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Dissecting Erfinder’s comments

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  • #61
    Originally posted by bigmotherwhale View Post
    i have only just seen this, is a very interesting circuit he is using, i was thinking exactly along these lines but could the capacitor also be the coil of the motor instead of a separate one
    HI BMW
    Those are the lines along which I've been thinking ever since Erfinder alluded to it on another forum. I believe the point he was trying to make was that the bemf could be harnessed to assist the motor's turning, rather than a counter-rotational force to be overcome. This is something I'd love to investigate further. My sense is that this can be done in a motor without adding a second commutator at the other end of the rotor. It might simply depend on altering the direction of series coils on the armature in order that the cemf can be harvested. Just kind of thinking out loud. Perhaps you have a clearer idea. I suspect Erfinder may as well.


    • #62
      Im only guessing, but would this coil need to be wound 90 degrees in relation to the magnetic coil, like around the circumference? just like the copper ring around the outside of some JB's motors, or the gray conversion switching tube or the The Testatika Swiss M-L converter or the coil wound around the outside of the gray motor tube or half the windings in a window motor.
      if this particle/wave is out of phase by a certain phase angle is it possible to capture it directly using a certain geometric angle?


      • #63
        just found this again magnetic amplifiers are mentioned


        • #64
          To counter drag the only thing that has to be done is an offset, don't ask me to spell it out for you please, just think about it, and remember the information has been given to you by the authorities on this site and others, it doesn't get any simpler than that. The question to ask prior to making this stupid simple change in geometric relations is why does it get rid of drag? When you look at Faraday's law and Lenz law the answer is pretty clear isn't it. Both laws are basically about inducing a voltage. The latter has a magnetic field associated with the induced potential which opposes the magnetic field which induced it. In essence the only problem a symmetrical system has is the fact that we induce one polarity at a time, and always the same polarity as the inducing. In a symmetrical, or better stated, linear system this should be expected. It's a non-linear condition that we want to establish, non-linear in this particular instance isn't exactly asymmetrical but its close enough, and most certainly gets the job that we want done accomplished. You have been shown this topology time and time again but for reasons which I cannot understand, have chosen to ignore it, to each his own.

          The Kromrey, and G-field devices are excellent instruments for identifying key relations, however, we don't have what it takes to reinvent the wheel. Upon realizing this, my path was clear, I wanted to find the same effects demonstrated in those machines applied to a topology which could be placed inside an existing off the shelf machine. The Muller Dynamo delivered the solution. Quite literally the only machine ever demonstrated which is built around this offsetting principle, demonstrated for all! No secreting, no occulting with advanced concepts and sciences. All of these researchers were working on the same thing guys. Lenz's law is a mental block, a program as it were strategically placed to limit you, and indirectly the machine. The law has no validity if you induce two fields instead of one.....RING THE BELL TWICE DAMNIT!! Leedskalnin not Bedini. A magnet has two sides, right? The Kromrey and G-field use both sides at the same time Right...RIGHT?? Soo...common sense says that if you want the same or similar effects in a standard topology, you must USE BOTH SIDES.

          Anyway....we have work to do...don't we.....Kit.....



          • #65
            Nice post.
            Patrick A.
            Originally posted by erfinder View Post
            To counter drag the only thing that has to be done is an offset, don't ask me to spell it out for you please, just think about it, and remember the information has been given to you by the authorities on this site and others, it doesn't get any simpler than that. The question to ask prior to making this stupid simple change in geometric relations is why does it get rid of drag? When you look at Faraday's law and Lenz law the answer is pretty clear isn't it. Both laws are basically about inducing a voltage. The latter has a magnetic field associated with the induced potential which opposes the magnetic field which induced it. In essence the only problem a symmetrical system has is the fact that we induce one polarity at a time, and always the same polarity as the inducing. In a symmetrical, or better stated, linear system this should be expected. It's a non-linear condition that we want to establish, non-linear in this particular instance isn't exactly asymmetrical but its close enough, and most certainly gets the job that we want done accomplished. You have been shown this topology time and time again but for reasons which I cannot understand, have chosen to ignore it, to each his own.

