I know this is not really the correct place for this question, but its the only place I go online that could answer it. I want to make a small desktop "perpetual motion" motor. By that I mean something run on just enough power to keep it spinning on my desk from a AA or something maybe a small solar panel. i made a small set up with a cup that holds the bottum tip of a flywheel shaft and a magnet above the shaft just out of reach so the magnet acts like a no contact bearing. i put oil in the cup and got the magnet to where it almost pulls the rotor up to it but doesn't. So the friction is very very small with a push from one finger it will spin for minutes. The problem with all the circuits I have seen is they run all the time. I am looking for something that would let it spin freely for a minute then maybe ten seconds that the circuit is on and pulsing to bring the speed back up. I know I could use a 555 to do this but that would take energy to run that...so instead of trying to re-invent the wheel I am just wondering if anyone knows of a simple circuit like this that already exist.
No announcement yet.
Kromrey, Meg, Bedini, Leedskalnin machine what do you think?
I need help with my MEG
I have been trying to replicate Tom Beardon's MEG. I've purchased the Metglas core, wound the input coils with 18 AWG, also the output coils have 18 AWG, as close to his patent as possible. The switching circuit is giving me problems... I'm using J.L. Naudin's schematic. I also purchased the online vid package to help with things that I wasn't sure about. Needless to say, the vid was useless, not all parts were put in the plans including part tolerances. Anyway, The first build, running off a 12 v car battery charged at 11.5 v I was able to produce 60 VAC! I was happy, but it soon burned out. Since then the transistors keep burning out. I saw an article on J.L.Naudin's MEG page about using transistors rated at 200 v. Would anyone know if that will work? I also have questions on the schematic he uses, his homepage is in french and I cannot translate or find a way to do it ( sorry, I'm not very computer literate). The first problem is on the caps 1&2, are the connected inline with the circuit ? (pos to neg) and one leg to ground, or one leg on the pos and the other straight to ground? Another question is, The two wires that start the input coils. The only way I can see to hook them up is to tie them together so they are connected to pos and the mosfet brings it to ground, alternating coils. Also, there are resistors on the input coils with small values ? It doesn't say if it's ohm's or Kohm's. The only resistors that have any sort of wattage are the 100kohm 3watt on the output coils. I am using 1/4 watt for the others. I'm getting a little discouraged, but, I will keep on trying till I get it right, for myself and to stick it in the faces of my "so called" friends. I've had a great interest in the free energy science for a few years now, It's been harder to concentrate since I had two ministrokes. Seems like easy stuff just frustrates me into confusion. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
Well I can't really help at all with that...sorry I have not built a MEG the furthest i have gone is reading the papers on it and understanding what they were going for.
On a different note I finally got a motor/gen setup to test some of the theories in the big machine that i plan to build someday. Funny thing is that I changed a few things around and realized i found (at least i think) a way to make a bipolar version of the bedini back/emf motor (second picture in the second post of this thread). What I did was took some laminates from a transformer and cut them to make two big E's at each end there will be magnets conecting the E's together while leaving a space in the middle for a rotating magnet. On paper...it becomes a bipolar version of the bedini gen. because the magnets would be placed to make a connected magnetic path ..one side north on top other south on top. so for example if the left side magnets have north on top then when the magnet in the middle (rotor) has south on top north on bottom the magnetic path in the left side would be exactly like the bedini motor with a power coil on each connecting member and a bifilar pickup coil over those. so once you pulse that coil the same way the bedini version does...the center magnet would then be aligned with north on top and south on bottom...so it would go to the right side because that outer magnet would be south on top. so if i wind each side the way JB did his then theoretically I would have a bipolar version. the only pictures i have so far are the cores with the power windings on and they are fuzzy sorry.
Hi Bardly,
What do you mean by a 'Rotating Magnet'...,in the centre the Magnet would 'Spin' in the way you have arranged your set up..wonder how would that make the set up work as a motor/ generator.since the shatft would interfere with the 'Rotating Magnet'...sorry 'Spining' at the centre. nice work any ways..keep going best of luck!
