing it at a later day.

    anyhow this CRT is giving me a headache.

    No, all that needs to be said has not been said. An intermission is needed, folks should be allowed to "consider" whats been said. During the pause others will try their best to take over, more power to em. Whether they lead you to the goodies is questionable. I must say I have done a piss poor job myself, I wish it could be done easier.

    Russell...wonderful....what relation does my rant have to his work...have you made the connection?

    There is enough info presented for anyone to get the basic effects....not sure what kind of machine that qualifies as......


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  • bigmotherwhale
    its true, the time has come i felt it too, all that needs to be said has been said..... im not planning on asking any more questions here

    the information here and provided is enough for anybody to make a machine on their own.

    i appriciate the ammount of work you have done to advance the field.

    especialy the hints that you leave us with ... its good to work things out and not be told what to do, there is no point in copying anyone unless you plan on changing it at a later day.

    anyhow this CRT is giving me a headache.


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  • erfinder
    It is unfortunate how so few can appreciate the time and effort that has gone in to this. How only one person is behind all of this, one person who has no special skills or training, nor do I have decades in the field! They have no idea where this is going, and this in spite of the constant reference to wanting to see all of this in off the shelf technology. The secrets known to only a select few (not that this discussion has anything to do with what they know or don't know) must be broken down for us, and presented to us in the language of the common folk, our language, layman terms. I have searched the net and have yet to find one who shares this idea. Not one in the know can present what he/she has in the language that the masses can appreciate, that they can use!

    I see Tom found "someone" who has generated the basic waveform. LOL that's an old post, made shortly after the ferris wheel debut. Around the same time I found the wave. I met several individuals who had found the wave! One guy in particular who found it swore up and down that it wasn't special till I showed him how it could go square! He never was able to get his to go square.....from the looks of what Tom is showing you, that guy didn't either......

    I envision self powering being simple, my ideas and reality aren't in phase yet....but give it time.... Where does the energy needed to sustain a self powering system come from? I hear the word dipole, and this is possibly true, however, what is a dipole exactly? One in the know, one of the wise in an effort to explain that which cannot be explained as it was being explained, slipped up and let it out, fortunately for him, all were fast asleep, and it was never mentioned again.

    I want to help you expand your horizon, I have neutralized my impedance, and am waiting for you to neutralize yours so that we can exchange with one another unimpeded.

    Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
    I have asked erfinder to "unplug" from this unproductive discussion and concentrate on working toward our future endeavors. I hope he follows my advise. There are only three of us, and I had hoped for more; but we have to move forward either way.
    I applaud the OP giving erfinder this space and the latitude to speak freely.
    Excellent advice, seeing as this discussion has more entertainment value than practical, an intermission would do all good methinks.... OrthoParameter....gotta love that name....lets retire to that know the one....we have work to do, Kiril, Dennis, Ron, the offline discussions begin now.

    Last edited by erfinder; 08-23-2014, 06:35 AM.

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  • Lman
    Originally posted by erfinder View Post
    What is a motor if not the embodiment of changing parameters? I feel this is why the wise of the past called the coil, the component on which the motor is primarily based, a "reactor", they comprehended the oneness of reactance. They understood that all actions and reactions would manifest in the medium of impedance. It will be argued that impedance is defined as being the opposition to change and as such doesn't qualify as being a medium. I can only say, impedance is the word used to describe the dominant characteristic of the medium where these changes take place, all changes, magnetic or dielectric are violently opposed!

    They comprehend that an inductor has capacity, that inductance is capacity. They knew the oneness of the magnetic, and so-called electrostatic storage mechanism. Do we not see the oneness in transformers? Were we not instructed by genius incarnate, in one of many mechanism by and through which we are enabled to transition from magnetic to dielectric? We were shown the brute force, sledge hammer to stone, stone age methods. Methods which were in my opinion, designed to drive the significance of the oneness home, the message that the two are one. Generation after generation failed to receive the message.

    In light of the aforementioned, it can be assumed that in knowing the relation, they, the wise from the past, commanded an understanding of how to turn the one into the other, or better stated, they knew how to establish conditions where this change would take place on its own at a frequency which is dictated by.....the books cover all of this.

    L and C.....if they are separated L discharges periodically into C, and vice versa. What happens when L is C and C L, what can we say about a circuit where there is no separation between the two? If a resonant tank produces a sine wave, that wave tells us when L is dominating and when C is receptive, and when C is dominate and L is receptive. When that is comprehended, we can begin to look at any mechanism which generates a sine wave and know that what we are observing is the inversion of the storage mechanism.

    My thoughts.......

    I just read this post of erfinder in another thread and find it interesting. I think it sheds some light on how he sees the L and C.


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  • OrthoParameter
    Originally posted by fredsavage View Post
    I don't think there would be a thread trying to "dissect" your comments if everyone understood.

    This thread IS about dissecting erfinders comments. It is not a thread about telling him what he should or should not do.

    John Bedini shared all his work including how he builds things. you can buy stuff from him, or you can read his work on the internet and buy a few DVD to understand.

    You can buy every 'secrets' and free energy book and dvd that exists and you will not be able to build what I have sitting on my bench. Nor would you have the one on one time with the inventor like I have with Steve

    you can build the school girl motor for free with a few parts scrounged up.

    What exactly would you understand other than how to build and run it? Would you understand what the inventor intended you learn? Where would you go from there?

    I think this is his forum, right?

    This thread was created by someone other than erfinder and is in the General Section.

    I know I cannot afford it right now.

    You would be surprised to find out what you would do to earn money if you really wanted it. Trust me; I know I surprised myself.

    I cannot afford your expensive kit, but I can cobble together some wire and a few components so I can actually learn something instead of

    Expense is a relative term. What is the expense of doing nothing? of following the wrong path? What would you be cobbling together that many others haven't already built? Would you then know what they know?

    I have asked erfinder to "unplug" from this unproductive discussion and concentrate on working toward our future endeavors. I hope he follows my advise. There are only three of us, and I had hoped for more; but we have to move forward either way.
    I applaud the OP giving erfinder this space and the latitude to speak freely.

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  • fredsavage

    I have now read all of your posts on this forum, it has taken me a long time and I still do not comprehend everything you are saying. if I had a small machine in front of me and the circuit you are using we could understand. even just the 2 or 3 coil arrangement you wrote to kiril about. over and over again you tell everyone they do not understand except for maybe kiril's work which has helped a bit. you say if I don't buy your kit I will never get it, and yet you tell us it is so easy to understand you have shared everything. I don't think there would be a thread trying to "dissect" your comments if everyone understood.

    John Bedini shared all his work including how he builds things. you can buy stuff from him, or you can read his work on the internet and buy a few DVD to understand. you can build the school girl motor for free with a few parts scrounged up. I think this is his forum, right?

    why do you not share the motor completely and then also offer to build it for those who can afford it? I know I cannot afford it right now. I watched your last video and you show the motor behind the scope as being the answer, the tool or the kit or whatever you want to call it.

    I cannot afford your expensive kit, but I can cobble together some wire and a few components so I can actually learn something instead of

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by guyzzemf View Post
    Now, where does the parasitic capacitance come from? an inductor is made out of a coil of insulated wire, so there are tiny capacitors between the windings (since there are two sections of wire separated by an insulator). Each section of windings is at a slightly different potential (because of wire inductance and resistance).
    If you desire to progress....stop limiting yourself to what everyone can read about. Capacitance isn't limited to wire coated in a dielectric material......please leave your comfort zone, the entire medium we find ourselves in is dielectric....your coil is in that medium....that changes things....


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