When I was in my twenties ( 1960's ) I was shown a devise which was used for determining the distance from a test point to a distant point which was increasing in distance toward an ultimate destination . The observer test point had a + 50volt power supply , an on /off toggle switch / a large volt meter of the day / a copper oxide rectifier and a small capacitor ( couple of microfarad ) , these items were connected in series to a a two wire cable which was shorted at the distant point , this providing a loop back to the observer test point . This looping , lets say was about every 10Km or so , out to about 50Km were a short was placed . When the toggle switch was closed the current flowed a total100Km back to the negative of the battery . The rectifier in series with the meter and the capacitor across the meter . When the toggle switch was flicked open the magnetic field rapidly colapsed and a large voltage reading appeared on the meter dial , when the distance was less the voltage was lower. The observer had the meter callibrated so the distance corresponded to the amount of voltage kick back . GREATER the length of wire the bigger the energy retrieval and the less the length of wire the less energy . So long length of wire and lots of amps , AMPERE TURNS , that means thicker wire . A balance .
Jacqui .
Jacqui .