            The Kromrey, and G-field devices are excellent instruments for identifying key relations, however, we don't have what it takes to reinvent the wheel. Upon realizing this, my path was clear, I wanted to find the same effects demonstrated in those machines applied to a topology which could be placed inside an existing off the shelf machine. The Muller Dynamo delivered the solution. Quite literally the only machine ever demonstrated which is built around this offsetting principle, demonstrated for all! No secreting, no occulting with advanced concepts and sciences. All of these researchers were working on the same thing guys. Lenz's law is a mental block, a program as it were strategically placed to limit you, and indirectly the machine. The law has no validity if you induce two fields instead of one.....RING THE BELL TWICE DAMNIT!! Leedskalnin not Bedini. A magnet has two sides, right? The Kromrey and G-field use both sides at the same time Right...RIGHT?? Soo...common sense says that if you want the same or similar effects in a standard topology, you must USE BOTH SIDES.

            Anyway....we have work to do...don't we.....Kit.....




            • #66
              Hi Erfinder,
              I very much enjoy reading the information you provide and thought provoking ideas in your posts.

              If I may offer the smallest tiniest of critiques... I think there is a nuance in some the words you choose when your comments are directed at people that may rub some the wrong way.
              Maybe it's just me, perhaps some may think I'm too sensitive??
              If when you make a post, go back re-read and take out any references to others - period. I think you will find that your posts will be enjoyed by all who read them.

              Also, notice how I replied to this post in another thread. Most all are looking through the "new posts" "activity stream" and will always find them. I am not trying to dictate or perscribe proper edicate. Perhaps if we all put our thinking caps on w/ some empathy we can do these things on our own.

              I look forward to reading more. I have not had much time this summer - Kids... I do however have your "want-to-be zero force" replication running on the fireplace mantel for over a month now using a reed to trigger the Bedini/Cole ckt that drives it.

              Kind Regards,

              Originally posted by erfinder View Post
              @ Kiril and OrthoParameter, you both are AWESOME! Love you guys!


              This isn't a debate, nothing being discussed on this and related threads are worthy of debating. This is an exchange of ideas. I expressed an opinion, one backed by experiment. I suggested that there are "exceptions". You all say build like you are told, but have yet to ask the question...what am I building?

              Not really sure how long you have been involved in all of this, I have been around for roughly 10 years. All of the questions I directed to the attention of the inventor were ignored. I figured I was being ignored because my questions would cause him to have to reveal something that was protected by patent....but then again, the SG is protected by patent..... he talks about most of what's going on there....I was confused, and frustrated, so I did what any real researcher would do in this situation. I took responsibility for my ignorance, and sought to answer my own questions.

              JB is awesome. He is an impulse giver in the truest sense of the term. I have received countless impressions from his efforts over the years, and am forever grateful for them. I feel that all of his devices and are one device, I look at all of his works, and all of those works which inspired him. You and the majority focus on the SG. Here the focus is to do as you are told, this "do what you are told approach" leaves no room for your own common sense and creativity. Many have been doing what they were told for years! What is the result of this dedication? They, like you, still have no idea what that circuit is really all about! I don't claim to know what it's about either, that's why I "left it alone..." I took from it those things which are significant and moved on! The lesson that I got from the SG is powerful, and I have demonstrated what that lesson was time and time again. I don't relate it to the SG because its "MY" work! I am not going to give credit to JB for "MY" effort, I credit him for "inspiring" me and that's where it ends.

              Before you question my respect and admiration for JB check yourself, you aren't honoring him by sticking to what you are told! You honor the man by trying to comprehend, and in comprehending, win an appreciation for the genius of the whole picture.

              This circuit was injected into mainstream, a young girl demonstrated the circuit in a science competition. The SG as you are seeing it is milk for young, it becomes meat for the mature when one desires to see it as such. Here one would be dealing with the core of the matter, one of the many major lessons that the circuit teaches. The core of the matter is a subject which isn't discussed...ever....period....

              GT3 = Watson machine = Bedini free energy generator.

              Beginner or vet, you are barking up the wrong tree. The "real no BS free energy machine" isn't the SG.

              Anyway....I can't confuse the confused.....think what you want about me....that doesn't take much effort....would be awesome if you projected some of that energy into thinking what you want about the circuit under discussion!



              • #67
                Originally posted by min2oly View Post
                Hi Erfinder,
                I very much enjoy reading the information you provide and thought provoking ideas in your posts.

