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Big-Bang falacies and the Occult Aetheric Physics reality.

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  • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
    You have a double standard and contradict yourself.

    1. You claim aether occupies 3D space.
    2. You claim aether has mass.
    3. You therefore admit that the aether is physical substance because it both has mass and occupies space and is therefore by definition = matter.

    Being that it occupies 3D space according to you, it is displacing space and would therefore displace other aether and the aether would rebound back to where it was displaced from, which IS gravity.

    Yet, the aether is mysteriously somehow immune to displacing other aether even though you simultaneously claim aether occupies 3d space with its mass.
    It's magic!

    The natural principles of nature only happen to apply when it benefits your argument, yet the principles of nature conveniently don't apply when it defeats your argument.

    It is obvious you actually have no idea what you believe and are very confused by all the double standards and contradictions in your claims.
    'NASA's Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge'
    NASA - NASA's Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge

    "Voyager is showing that what is outside is pushing back. ... Like cars piling up at a clogged freeway off-ramp, the increased intensity of the magnetic field shows that inward pressure from interstellar space is compacting it."

    It is not the particles of matter which exist in quantities less than in any vacuum artifically created on Earth which are pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the solar system.

    It is the aether, the particles of matter exist in, which is the interstellar medium. It is the aether which is displaced by the matter the solar system consists of which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the solar system.


    • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
      It is the aether which is displaced by the matter the solar system consists of which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the solar system.
      You're preaching to the choir. I've been explaining that for years and have explained that exactly multiple times in this thread. NASA is not discovering anything new and you're not telling me anything I didn't already know. Mass displaces aether and the rebounding aether pushes back on the mass. That is what gravity is. That is what holds a solar system together, galaxy, etc... doesn't matter, the principle is universal. I've never said anything to the contrary.

      Where we differ is that I have already showed the elementary child's math that demonstrates that the potential energy comes externally from the person that lifted the object. You somehow believe without demonstrating any logic or math to back it up that the aether pushes an object to the ground with force, yet it contributes no potential energy. How can there be a force without potential energy doing work as real work energy? It can't.

      Being that the displacement effect it is a universal principle, it applies to ANYTHING with mass.

      You said aether not only has mass, but occupies 3D space. To occupy space is to have a certain volume of displacement. That means according to your claim that aether has both mass and can occupy 3d space, it displaces space, which will thereby displace the surrounding aether in its environment and every other bit of aether will do the same.

      Yet, although your aether occupies 3D space, it is somehow immune to displacing anything even though it has volume.

      Can you explain that one? How can the aether occupy 3D space yet it does not displace anything?

      Whoah oh oh it's Magic

      Aaron Murakami

      You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


      • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
        You're preaching to the choir. I've been explaining that for years and have explained that exactly multiple times in this thread. NASA is not discovering anything new and you're not telling me anything I didn't already know. Mass displaces aether and the rebounding aether pushes back on the mass. That is what gravity is. That is what holds a solar system together, galaxy, etc... doesn't matter, the principle is universal. I've never said anything to the contrary.

        Where we differ is that I have already showed the elementary child's math that demonstrates that the potential energy comes externally from the person that lifted the object. You somehow believe without demonstrating any logic or math to back it up that the aether pushes an object to the ground with force, yet it contributes no potential energy. How can there be a force without potential energy doing work as real work energy? It can't.

        Being that the displacement effect it is a universal principle, it applies to ANYTHING with mass.

        You said aether not only has mass, but occupies 3D space. To occupy space is to have a certain volume of displacement. That means according to your claim that aether has both mass and can occupy 3d space, it displaces space, which will thereby displace the surrounding aether in its environment and every other bit of aether will do the same.

        Yet, although your aether occupies 3D space, it is somehow immune to displacing anything even though it has volume.

        Can you explain that one? How can the aether occupy 3D space yet it does not displace anything?

        Whoah oh oh it's Magic

        Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Displaced aether pushes back and exerts inward pressure toward matter.

        Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.


        • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
          Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Displaced aether pushes back and exerts inward pressure toward matter.

          Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.
          Here is the definition of MATTER: Matter is generally considered to be anything that has mass and volume. The volume is determined by the space in three dimensions that it occupies. The mass is determined by its rest mass (or invariant mass), which is measured by the acceleration a body has when a force is applied.

