Just put in non-resistor NGK v-grooves into my car. Moving towards putting on the plasma but by that time, will need to have some tungsten modified plugs to withstand it.
The plugs that were in the 98 Legacy GT with EJ25 engine were over 5k ohms - new plugs are less than 1 ohm so big difference. The plasma will only work with low resistance plugs anyway.
I ordered non-resistor custom made plug cables and I should have them in a week hopefully and the spark difference will be quite a bit compared to just doing the plugs and still having high resistance cables.
The plugs that were in the 98 Legacy GT with EJ25 engine were over 5k ohms - new plugs are less than 1 ohm so big difference. The plasma will only work with low resistance plugs anyway.
I ordered non-resistor custom made plug cables and I should have them in a week hopefully and the spark difference will be quite a bit compared to just doing the plugs and still having high resistance cables.