                If I may offer the smallest tiniest of critiques... I think there is a nuance in some the words you choose when your comments are directed at people that may rub some the wrong way.
                Maybe it's just me, perhaps some may think I'm too sensitive??
                If when you make a post, go back re-read and take out any references to others - period. I think you will find that your posts will be enjoyed by all who read them.

                Also, notice how I replied to this post in another thread. Most all are looking through the "new posts" "activity stream" and will always find them. I am not trying to dictate or perscribe proper edicate. Perhaps if we all put our thinking caps on w/ some empathy we can do these things on our own.

                I look forward to reading more. I have not had much time this summer - Kids... I do however have your "want-to-be zero force" replication running on the fireplace mantel for over a month now using a reed to trigger the Bedini/Cole ckt that drives it.

                Kind Regards,

                Critique is always welcome, the question I ask is, is it justified. I am not into kissing rears, nor do I desire to have mine kissed. I call it like I see it and expect for others to do the same, I therefore appreciate your calling it like you see it. You guys tar and feather those who step outside of the sand box, your approach is more intellectual than the others, I think we could make beautiful music together, if you allowed it. Outside of the world you guys have built around yourselves is another world. The world you are looking for, I'm not telling you to come out and play with the few who have decided to step outside their comfort zone, that would be asking too much of you, I can only show you my tools, and how I research with them. You think this is comfortable for me, coming here stirring the nest! Please stay where you are, it takes no effort to do what your told, some of the most brilliant minds HERE! RIGHT HERE on this forum, reading this very post! Locked down! It's funny when you think about it, we come here to free ourselves, only to conform yet again, a peon in the real world, and a peon in this one?

                I am communicating with my equal. If you cannot see that, its unfortunate. If soldiers didn't follow orders wars would be automated...How far would you be in your research if you weren't trying to make sure that you are in line with the bottom line as presented. Have you given any real thought to what's being presented? What are they presenting anyway? I have seen your work....your modifications to the about coming up with your own circuit that does the same thing? The circuit we were given is brilliant, but it has a specific purpose, one which has not been communicated to us. I think you know that, and if not...damn....How about trying to acknowledge that genius which centers each and every one of you. I'm not asking you to adopt my theories. Not asking you to accept anything that I say as fact. These demands are already being made of you! I am asking you to "consider" the things I say. You all demand that one falls in line never realizing that there is no line to fall in with! Forget the messenger, and see the message for what its worth! Look past the ego, mine. I don't care what you or others think of me personally, you will come to respect my efforts, my results and then hopefully, me as my efforts. I'm not going to stop being who I am just to make those of you who take everything personally feel better about yourself and what you are doing, in many cases blindly.

                If you used the creativity that you just demonstrated with this cross your research, damn...but then again....keeping house is part of the doing what you are told mentality....I'm torn on this one....

       off that wannabe zeroforce, and when you do, please use your own circuit.



                • #68
                  This is to everyone, there are many posts on this forum including some of my own that I could go through and edit in the same manner.

                  Basic human instinct makes it difficult to look past the ego.
                  So I took a moment to edit/remove some stuff. IMHO The post now gets the same point across without raising too many hairs so to speak. I’m not saying it’s perfect and I’m not saying I haven’t gone too far or far enough. As I noted earlier, perhaps I’m too sensitive. It seems simple and kind enough to remove these. I don’t consider this tip-toe-ing around people, some basic empathy and kindness goes a long way. I’m not going to drag this out. I enjoy reading and watching the innovation that so many are able to provide over the years on all these forums, much of which gets lost for so many miniscule reasons.
                  Kind Regards,

                  PS I have some stuff I want to try beyond the "want-to-be" when I get the chance, I'll present that.

                  Critique is always welcome, the question I ask is, is it justified. *1 I call it like I see it and expect for others to do the same, I therefore appreciate your calling it like you see it. You guys tar and feather those who step outside of the sand box, your approach is more intellectual than the others, I think we could make beautiful music together *2. Outside of the world you guys have built around yourselves is another world. The world you are looking for, I'm not telling you to come out and play with the few who have decided to step outside their comfort zone, that would be asking too much *10, I can only show you my tools, and how I research with them. You think this is comfortable for me, coming here stirring the nest! *3 some of the most brilliant minds HERE! RIGHT HERE on this forum, reading this very post! Locked down! It's funny when you think about it, we come here to free ourselves, only to conform yet again*11.