          You are therefore defining the Aether as MATTER. Your definition is physically identical to matter. You are claiming that a "piece" of Aether, aetheric charge or whatever you want to call it occupies 3D space, meaning you have not just implied that your aether is physically indistinguishable from matter, but are very explicit about in including admitting that you believe that Aether has volume as indicated that you believe a unit of aether "occupies three dimensional space."

          Since you define aether as occupying 3D space with mass, therefore, your aether is displacing the rest of that aether by the volume of one "unit" of Aether.

          How can a volume of physical matter displace the aether, yet when it is the aether that you claim has volume and therefore displaces that much space, that it isn't displacing aether?

          Please don't repeat yourself like usual which answers nothing - just answer the question to clarify why your claim seems to be intrinsically irrational.

          Aether has volume and mass according to you, but it is somehow immune to the universal principle of displacing space. Why?
          Aaron Murakami

          You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


          • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
            Here is the definition of MATTER: Matter is generally considered to be anything that has mass and volume. The volume is determined by the space in three dimensions that it occupies. The mass is determined by its rest mass (or invariant mass), which is measured by the acceleration a body has when a force is applied.

            You are therefore defining the Aether as MATTER. Your definition is physically identical to matter. You are claiming that a "piece" of Aether, aetheric charge or whatever you want to call it occupies 3D space, meaning you have not just implied that your aether is physically indistinguishable from matter, but are very explicit about in including admitting that you believe that Aether has volume as indicated that you believe a unit of aether "occupies three dimensional space."

            Since you define aether as occupying 3D space with mass, therefore, your aether is displacing the rest of that aether by the volume of one "unit" of Aether.

            How can a volume of physical matter displace the aether, yet when it is the aether that you claim has volume and therefore displaces that much space, that it isn't displacing aether?

            Please don't repeat yourself like usual which answers nothing - just answer the question to clarify why your claim seems to be intrinsically irrational.

            Aether has volume and mass according to you, but it is somehow immune to the universal principle of displacing space. Why?
            Aether and matter have mass.

            Matter is condensations of aether.


            • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
              Aether and matter have mass.

              Matter is condensations of aether.
              Ok, you are afraid to answer because your claim has nothing but holes in it.

              You keep repeating yourself, but you give no logic, rhyme or reason as to why. You're simply repeating your "talking points" as if that accomplishes anything.

              The question is: Aether has volume and mass according to you, but it is somehow immune to the universal principle of displacing space. Why?
              Aaron Murakami

              You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


              • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
                Ok, you are afraid to answer because your claim has nothing but holes in it.

                You keep repeating yourself, but you give no logic, rhyme or reason as to why. You're simply repeating your "talking points" as if that accomplishes anything.

                The question is: Aether has volume and mass according to you, but it is somehow immune to the universal principle of displacing space. Why?
                Aether and matter have mass.

                Aether exists where matter does not.

                As far as we know there is no space, nor any part of three dimensional space, devoid of mass.

                Aether is displaced by matter. Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.


                • Hi Aaron/ GA,

                  My opinion : Mattter is composed of an asymmetrical form of Aether, which is not Space-like, but is Time Like.

                  'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'


                  • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                    As far as we know there is no space, nor any part of three dimensional space, devoid of mass.
                    Yes we do know and I provided you with 3 resources that demonstrate this: Tom Bearden, Nature Magazine and Science News.

                    Space is pure MASSLESS charge. Not filled with charge - space IS massless charge.

                    Again, the question is: You claim aether has mass and volume, then why does it not displace anything with its volume?
                    Aaron Murakami

                    You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                    • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
                      Yes we do know and I provided you with 3 resources that demonstrate this: Tom Bearden, Nature Magazine and Science News.

                      Space is pure MASSLESS charge. Not filled with charge - space IS massless charge.

                      Again, the question is: You claim aether has mass and volume, then why does it not displace anything with its volume?
                      The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid.

                      An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether. The aether returns the energy to the object as the aether fills-in where the object had been and the aether 'displaces back'.

                      Q. Is the object displacing the aether or is the aether displacing the object.
                      A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force.
                      Last edited by gravitational_aether; 11-06-2012, 03:19 AM.


                      • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                        The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid.

