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Kromrey, Meg, Bedini, Leedskalnin machine what do you think?
forgot this one showing the circuit...those are 220 ohm resistors on the 3055.
if you notice in the pictures above, the picture where i am holding the reed to the tip of the rotor piece ....that is how i had it for the oscillation to happen. the magnet that is meant to switch the reed is on the upper right side out of sight behind the stator. i have four neo magnets at 90 degrees inside the cd's one of those that can barely bee seen between the cd's is the magnet that switched the reed for oscillation. the rotor was Not aligned to the stator as you can see but once the power would enter the stator its magnetism must reach out wether throught the pole piece or the air and switch the reed off making a magnetic oscillation. i found i could also very how bright i got the light by bringing it further away from the pole and closer to the magnet -requiring a bigger field to turn it off so the light would get brighter. but no matter what i did nothing got hot....even warm. after 10 seconds running the motor things were hot!
*EDIT* was not the diode....transistor blew i forgot to disconnect a wire before checking the threshold voltages once i disconnected it i realized the diode is fine it was the 3055 that went...that explains why it stopped.Last edited by Bradley Malone; 12-09-2014, 08:51 PM.
sorry to all for posting back to back posts....once my ADD kicks in my trains of thought start to overlapanyways i have an old audio amp that i have been taking parts from for different things. i have a few of these ( left and i have used them for things before but for this i am wondering if it is the thing to use for this. i noticed the zener that is built in to the "superfet" so what i am wondering is would that take some of the power that would be shunted out of a diode as a bedini machine is? what popped in my head was that if the diode has a lower threshold voltage than the zener it would turn on and allow the back emf to be harvested into the balb or a battery before the zener kicks on the protect the fet?
nevermind the transistor question it runs fine. one vid is the motor running normal the other is the oscillation effect.
Does anyone know if the the coils on a kromrey need to be litzed. I am building a set of coils to attatch to the shaft of my window motor. I can fit 200 feet of 26 awg wire into each coil spot and it reads 9 ohms. In the kromrey dvd bedini talks about using multiple strands in each coil. if I make each coil three strands that would be 66 feet per wire so 3 ohms. in parallel that would make 1 ohm per coil. I am just not real familiar with the exact effects of litzing and when to do it and when to not.
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View PostDoes anyone know if the the coils on a kromrey need to be litzed. I am building a set of coils to attatch to the shaft of my window motor. I can fit 200 feet of 26 awg wire into each coil spot and it reads 9 ohms. In the kromrey dvd bedini talks about using multiple strands in each coil. if I make each coil three strands that would be 66 feet per wire so 3 ohms. in parallel that would make 1 ohm per coil. I am just not real familiar with the exact effects of litzing and when to do it and when to not.
Basically at High-Frequency, the current flows over the conductor layer and not in its bulk (like in steady D.C Current)Litzing is done to over come the A.C Reactance over its D.C Resistance Value, Litz wire comprises of many strands of wire of fine gauge (like The Bifialr) Insulated against each other but shorted at the two ends(unlike Bifilar).
G-Field Generator however does not operate at High-Frequecy they operate at Power Frequency of 50 -60 Hz.(they can be designed if it so required to operate at High- Frequencies). Litz wire are ideal for Radio Frequency applications...
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
thank you guys for the information...if the litzing is only for high frequency why do the ssg's use litzed wire. I don't think they run at high frequency...16 magnet wheel going 400 rpm would be around 100 hz in the coil (I know the trigger has to be litzed to be a 1:1 with the drive). Or is the litzing in the sg to make it easier for the spike not the drive frequency?
Also I have been haveing trouble posting a new thread. I wrote up something about Walter Russells dynamo and every time I try to post the thread the page goes blank and just sits error message or anything like that. Been trying to post it for 2 weeks now anyone know what could be the problem?
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View Postthank you guys for the information...if the litzing is only for high frequency why do the ssg's use litzed wire. I don't think they run at high frequency...16 magnet wheel going 400 rpm would be around 100 hz in the coil (I know the trigger has to be litzed to be a 1:1 with the drive). Or is the litzing in the sg to make it easier for the spike not the drive frequency?