                  I am communicating with my equal. *4 If soldiers didn't follow orders wars would be automated...How far would you be in your research if you weren't trying to make sure that you are in line with the bottom line as presented. Have you given any real thought to what's being presented? What are they presenting anyway? I have seen your work....your modifications to the about coming up with your own circuit that does the same thing? The circuit we were given is brilliant, but it has a specific purpose, one which has not been communicated to us. I think you know that, *5 How about trying to acknowledge that genius which centers each and every one of you. I'm not asking you to adopt my theories. Not asking you to accept anything that I say as fact. These demands are already being made of you! I am asking you to "consider" the things I say. You all demand that one falls in line never realizing that there is no line to fall in with! Forget the messenger, and see the message for what its worth! Look past the ego, mine. I don't care what you or others think of me personally, you *6 might come to respect my efforts, my results and then hopefully, me as my efforts. I'm not going to stop being who I am just to make those of you who take everything personally feel better about yourself and what you are doing*7.
         off that wannabe zeroforce, and when you do, *9 give your own circuit a try.


                  *1 I am not into kissing rears, nor do I desire to have mine kissed.
                  *2 , if you allowed it
                  *3 Please stay where you are, it takes no effort to do what your told,
                  *4 If you cannot see that, its unfortunate.
                  * 5 and if not...damn....
                  *6 replaced “will” with “might”
                  *7 , in many cases blindly.
                  *8 If you used the creativity that you just demonstrated with this cross your research, damn...but then again....keeping house is part of the doing what you are told mentality....I'm torn on this one....
                  *9 “please use” replaced w/ “give … a try”
                  *10 of you
                  *11 , a peon in the real world, and a peon in this one?

                  Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                  Critique is always welcome, the question I ask is, is it justified. I am not into kissing rears, nor do I desire to have mine kissed. I call it like I see it and expect for others to do the same, I therefore appreciate your calling it like you see it. You guys tar and feather those who step outside of the sand box, your approach is more intellectual than the others, I think we could make beautiful music together, if you allowed it. Outside of the world you guys have built around yourselves is another world. The world you are looking for, I'm not telling you to come out and play with the few who have decided to step outside their comfort zone, that would be asking too much of you, I can only show you my tools, and how I research with them. You think this is comfortable for me, coming here stirring the nest! Please stay where you are, it takes no effort to do what your told, some of the most brilliant minds HERE! RIGHT HERE on this forum, reading this very post! Locked down! It's funny when you think about it, we come here to free ourselves, only to conform yet again, a peon in the real world, and a peon in this one?

                  I am communicating with my equal. If you cannot see that, its unfortunate. If soldiers didn't follow orders wars would be automated...How far would you be in your research if you weren't trying to make sure that you are in line with the bottom line as presented. Have you given any real thought to what's being presented? What are they presenting anyway? I have seen your work....your modifications to the about coming up with your own circuit that does the same thing? The circuit we were given is brilliant, but it has a specific purpose, one which has not been communicated to us. I think you know that, and if not...damn....How about trying to acknowledge that genius which centers each and every one of you. I'm not asking you to adopt my theories. Not asking you to accept anything that I say as fact. These demands are already being made of you! I am asking you to "consider" the things I say. You all demand that one falls in line never realizing that there is no line to fall in with! Forget the messenger, and see the message for what its worth! Look past the ego, mine. I don't care what you or others think of me personally, you will come to respect my efforts, my results and then hopefully, me as my efforts. I'm not going to stop being who I am just to make those of you who take everything personally feel better about yourself and what you are doing, in many cases blindly.

                  If you used the creativity that you just demonstrated with this cross your research, damn...but then again....keeping house is part of the doing what you are told mentality....I'm torn on this one....

         off that wannabe zeroforce, and when you do, please use your own circuit.



                  • #69
                    Originally posted by min2oly View Post
                    This is to everyone, there are many posts on this forum including some of my own that I could go through and edit in the same manner.

                    Basic human instinct makes it difficult to look past the ego.
                    So I took a moment to edit/remove some stuff. IMHO The post now gets the same point across without raising too many hairs so to speak. I’m not saying it’s perfect and I’m not saying I haven’t gone too far or far enough. As I noted earlier, perhaps I’m too sensitive. It seems simple and kind enough to remove these. I don’t consider this tip-toe-ing around people, some basic empathy and kindness goes a long way. I’m not going to drag this out. I enjoy reading and watching the innovation that so many are able to provide over the years on all these forums, much of which gets lost for so many miniscule reasons.
                    Kind Regards,

                    PS I have some stuff I want to try beyond the "want-to-be" when I get the chance, I'll present that.

