Originally posted by Faraday88
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In one crude test way back, I launched a magnet of a certain weight to a height that is higher than the joules of potential in the cap could account for. And that is with capacitors as the LV source, so something is there if the test was accurate. Crude but caught my attention.
The switching principle as I show in the video is still 100% analogous to the Gray Tube patent. I know Mark is looking at the transformer as the source of the gain. With an air gap transformer, that can easily be a high frequency radiant oscillator, which it is - hence Hackenberger's or someone's statement about the waveform being like a field of wheat or hay. Even the Bedini SG coils are air gap transformers with a 1:1 winding. As long as the magnetic field isn't closed loop, should work fine. Those are radiant spikes. When a cap is hit by hv radiant spikes for long enough, it conditions it to start acting like an electret so upon discharge, it self charges quite a bit and that is added to what the transformer delivers and that is a real free energy gain. However, I don't believe that electret effect gain is enough to give the kind of OU claims for the Gray Motor. But if we couple that electret capacitor gain with the crazy low impedance discharge of a battery across a gap - with that much current in such a short time, we're looking at multi megawatt impulses to those coils for not much input.
In the Gray Tube patent, the inductor path is back to + of the batteries, but I believe that was to give a recharging pulse to them. They were blowing up batteries this way and then came the cap between inductor and batteries - if I'm remembering the history right. In my video, I just put the inductor back to common ground because I don't need to prove it can recharge the batteries - just need to see if there is something different about the inductor pulsing with mixing HV and DC.
I'm not sure about those tube switches you're mentioning. I might have seen the pics but not sure.