I've thought on exactly the same lines, yes the power coming from the coil is AC if I am not mistaken though the pulse rate is so slow that Litzing would make a seemingly infinitesimal difference. However I think you hit the nail on the head with, "Or is the litzing in the sg to make it easier for the spike"?. Don't know if I am right but here is how I view it. The coil has no idea when the last pulse was, or when the next will be, it is responding to the "instantaneous" change in voltage/magnetic field. That also gets a bit Zen/Bearden 4 logic if you think about it for awhile but the point being it responds to the slope of the change.
If you have an evenly spaced alternating AC field with increasing frequency the slope is becoming steeper with increasing frequency. With a pulse, again the coil has no idea the pulse rate, it responds to the rate of electric/magnetic change from that pulse. If the rate of change is fast, then for that pulse there will be skin wire effect, then a big pause while nothing happens between pulses. So Litz wire should reduce that skin wire effect from the single pulse, allowing a faster rate of change, thus/hence/wheretofor giving a sharper transient, larger radiant. That's at least how I view it, anyways I think Litzing makes go better.
Alright can't help myself I'll return to the issue of skin effect and "instantaneous" rate of change.
Do we accept that for a given power output in the same wire the resistance in the wire changes whether the input power is a direct current or a varying or alternating current?
That would I guess be textbook, the definition of skin effect. What is more the resistance changes for a set input dependent solely on the rate of change in Hz keeping the exact same wave form or duty cycle. So it can not (I think) be a matter of more or less resistance at different parts of the wave form. It brings up the conundrum how does the wire, or coil, derive two points in time to establish the slope of the rate of change so it knows what resistance it should have?? Got me.
It seems related to though not the same as Newton asking how do you determine the area under a sloped line. He took the position that there are an infinite number of points comprising the line to derive suitable math. I'm not much good with calculus but understand it is used all the time, no one bothers to note that he was talking not only about the infinite but I might say an infinity of infinites in everything we see. Perhaps that was why he was so reluctant to release calculus until Leibnez forced his hand, probably figured it would be used to try and guide ballistic missiles or some such with no one giving it a second thought. Anyways, though way off topic "instantaneous rate of change" is nothing more a Zen Koan, unless (to give another Koan) something exists in more than one time at once.
Finally, Bradley, if you can't post, you likely need to refresh the page, you get logged out automatically after awhile if are like me and BS err, write too long.Last edited by ZPDM; 04-26-2015, 12:47 PM.
ZPDM, Can't say I understood all of that but I get what you are saying. Since I was a kid looking at my mothers airforce manuals to understand electric...I have always used analogies to explain how electric works. water pipes or many other systems can be analogous to electric. You could theoretically build a calculator out of pvc pipe and valves is what I mean. As far as the skin effect deal I have always looked at it like this because of walter russell i do not believe in electrons but they do serve a purpose of explaining observations. for skin effect i look at it like this if you have a crowd that is miles long and say 100 people wide and you tell all the people on one side to go to the other...if you told them in a slow manner they would all go together like a low voltage signal. but if you told the people on the edges to move forward then tell them to move backwards quickly by the time the people on the inside of the crowd see the outside people moving and catch on those people have already stopped and gone back the other way. the more you switch the direction of the flow the more the middle would be left out. just like a line of people passing on the commands it takes time for the flow of one electron to effect the flow of others thus the faster the rate of change the less of the "conducting mass of people" would move in unison. Kinda crazy but it helps me picture it. and seeing as the spike is a very fast rate of change it doesn't matter if it is 5 hertz because it happens so fast it still "rides the skin"
The posting issue i have no idea about. I have reloaded the web page, restarted my computer, all kinds of stuff. I can post a post no problem but when I try to post the thread I have written up it just goes blank and sits there.
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View Postthank you guys for the information...if the litzing is only for high frequency why do the ssg's use litzed wire. I don't think they run at high frequency...16 magnet wheel going 400 rpm would be around 100 hz in the coil (I know the trigger has to be litzed to be a 1:1 with the drive). Or is the litzing in the sg to make it easier for the spike not the drive frequency?
Also I have been haveing trouble posting a new thread. I wrote up something about Walter Russells dynamo and every time I try to post the thread the page goes blank and just sits error message or anything like that. Been trying to post it for 2 weeks now anyone know what could be the problem?