                        An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether. The aether returns the energy to the object as the aether fills-in where the object had been and the aether 'displaces back'.

                        Q. Is the object displacing the aether or is the aether displacing the object.
                        A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force.
                        You have now flip-flopped so many times I lost count.

                        You say: "Aether returns energy to the object."

                        That means the Aether IS acting as potential energy that does work since energy is work - I've said this all along and proved it with child's math. You've denied it so far so thank you for finally being honest enough to agree with me now.

                        Furthermore, you extend this agreement with what I've been saying by admitting that the Aether exerts a force on the object that displaces it. "A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force." There is no force that is absent from potential energy that does work energy further validating the point above that the rebounding aether pushing back on mass is a real measurable force that has potential energy to do work. Thank you again for being honest enough to agree with this too finally.

                        However, here is where you create yet another double standard - I have been pointing out about the flawed claim that Aether has mass.
                        I said that IF aether has mass and volume as you claimed that it would displace an equal volume of space and would therefore displace other Aether - you denied that, but here you go... "Q. Is the object displacing the aether or is the aether displacing the object." and you answer yourself "A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force."
                        Ummmm, you finally admit the point I made about your claim that if aether has mass that it must demonstrate displacement. But before, you said that it cannot displace other aether.

                        Why is Aether's displacement volume able to displace an object, yet surrounding aether mysteriously escapes this displacement? There is some serious cognitive dissonance being demonstrated here.

                        If Aether has mass and volume and it does offer displacement AS YOU FINALLY ADMIT, of course it will displace other aether! Which of course means that if aether had mass and at the density that the aether exists, there would be an ultra gravitational implosion that would suck up the whole universe and then some. The only reason that we're able to exist and type these messages is because the aether is MASSLESS. If aether had mass, the Universe would never get any bigger than an infinitely small point that is so dense that it would make a black hole's suction look like a squeeze bulb that cleans out a baby's nose.

                        You are literally making this all up as you go along - and you forget what you agree with or what you denied in the past (If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything - Mark Twain) and this is evidenced by the flip-flopping on the points above where you wind up agreeing with what I said in the beginning that when you lift an object, the energy of the impact comes from the rebounding aether and NOT from the person that lifted it. You admit that "Aether returns energy to the object." So you are finally admitting that an object's interaction with the Aether is not isolated at all and is an open system as I've stated from the beginning seeing that aether does indeed return energy to the object that displaced it.

                        You say "An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether" - ummmm, LOL. Well, like I said, if aether did have mass, which it doesn't, of course it would require energy because there would be friction and that resistance is of course why it would require energy to overcome that friction. Energy is entropy, the dissipation of potential energy to a lower potential. If an object is at a constant velocity moving through space and it took x joules of energy to project it from a space craft, if it required any energy to move through the aether, it would come to a dead stop pretty quick. And no comet or meteor could ever travel as far as they do. The universe couldn't expand, etc...

                        However, you introduce a new mechanism that allows the object to keep moving. It is called a perpetual motion machine. Where the object moves, encounters steady resistance, which requires energy to overcome (since you say aether has mass), yet 100% of every bit of that energy is recouped from the energy that comes from the Aether "Aether returns energy to the object." Over time, the cumulative amount of dissipated energy that was required by the object to move through space increases and increases and increases yet it only started with a small amount of input. It has a COP higher than anything I've ever heard of. Not only is it over 1.0 COP, it is 100% efficient since there are no losses! WOW A paradox, it requires energy, which contributes to universal entropy, yet being 100% efficient means it does not actually contribute any entropy - yet it requires energy but yet it doesn't. Originally you claim the potential energy comes from the person lifting the object from the ground making sure you stick to the closed system thermodynamic talking points, but now you switched to admitting mass/aether displacement allows the aether to finally give energy to the object, thereby making it an open system that violates the isolation belief you expressed before. However, not only does your claim of how an object moves through space violate closed system thermodynamics, it even violates open system thermodynamics. That's impressive. There is now a completely new 3rd system - schizophrenic thermodynamics - where a system is openly isolated and uses energy, yet it doesn't.
                        Whoah oh oh it's MAGIC!
                        Aaron Murakami

                        You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                        • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
                          You have now flip-flopped so many times I lost count.

                          You say: "Aether returns energy to the object."