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
this is what I am doing. The "spinning" magnet will be the round one in the middle...since it is diametrically magnetized...when i eventually cut the center prongs on the cores to allow that magnet to fit between them, as it rotates it will align with the magnets in the cores alternately. Just as JB's back -emf patent he uses a stationary north on top south on bottom magnet with iron bars /coils that when a south on top north on bottom magnet aligns with the bars he then pulses one of the coils driving the rotor magnet away while generating in the other bifilar coils. in mine as soon as the coils are pulsed to send the magnet away instead of going away it would reverse around its axis so that it aligns with the opposite side of the devices magnet. Hope I explained that enough for you to see where i am trying to go. instead of a disc of magnets i am using one...instead of one stationary magnet to align with one alignment polarity I am using two stationary magnets that are opposite each other so that instead of it only aligning with one polarity n/s or s/n (in a disc) each one aligns with one of the posibilities of the center magnet so whether it is n/s or s/n it is aligned with a permanent magnet the same way as in the JB's patent mine just has another turned upside down and slaped on the other side.
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]4673[/ATTACH] I made an edit to the bedini diagrams to show what i am doing. hope this helps.
First of all thanks for your efforts in explaning the purpose of the set up.Secondly, I understand that Patent as a Motor Generator Back emf Electrostatic all in one..
this means it behaves as a Motor in one phase and as a Generator in the other phase to complete one cycle, in fact it is an amalgam if i may call it that way of the G-field and the SG as one embodiment! the main purpose of the Stationary Magnet is for the sake of Flux gating or to buck and immidiately boost to push away the dynamic Magent at the other end. I do not intend to discourage While you tinker with the set up that you have built, however placing the magnet at the centre make need a little modification in the way that magnet is polarized relative to the direction of motion.. meaning the face of the magnet and how it is in relation to the motion, put it different, while the face of the side magnets are at right angles to the motion i guess the centre magnets should be Parallel to the direction of the motion.this is so because the magnet polarization takes a 'twist' 'spiral' call it all that you may imagine..(which is another way of placing the magnet) all its way from the Pheripery to the Centre. go ahead and let us know what you find out.. I appriciate your hard work and tinkering..
Faraday88.Last edited by Faraday88; 07-06-2015, 10:02 PM.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
not quite sure what you mean. the magnet is daimetrically magnetized so one rounded half is north and the other is south...not the flat end faces. so as in the picture, as is sits, one pole in the center of the core points to north and the other points to south on the magnet in the middle. so when i rotate it around its center ther would be an alternating polarity on the center prongs. you say that the magnet in the normal patent is meant to buck the rotor away but they would be attracted throught the bars to each other...so the motor action comes from the magnets aligning...as soon as they do the coil is pulsed in the opposite polarity causing a buck the boost (slam the flux backwards) in the cores causing the rotor to keep going while "generating" in the secondary coil when the buck happens collecting the radiant....in mine one side would do nothing if it is not the side with the aligned outer magnets (some posibilities in my head but i'll look into it later) ...also i am having a hard time understanding where the magnetism would take a twist?
are you refering to the fact that there will always be an oposite polarity magnet because of the two outer stationary magnets that will always have an attraction...but in the bedini it is a clean make break of the flux. I had considered that but i am thinking that using small magnets as the stationary magnets and a more powerful one at the center there would still be a change in flux flow (if saturation of the cores isn't reached) when the larger magnet in the middle aligns..so with the right balance you theoretically could pulse the coil on the right side at the right time and rotate the center magnet (because the polarity of the coil can't push away the permanent magnet on the other side but it could spin the magnet in the middle. when id does...just like the bedini there is the potential difference...the flow of the power coil creating one polarity to drive the rotor magnet polarity away and the reversal in polarity of the core as the magnet goes away...so that would be harvested in the bifilar coils on the side that is pulsed. Only thing holding me back from finishing this thing is getting out to a field to untangle the wire. then I'll see what happens.