As I stated earlier also, There is a bit difference between LITZ WIRE and BIFILAR set up. the Later has many variation in the way they are connected (end-to-end)while the former is of only one type. and Yes the SSG is indeed High-Frequency, there are two 'alterations at play...One Sinosidal the other one is the one that you mentioned (100Hz...)the other, the Switchrting of the transistor, the Radiant spike is utilized where both these meet (Node), this Spike will easily reach few tens of Kilohertz, a fast Oscilloscope should help you see this...
Faraday88.Last edited by Faraday88; 04-27-2015, 03:12 AM.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Your crazy analogy makes a lot more sense then my nonsense. Couldn't wrap my head around how the wire could "know" what the frequency was, but yes if you realize that the wire is not a single thing but has an interior acting with a delay from the exterior that would explain it, thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll still say though, just to try and save a little face, that the term "instantaneous rate of change" (i.e. a derivative in calculus) is an oxymoron.
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View PostDoes anybody know of a page or other forum where somebody took a working kromrey and hooked it to different loads? I would like to someone that has one take two coils maybe try bifilar and stuff to, but I am interested to see what exactly causes the speed up (load wise). Is it high impedance-resistance-capacitance a combination? I have studied it for a while but have never seen anywhere that someone tests it with more than one type of load.
This is very good thinking! just another tip for you to take it up... Have you questioned wheather the G-Field would power an Inductive Load ..say another Motor may be.. next is the Interesting part... what about a Capacitor... Remember JB saying his Old pages ' It charged Capacitor very well some time to 10 times to the Battery Voltages and When you dump this into the Battery (same Battery Powering it) it would Explode the Battery if they were bad'.
Normally Charged High Voltage Capacitors would not explode Batteries unless you had very High Energy levels (typically 25Uf 5-8Kv)
Here it is a pretty lowe level of the Voltage ( Just 120V) and the corresponding Capacitance say 330UF not much to cause any serious damage, But What is different is that the G-field Charges a Capacitor with Negative Electricity or Cold -Electricity and this explodes quite voilentely compared to Positive Electricity or Hot Electricity. I wished JB showed us this in his Kromery Convertor dvd Where he would Charge a relativily high cap Capacitor with the Kromery Convertor and show its Discharge Charateristic either it self or accross a Battery Terminal...He does show us this , but using SSG in the in the EFTV first dvd.
A combination of the two would show you a Mind boggling revelation of Radiant Electricity, so what is 'different' between G-Field and the SSG.
both Coupled would throw light on how they are interrelated..
G-Field has a Battery Indirectly connected same as SSG has a Magnetic Circuit Indirectly 'connected' to it. Give the other what the first lacks..and you have a
Faraday88.Last edited by Faraday88; 05-29-2015, 03:54 AM.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Thanks Faraday, I view the kromrey and ssg as two different types of machines that cause a different form of the same output, like a pulse motor versus an ac motor. The ssg to me is something like JB, calls it a trigger I believe. It uses the built up magnetism in the iron plus a pulsed magnetism in the coil to create a large diferential which is where radiant comes in, But It is only "triggered" in spikes. In the kromrey, I believe, because of the centrifugal action on the coils and the way the coils are wound and basically everything about the thing makes it a radiant generator instead of a radiant spike generator. I still obviously don't completely understand how this is accomplished or I would have built one already. I saw a video of peter lindamann (may be wrong about that) and he said somethign about light that clicked for me as the way radiant energy works. If you shine a laser you do not see the light untill it has something to reflect off of. if you see the beam it is simply because it is reflecting off of dust in the air. I think radiant is like that. thats why a bigger battery bank on the charge shows more energy...more reflective surface. in the ssg it seems to do nothing in a coil unless you put the radiant to a cap then pulse a coil. as for a kromrey...know idea. I am building a model kromrey to test the ideas i have at the moment. with no machinery but hand tools at my disposal its not easy to build this kind of stuff accurately. So I am taking my time...I have the coils wound on the iron rods just have to get them mounted to some kind of shaft so I can mount it to my window motor.
also been thinking of the kromrey patent. It shows the use of coils as the stator magnets instead of permanent magnets. if a kromrey setup were to use coils that were pulsed in an attraction motor configuration acting on the rotor coil cores....that would still add the magnetism to the rotor as if it were a permanent magnet but you could wait untill tdc and then use the energy in the rotor to cause a buck in the stator coil like a bedini then just let the rotor continue on because the magnetism would collapse just as in an sg. sorry if it is confusing i have a hard time getting it from my brain on to paper