Just had a quick thought and realized i have never seen AYTHING about it before. Crystal batteries and lead alum batterys and what not have been shown to output power over great deals of time. This leads most to believe they are some sort of perpetual power equilibrium device. the thought i had is...Has anyone ever tried to put normal power through the crystal battery to see how it changes what comes out. seeing as it is a battery of sorts in series with a power supply it would add voltage of course but what i am wondering is if this is acting something like a negative resistor that i had watched a video on before. In this video they show that puting carbon some way accross another carbon strip caused a larger flow of current then they put in the other. if the battery is already doing this to the environment causing the small energy we see out...could we maybe put 10v at 500ma into a crystal battery and get out 10v at 1 amp or something.
If anyone has seen any test done like this please point me in the right direction. would also be interesting to try this with a radiant discharge....insted of charging a cap with you ssg plug it into a crystal battery...see what happens!?!?
If anyone has seen any test done like this please point me in the right direction. would also be interesting to try this with a radiant discharge....insted of charging a cap with you ssg plug it into a crystal battery...see what happens!?!?