                          That means the Aether IS acting as potential energy that does work since energy is work - I've said this all along and proved it with child's math. You've denied it so far so thank you for finally being honest enough to agree with me now.

                          Furthermore, you extend this agreement with what I've been saying by admitting that the Aether exerts a force on the object that displaces it. "A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force." There is no force that is absent from potential energy that does work energy further validating the point above that the rebounding aether pushing back on mass is a real measurable force that has potential energy to do work. Thank you again for being honest enough to agree with this too finally.

                          However, here is where you create yet another double standard - I have been pointing out about the flawed claim that Aether has mass.
                          I said that IF aether has mass and volume as you claimed that it would displace an equal volume of space and would therefore displace other Aether - you denied that, but here you go... "Q. Is the object displacing the aether or is the aether displacing the object." and you answer yourself "A. Both are occurring simultaneously with equal force."
                          Ummmm, you finally admit the point I made about your claim that if aether has mass that it must demonstrate displacement. But before, you said that it cannot displace other aether.

                          Why is Aether's displacement volume able to displace an object, yet surrounding aether mysteriously escapes this displacement? There is some serious cognitive dissonance being demonstrated here.

                          If Aether has mass and volume and it does offer displacement AS YOU FINALLY ADMIT, of course it will displace other aether! Which of course means that if aether had mass and at the density that the aether exists, there would be an ultra gravitational implosion that would suck up the whole universe and then some. The only reason that we're able to exist and type these messages is because the aether is MASSLESS. If aether had mass, the Universe would never get any bigger than an infinitely small point that is so dense that it would make a black hole's suction look like a squeeze bulb that cleans out a baby's nose.

                          You are literally making this all up as you go along - and you forget what you agree with or what you denied in the past (If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything - Mark Twain) and this is evidenced by the flip-flopping on the points above where you wind up agreeing with what I said in the beginning that when you lift an object, the energy of the impact comes from the rebounding aether and NOT from the person that lifted it. You admit that "Aether returns energy to the object." So you are finally admitting that an object's interaction with the Aether is not isolated at all and is an open system as I've stated from the beginning seeing that aether does indeed return energy to the object that displaced it.

                          You say "An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether" - ummmm, LOL. Well, like I said, if aether did have mass, which it doesn't, of course it would require energy because there would be friction and that resistance is of course why it would require energy to overcome that friction. Energy is entropy, the dissipation of potential energy to a lower potential. If an object is at a constant velocity moving through space and it took x joules of energy to project it from a space craft, if it required any energy to move through the aether, it would come to a dead stop pretty quick. And no comet or meteor could ever travel as far as they do. The universe couldn't expand, etc...

                          However, you introduce a new mechanism that allows the object to keep moving. It is called a perpetual motion machine. Where the object moves, encounters steady resistance, which requires energy to overcome (since you say aether has mass), yet 100% of every bit of that energy is recouped from the energy that comes from the Aether "Aether returns energy to the object." Over time, the cumulative amount of dissipated energy that was required by the object to move through space increases and increases and increases yet it only started with a small amount of input. It has a COP higher than anything I've ever heard of. Not only is it over 1.0 COP, it is 100% efficient since there are no losses! WOW A paradox, it requires energy, which contributes to universal entropy, yet being 100% efficient means it does not actually contribute any entropy - yet it requires energy but yet it doesn't. Originally you claim the potential energy comes from the person lifting the object from the ground making sure you stick to the closed system thermodynamic talking points, but now you switched to admitting mass/aether displacement allows the aether to finally give energy to the object, thereby making it an open system that violates the isolation belief you expressed before. However, not only does your claim of how an object moves through space violate closed system thermodynamics, it even violates open system thermodynamics. That's impressive. There is now a completely new 3rd system - schizophrenic thermodynamics - where a system is openly isolated and uses energy, yet it doesn't.
                          Whoah oh oh it's MAGIC!
                          In the following article it is the aether which is displaced by the Solar System which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the Solar System which is causing the magnetic field to pile up.

                          So, aether displaces aether. However, it has nothing to do with gravitational attraction. There is no such thing as gravitational attraction. Displaced aether pushing back toward matter is gravity.