                    Critique is always welcome, the question I ask is, is it justified. *1 I call it like I see it and expect for others to do the same, I therefore appreciate your calling it like you see it. You guys tar and feather those who step outside of the sand box, your approach is more intellectual than the others, I think we could make beautiful music together *2. Outside of the world you guys have built around yourselves is another world. The world you are looking for, I'm not telling you to come out and play with the few who have decided to step outside their comfort zone, that would be asking too much *10, I can only show you my tools, and how I research with them. You think this is comfortable for me, coming here stirring the nest! *3 some of the most brilliant minds HERE! RIGHT HERE on this forum, reading this very post! Locked down! It's funny when you think about it, we come here to free ourselves, only to conform yet again*11.

                    I am communicating with my equal. *4 If soldiers didn't follow orders wars would be automated...How far would you be in your research if you weren't trying to make sure that you are in line with the bottom line as presented. Have you given any real thought to what's being presented? What are they presenting anyway? I have seen your work....your modifications to the about coming up with your own circuit that does the same thing? The circuit we were given is brilliant, but it has a specific purpose, one which has not been communicated to us. I think you know that, *5 How about trying to acknowledge that genius which centers each and every one of you. I'm not asking you to adopt my theories. Not asking you to accept anything that I say as fact. These demands are already being made of you! I am asking you to "consider" the things I say. You all demand that one falls in line never realizing that there is no line to fall in with! Forget the messenger, and see the message for what its worth! Look past the ego, mine. I don't care what you or others think of me personally, you *6 might come to respect my efforts, my results and then hopefully, me as my efforts. I'm not going to stop being who I am just to make those of you who take everything personally feel better about yourself and what you are doing*7.
           off that wannabe zeroforce, and when you do, *9 give your own circuit a try.


                    *1 I am not into kissing rears, nor do I desire to have mine kissed.
                    *2 , if you allowed it
                    *3 Please stay where you are, it takes no effort to do what your told,
                    *4 If you cannot see that, its unfortunate.
                    * 5 and if not...damn....
                    *6 replaced “will” with “might”
                    *7 , in many cases blindly.
                    *8 If you used the creativity that you just demonstrated with this cross your research, damn...but then again....keeping house is part of the doing what you are told mentality....I'm torn on this one....
                    *9 “please use” replaced w/ “give … a try”
                    *10 of you
                    *11 , a peon in the real world, and a peon in this one?

                    ......just hop skip and jump over whats being said, and demonstrated.......and just focus on the ego.......

                    LOL...on the bright are on topic....uh...then again...
                    Last edited by erfinder; 08-05-2014, 12:28 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by min2oly View Post
                      I enjoy reading and watching the innovation that so many are able to provide over the years on all these forums, much of which gets lost for so many miniscule reasons.
                      Kind Regards,

                      PS I have some stuff I want to try beyond the "want-to-be" when I get the chance, I'll present that.
                      Since we are now going to micromanage others behavior and choice of words I have taken the liberty to edit your post down to the ONLY things you should have said. ooops, let me change those words to "the only thing that I wish you had said." That's better and more PC right?

                      I never read where you checked in about ufopolitics ego, nor where you corrected him when he resorts to the lowest level of name calling.

                      Language is a difficult issue. Let's be grown-ups and look past these trivial egocentric issues. Shall we?

                      I was hoping that this forum was a bit different. I was hoping that here, We the Seekers of Knowledge and Understanding, would realize that the most important problem we face as we seek our common goal is to break through the problem of Scientific Dogma which has always plagued our field.

                      If you only cared enough to listen to the message without judgement of his approach which you deem to be unacceptable, you would find that Erfinder has broken through the "facts" that the PTB have embedded deep within the scientific dogma for the past 150 years. You don't have to take my word for it! All you have to do is listen to what he is saying.

                      I have watched everything he so generously made available to everyone. I have read his every word. I say to anyone who is interested in making progress, start here, the post below. You could actually ask questions. You might even get an answer, but what I have seen mostly is the request/demand that he make his intellectual property public knowledge. I have seen no such demands made of JB or anyone else. I find that to be childish and repugnant.

