In a film from Peter Lindemann's "Classic Energy Videos" John Bedini did a demonstration of the g-field generator and some of its characteristics. He connected the output of the g-field generator to a small DC motor. Then he tried to stop the spinning rotor manually with his hands. He was unable to stop it. The small motor had unusually high torque.
In EFTV #10, John shows cold air being blown from the rotor of the kromrey converter. And a large battery hooked to the machine charges and becomes "very cold" on film.
Does the G-field produce an anomalous amount of torque in a DC motor? It appears this way from the old video. The phenomenon reminds me of Peter's "Electric Motor Secrets part 2" where Peter analyzes the Lockridge information. He shows some torque charts of standard DC motors, and shows that operating them under pulsed high-voltage (20x above motor rating) they can perform with reduced back-emf and high torque with high speed.
John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, or anyone else who has seen this type of machine can you comment any further on the characteristics of the g-field machine and the type of energy it produces? The kromrey is so interesting to me because of the cooling effect on both the battery and the surroundings of the rotor.
I just watched Peter's presentation on "Perpetual Motion Reality" (fantastic film!). It becomes clear that the ambient heat is a well established source of energy. Could the Kromrey converter also be using the ambient heat as a source of electric energy? Is the cooling effect a side-effect of the "gas compression" of the aether itself? Similar to the heating / cooling encountered with a normal gas pressure change?
In EFTV #10, John shows cold air being blown from the rotor of the kromrey converter. And a large battery hooked to the machine charges and becomes "very cold" on film.
Does the G-field produce an anomalous amount of torque in a DC motor? It appears this way from the old video. The phenomenon reminds me of Peter's "Electric Motor Secrets part 2" where Peter analyzes the Lockridge information. He shows some torque charts of standard DC motors, and shows that operating them under pulsed high-voltage (20x above motor rating) they can perform with reduced back-emf and high torque with high speed.
John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, or anyone else who has seen this type of machine can you comment any further on the characteristics of the g-field machine and the type of energy it produces? The kromrey is so interesting to me because of the cooling effect on both the battery and the surroundings of the rotor.
I just watched Peter's presentation on "Perpetual Motion Reality" (fantastic film!). It becomes clear that the ambient heat is a well established source of energy. Could the Kromrey converter also be using the ambient heat as a source of electric energy? Is the cooling effect a side-effect of the "gas compression" of the aether itself? Similar to the heating / cooling encountered with a normal gas pressure change?