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Help with radiant energy charger using an SCR p96 FEG 2nd Ed.

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  • Help with radiant energy charger using an SCR p96 FEG 2nd Ed.

    Hi everyone. I am new to this and I also have very little electronic experience. On the positive side I have been interested in physics and chemistry for decades and have followed "free energy" concepts and understand the underlying science to a high degree. Last year, after digesting T. Bearden's theory in FEG, I decided to build the radiant charger on page 96. I completed the circuit, wound the trifilar coil (4.3 ohms per strand) and was ready to test it, but then a devastating flood in January in Australia destroyed everything I owned. Nevertheless I could save the circuit and coil, tested it but no results. I took it to a retired electronics technician (expert in entropic electronics who did not believe in anything about the concept) to check it out. Results: the switching circuit used 700ma rather than the 200ma stated. Wobbling the transistor increased the current draw to 2.1amps temporarily and a 4 fin heatsink got extremely hot, so it might need replacing and bigger heatsink used. The output voltage was 15.1 volt. Also, as I do not know what sort of core should be in the coil I left it as an air coil. Any suggestions and/or remedies would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi Richard, Dennis from Manjimup, WA. You need to use R60 Lincoln welding rods in the core. Can get them at most welding suppliers. Or John Koorn sells them on his site in Melbourne. Can I encourage you to buy the Bedini SG Beginners Handbook and build the energizer in that? It is written by Peter Lindemann and Aaron Murakami who have worked with John Bedini for years.
    Should not be that kind of heat from the transistor! Definitely not good.


    • #3
      Is Hi Dennis, thanks for your reply and info. Just returned back to work so won't be able to do much . But I will get onto the Bedini SG for beginners handbook as you suggested.