>"I know I could use a 555 to do this but that would take energy to run that...so instead of trying to re-invent the wheel I am just wondering if anyone knows of a simple circuit like this that already exist."<
Hi Bradley --
You can still use a 555 part but just a special new battery operated version of the 555 which is pin for pin compatible with the
555 timer. The exact part number is CSS555C-ID (8 pin Dip Version). This part can run on 1.2 volts and only draws 5uA while running.
See data sheet description below.
GENERAL PART DESCRIPTIONThe CSS555C is a micropower version of the popular 555 timer IC. It features an operating currentunder 5µA and a minimum supply voltage of 1.2V, making it ideal for battery-operated applications. Asix-decade programmable counter is included to allow generation of long timing delays. Configurationdata for the counter is held in EEPROM to maintain the standard pin count of eight. The analog circuitsare temperature compensated to provide excellent stability over a wide ambient temperature range. Asimple four-wire interface provides Read/Write access to the EEPROM. The CSS555C device includesan internal precision timing capacitor (CTI). Its value is trimmed to 100pF ±1%.
Hope this helps with you project,
-- James
Originally posted by Bradley Malone View Postare you refering to the fact that there will always be an oposite polarity magnet because of the two outer stationary magnets that will always have an attraction...but in the bedini it is a clean make break of the flux. I had considered that but i am thinking that using small magnets as the stationary magnets and a more powerful one at the center there would still be a change in flux flow (if saturation of the cores isn't reached) when the larger magnet in the middle aligns..so with the right balance you theoretically could pulse the coil on the right side at the right time and rotate the center magnet (because the polarity of the coil can't push away the permanent magnet on the other side but it could spin the magnet in the middle. when id does...just like the bedini there is the potential difference...the flow of the power coil creating one polarity to drive the rotor magnet polarity away and the reversal in polarity of the core as the magnet goes away...so that would be harvested in the bifilar coils on the side that is pulsed. Only thing holding me back from finishing this thing is getting out to a field to untangle the wire. then I'll see what happens.
You are correct and that is exactly what i intended to say.. it is in fact parallel to the direction of motion. and that makes sense now for the magent to be in that orientation when it is in the 'Center of the effective motion'.. What i meant by saying 'Twist' is very much there as the answer to your own tinkering.... any guesses? ok... How would you place the magnet if you were to place it in the midway between (Centre where you have placed it now) and the Bedini's location (where it is at 90 degree to the motion),
all the more puzzeling would be to tinker why would you ever place it there? i guess i have the answer.. call it a 'Magnetic Ball bearingbut to do it that way would also need a a pick up coil there or a Magnetic pole piece to interact with the rest of the Magnetics( Circuit)...!!!!
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
OK..I am hesitating to put the other coil on because i am affraid i do not have enough there as a drive coil. Each drive coil is 150 turns of some large wire 18...maybe 16 gauge. It was the primary wire on a large transformer so I do not know the exact gauge. Anyways two of the coils will be used in series on one side and the other two in series on the other...so it gives me 300 turns divided into two coils on each side for a drive coil. when i measure it it comes out to .4 ohms in series of course is .8 ohms...if i used 12 volts i would be pumping 15 amps! to drive this thing...but i plan on it being pulsed with a very small pulse at just the right moment so it wouldn't be continuous 15 amps but still thats allot. I was thinking maybe if i just ran it from 5 volts that would be around 6 amps but I am not sure if 5 volts would be enough to make it run. Its the current flow not voltage that makes the flux flow so ..I don't know! I don't have any money to get more wire and i think i took all my transformers apart already so i guess i am stuck for a minute.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5piAUDSyZU Made this video to help people build bedini cole circuits...not the right forum but i didn't want to make a new post just for a video.
Also I found a source of wire (old ceiling fan) and I painstakingly rid it of its wire which looks to be about 18-22 gauge or close to it. But i have enough for the coils and even extra to add a winding to my window motor...love scrap stuff
Well I got all the coils wound 375 turns each (1 ohm) ...then decided to check for shorts. Every coil is shorted to the core...So...I get to do it all again!!! YAY! I think life just taught me a lesson on insulating sharp metal cores from conductive wire. I did wrap them in electrical tape where the coils would be but apparently not enough!