                      I now wish to pre-apologize to anyone who may be offended by my attempt to micromanage this entire thread. Thank you.

                      This thread is dedicated to Dissecting Erfinder's Comments. Please do yourself a favor and dissect the post below. It truly deserves the effort and attention of talented, open-minded people! Please be one of them!

                      Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                      There are exceptions to this as I am sure you are well aware, however, as this is specifically about the SG, and doing as one is instructed, the exceptions are irrelevant. The part about the device not being a generator I cannot accept, and no one who has worked with this machine and similar embodiments should blindly accept this "idea" that the device isn't a generator when the facts indicate that it is. The device has generator written all over it. Aren't you taking advantage of generator action to turn on the transistor.....isn't the induced in both the trigger and the power winding at the same level when when the transistor is activated? What's the harm in considering the device from the perspective of the induced? If the supply battery is removed, aren't we left with an experiment in coil shorting, switching at the peak of the induced wave? I am not asking questions, I have answered these questions for myself, and only bring them up as I don't feel we are justified in saying that Neos cant be used, or that this isnt a generator, when in fact, it is possible to use Neo magnets, and the device is fundamentally a generator, not a very good one, but a generator nonetheless. I do accept the arguments against the use of Neos in designs that are presented by the inventor, however, as you know, here too are exceptions. If the device isn't a generator, then we require a detailed description of what it is because according to common sense, its a device capitalizing on the generator aspects of the machine. As far as I am concerned, and this is my opinion, we are dealing with a DC biased, pulsed AC generator. Mag Amp sums it up. It doesn't make sense to me that things are suggested, but when it comes right down to it the subject is avoided. Real talk about real principles are outright avoided, and if they aren't avoided, we are instructed not to use our common sense.

                      No progress is going to be made till we of the peanut gallery decide that what we are being presented isn't enough. Radiant......this term has no meaning whatsoever till you realize its connection with that which we call reactive power.

                      All this stuff we are being given I see it differently. We are taught about cap dumps not because we need to dump a cap into the battery. Remember, we charged a cap with the collapsing field, after realizing that the discharge of the coil wasn't what the battery wanted....the gears were switched and a cap was charged instead of the battery, this cap was then discharged across the the battery. What if....the lesson with the cap dump is that we should get the coil to behave as if it were the cap, hitting the battery with a current pulse instead of the voltage pulse we are all familiar with? Again, not a question........see coils as caps, comprehend that the only thing stopping a coil from instantly processing current is the mechanism of self induction. If you can regulate self induction, you govern the speed at which current can change in your coil. Now....self induction has a relation to capacity, the two form a tank...doesn't take a degree in rocket science to know that if this circuit is tuned, preferably self tuning, RPM independent, or no fixed frequency, is resonant, and the Q is high, there can and more than likely will be a rather large circulating current just waiting for you to route out via the all too familiar method. When you control the impedance offered to the flow of current within a coil, you are controlling more than you are aware of.

                      What I have found we want is to establish those conditions found at the zero crossing, were the current applied to the circuit is not opposed by the induced. If you could establish those conditions found at the zero crossing all the time........I think you get the picture, and if not....try harder.

             can control the impedance of a coil when current is moving through it, that coil can behave like a cap, transitions in current happening more or less instantly. This can result in voltage spikes which will destroy the entire apparatus, lucky for us, if its done in the proper manner no spikes ever manifest! Not only this, but if they do manifest, the only negative is you loose the switch, spikes being so great and so fast that they punch the gate of the switch (Aviso, Magnacoaster).

                      When my hero said, that he found the relation between self induction and capacity, he had found something of profound significance. A relation that once mastered and implemented, enabled him to move current in his system as if the system had no self-induction. We have been looking only at the induced current, and not the current in the oscillator. The current in the oscillator is already moving with zero impedance between L and C, that mechanism is what I believe he spread to other parts of the circuit, eventually being able to extract energy out of the oscillator. Now after considering that, look at your battery again, and tell me that the battery is not being charged with current.....if you still don't see current, under the proper conditions, insane current charging that battery, heaven help you.

                      Out of the many things that "increasing the reactive cross section" could mean, this is hands down, the only one worth my attention. They aren't lying, they just aren't keeping it real....this is a good thing, it makes us good researchers.