                          'NASA's Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge'
                          NASA - NASA's Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge

                          "Voyager is showing that what is outside is pushing back. ... Like cars piling up at a clogged freeway off-ramp, the increased intensity of the magnetic field shows that inward pressure from interstellar space is compacting it."

                          It is not the particles of matter which exist in quantities less than in any vacuum artifically created on Earth which are pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the solar system.

                          It is the aether, the particles of matter exist in, which is the interstellar medium. It is the aether which is displaced by the matter the solar system consists of which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the solar system.


                          • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                            So, aether displaces aether. However, it has nothing to do with gravitational attraction. There is no such thing as gravitational attraction. Displaced aether pushing back toward matter is gravity.
                            I haven't said anything different about gravity so I'm not sure why you keep repeating yourself. I agree the mass of the solar system displaces the aether and the aether is rebounding back and is holding the solar system together. It is self apparent to anyone that believes in aetheric displacement.

                            You already admitted in your other post that rebounding aether is a force that contributes energy to do work on an object that displaced the aether. Yes, that is true with impact work from a falling object or an object accelerating, but an object at constant velocity floating through space is still moving through the Aether but isn't performing work so requires no energy to be dissipated. That means this quote is not true: "An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether"

                            At least you do admit there IS a free exchange of forces between the mass and the Aether meaning the mass is not an isolated system in relation to the Aether and is therefore an open dissipative system. But that also means energy's source potential is external from the mass and Einstein is wrong.

                            "An object in motion tends to stay in motion UNLESS it is acted upon by another force." That is true because the natural tendency of the universe actually is perpetual motion. The tendency of natural system is perpetual motion UNLESS it is acted upon by another force, it doesn't say UNTIL it is acted upon - so the law does not require an opposing force - meaning a perpetual motion machine is perfectly permissible according to the laws of motion. However, a perpetual motion machine will still be described by open dissipative systems and won't violate it like your example of requiring energy to displace aether as an object moves through space.

                            The reason an object can remain at a constant velocity in space as long as there is no force opposing it is because the Aether has no mass to offer any resistance.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                            • Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
                              I haven't said anything different about gravity so I'm not sure why you keep repeating yourself. I agree the mass of the solar system displaces the aether and the aether is rebounding back and is holding the solar system together. It is self apparent to anyone that believes in aetheric displacement.

                              You already admitted in your other post that rebounding aether is a force that contributes energy to do work on an object that displaced the aether. Yes, that is true with impact work from a falling object or an object accelerating, but an object at constant velocity floating through space is still moving through the Aether but isn't performing work so requires no energy to be dissipated. That means this quote is not true: "An object moving through the aether requires energy to displace the aether"

                              At least you do admit there IS a free exchange of forces between the mass and the Aether meaning the mass is not an isolated system in relation to the Aether and is therefore an open dissipative system. But that also means energy's source potential is external from the mass and Einstein is wrong.

                              "An object in motion tends to stay in motion UNLESS it is acted upon by another force." That is true because the natural tendency of the universe actually is perpetual motion. The tendency of natural system is perpetual motion UNLESS it is acted upon by another force, it doesn't say UNTIL it is acted upon - so the law does not require an opposing force - meaning a perpetual motion machine is perfectly permissible according to the laws of motion. However, a perpetual motion machine will still be described by open dissipative systems and won't violate it like your example of requiring energy to displace aether as an object moves through space.

                              The reason an object can remain at a constant velocity in space as long as there is no force opposing it is because the Aether has no mass to offer any resistance.
                              The Milky Way's halo is supposed to be non-baryonic dark matter. Non-baryonic dark matter is postulated to have mass.

                              The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

                              Aether has mass.


                              • Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                                The Milky Way's halo is supposed to be non-baryonic dark matter.

                                Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                                Non-baryonic dark matter is postulated to have mass.

                                Originally posted by gravitational_aether View Post
                                The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

                                Aether has mass.
                                I propose that you let go of the supernatural dark-myth-didit-god.

                                Here it is for you straight up:
                                1. in 1967 physicist Vera Rubin observed the flat rotation curves of galaxies
                                2. this contradicted all the used gravity models
                                3. in science verified observations that contradict models falsify those models
                                4. were the gravity models falsified? NO!
                                5. theory was considered superior to observation, theory must be *correct* and verified observations false
                                6. the dark myth was born and astronomy became religion