                      Please forgive my abrupt interruption of the flow of the thread.....habit.....



                      • #71
                        Your comments are welcome, no interruption at all, and well put if I may add. I disagree some of it, however, I do respect your opinion. I respect it even more because there was nothing personal about it, which in the end is my only point.
                        Kind Regards

                        Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
                        Since we are now going to micromanage others behavior and choice of words I have taken the liberty to edit your post down to the ONLY things you should have said. ooops, let me change those words to "the only thing that I wish you had said." That's better and more PC right?

                        I never read where you checked in about ufopolitics ego, nor where you corrected him when he resorts to the lowest level of name calling.

                        Language is a difficult issue. Let's be grown-ups and look past these trivial egocentric issues. Shall we?

                        I was hoping that this forum was a bit different. I was hoping that here, We the Seekers of Knowledge and Understanding, would realize that the most important problem we face as we seek our common goal is to break through the problem of Scientific Dogma which has always plagued our field.

                        If you only cared enough to listen to the message without judgement of his approach which you deem to be unacceptable, you would find that Erfinder has broken through the "facts" that the PTB have embedded deep within the scientific dogma for the past 150 years. You don't have to take my word for it! All you have to do is listen to what he is saying.

                        I have watched everything he so generously made available to everyone. I have read his every word. I say to anyone who is interested in making progress, start here, the post below. You could actually ask questions. You might even get an answer, but what I have seen mostly is the request/demand that he make his intellectual property public knowledge. I have seen no such demands made of JB or anyone else. I find that to be childish and repugnant.

                        I now wish to pre-apologize to anyone who may be offended by my attempt to micromanage this entire thread. Thank you.

                        This thread is dedicated to Dissecting Erfinder's Comments. Please do yourself a favor and dissect the post below. It truly deserves the effort and attention of talented, open-minded people! Please be one of them!


                        • #72
                          Then moving forward, my request, nay.... my challenge remains for the seekers among us to understand the message. There have been many but this is my favorite and a good place to start. In this message there are clear, unambiguous clues to what he has already shown me. Seeking is the only method of Finding!

                          Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                          There are exceptions to this as I am sure you are well aware, however, as this is specifically about the SG, and doing as one is instructed, the exceptions are irrelevant. The part about the device not being a generator I cannot accept, and no one who has worked with this machine and similar embodiments should blindly accept this "idea" that the device isn't a generator when the facts indicate that it is. The device has generator written all over it. Aren't you taking advantage of generator action to turn on the transistor.....isn't the induced in both the trigger and the power winding at the same level when when the transistor is activated? What's the harm in considering the device from the perspective of the induced? If the supply battery is removed, aren't we left with an experiment in coil shorting, switching at the peak of the induced wave? I am not asking questions, I have answered these questions for myself, and only bring them up as I don't feel we are justified in saying that Neos cant be used, or that this isnt a generator, when in fact, it is possible to use Neo magnets, and the device is fundamentally a generator, not a very good one, but a generator nonetheless. I do accept the arguments against the use of Neos in designs that are presented by the inventor, however, as you know, here too are exceptions. If the device isn't a generator, then we require a detailed description of what it is because according to common sense, its a device capitalizing on the generator aspects of the machine. As far as I am concerned, and this is my opinion, we are dealing with a DC biased, pulsed AC generator. Mag Amp sums it up. It doesn't make sense to me that things are suggested, but when it comes right down to it the subject is avoided. Real talk about real principles are outright avoided, and if they aren't avoided, we are instructed not to use our common sense.

                          No progress is going to be made till we of the peanut gallery decide that what we are being presented isn't enough. Radiant......this term has no meaning whatsoever till you realize its connection with that which we call reactive power.

                          All this stuff we are being given I see it differently. We are taught about cap dumps not because we need to dump a cap into the battery. Remember, we charged a cap with the collapsing field, after realizing that the discharge of the coil wasn't what the battery wanted....the gears were switched and a cap was charged instead of the battery, this cap was then discharged across the the battery. What if....the lesson with the cap dump is that we should get the coil to behave as if it were the cap, hitting the battery with a current pulse instead of the voltage pulse we are all familiar with? Again, not a question........see coils as caps, comprehend that the only thing stopping a coil from instantly processing current is the mechanism of self induction. If you can regulate self induction, you govern the speed at which current can change in your coil. Now....self induction has a relation to capacity, the two form a tank...doesn't take a degree in rocket science to know that if this circuit is tuned, preferably self tuning, RPM independent, or no fixed frequency, is resonant, and the Q is high, there can and more than likely will be a rather large circulating current just waiting for you to route out via the all too familiar method. When you control the impedance offered to the flow of current within a coil, you are controlling more than you are aware of.

                          What I have found we want is to establish those conditions found at the zero crossing, were the current applied to the circuit is not opposed by the induced. If you could establish those conditions found at the zero crossing all the time........I think you get the picture, and if not....try harder.

                 can control the impedance of a coil when current is moving through it, that coil can behave like a cap, transitions in current happening more or less instantly. This can result in voltage spikes which will destroy the entire apparatus, lucky for us, if its done in the proper manner no spikes ever manifest! Not only this, but if they do manifest, the only negative is you loose the switch, spikes being so great and so fast that they punch the gate of the switch (Aviso, Magnacoaster).

                          When my hero said, that he found the relation between self induction and capacity, he had found something of profound significance. A relation that once mastered and implemented, enabled him to move current in his system as if the system had no self-induction. We have been looking only at the induced current, and not the current in the oscillator. The current in the oscillator is already moving with zero impedance between L and C, that mechanism is what I believe he spread to other parts of the circuit, eventually being able to extract energy out of the oscillator. Now after considering that, look at your battery again, and tell me that the battery is not being charged with current.....if you still don't see current, under the proper conditions, insane current charging that battery, heaven help you.

                          Out of the many things that "increasing the reactive cross section" could mean, this is hands down, the only one worth my attention. They aren't lying, they just aren't keeping it real....this is a good thing, it makes us good researchers.

                          Please forgive my abrupt interruption of the flow of the thread.....habit.....



                          • #73
                            As most are aware, there are two fundamental winding relationships presently practiced in the DC motor and a combination of these two results in a third.

                            • Shunt connection
                            • Series connection
                            • Compound connection

                            We are trained to see what we want to see, and not what's there. I try to see what is there. In my opinion, a motor is an electro-mechanical representation of an LC. One can begin to realize the reality of this when one makes a careful analysis of the motors relation to the supply when operating at top RPM, in a no load condition. Once we begin to see and accept this new view, hopefully, without question, we can begin to approach the motor topologies as follows:

                            • Shunt connection = Parallel LC
                            • Series connection = Series LC
                            • Compound connection = Series-Parallel LC

                            Now many of you are clever, and will make that fatal assumption that most make and ride a rocket of your own creation (figuratively speaking) to the moon just with this little tidbit. Fight that urge. If you fly off before anything has even been said, you will miss the significance of it all. There is more to the phenomena we identify with as resonance, more than we have ever considered before, well, more than I ever considered. A system of proper conception will behave as if it is all three of the above named. It should be clear that systems as we observe them today already exhibit the behavior of all three of these systems, save one, the series connection.

                            Its been suggested that I am sharing my thoughts with a wall, there is some truth to this, however, I will not give up on you. I liken you to an infinite impedance, and myself as the force which can overcome any impedance, we all know this force, I therefore know many of you will eventually come around. There is more going on than what you all are preoccupied with. Many demand plans and schematics, saying that they cannot proceed till these things are made available. I say, your job is to comprehend what I am sharing, through a combined effort. I supply you with the tools you need to see what I would like for you to see! All you have to do is observe. The only effort I require from you is that you exercise your mind in ways which you haven't been "motivated" to till now, leave the building to me.

                            stop violating forum rules and the requests of the forum owner.

                            Tom C
                            Last edited by Tom C; 08-11-2014, 12:10 PM. Reason: violation of forum rules and owner request


                            • #74
                              Erfinder, I was wondering if you could type out a few more lengthy paragraphs of non-sensical garbage? I really love staying up to date on your feelings.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Branch Gordon View Post
                                Erfinder, I was wondering if you could type out a few more lengthy paragraphs of non-sensical garbage? I really love staying up to date on your feelings.
                                If its nonsense, why even comment Gordon...this exchange....this one right here between you and I...this is nonsense. Show me your projects doing what I show you, show me anything other than that which I can find in a quick Google search.

