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4 foot Bedini SG

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  • Tom C
    your components are boxed and will be out tomorrow A.M. each individual package has the item and quantity on it. there are EXTRA of every component in case you destroy one during assembly, or drop a nut onto the floor and cannot be found. I cannot forsee you having any trouble..... with your experience in the military this circuit should be a snap, included with your order was the pictorial assembly instruction set and the schematic. the circuit board is silk screened and components are labeled in normal electronics parlance.

    Tom C

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  • Martin B
    Martin B

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  • why_me
    Well, an accurate counting of nuts, bolts, washers, stand off insulators, that kind of stuff. Just so I can be aware of any future difficulties while assembling the circuits. Sorry for the time lag, I had guests.

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  • Tom C

    as you can see it was double checked before it was packaged. please let us know what you are missing and we will get it right out to you. besides 5 resistors and a set of neon bulbs, anything else?

    Tom C

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  • why_me
    Originally posted by why_me View Post
    Good news, the post office sent out a lady to hand deliver my order from TeslaGenX. Bad news, the contents of the parts were not correct.
    instead of 10 4.7Kw resistors I got 5.
    Zero neon bulbs.
    Two(2) packages of ring terminals.
    The rest of the parts are yet to be evaluated due to inaccurate labeling, i.e., circuit board standoffs, heatsink standoff and transitor screws, mini binding posts.
    I believe the effort was genuine, but whoever packed my order was either very tired or in need of new glasses.
    Please send me the parts I ordered at the P.O. Box address I provided in the PM. Thank you.
    I hope that helps.

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  • why_me
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Scan.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	63.3 KB
ID:	45956This is the parts list.

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  • Dave Wing

    You do remember that video? I am talking about the video where Rick says " here we go" and everyone watches the primary battery rise on the DMM, they also show a couple of scope shots of what is going on. That is after John changes a wire around.

    Last edited by Dave Wing; 12-23-2013, 09:05 PM.

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  • John_Koorn
    Originally posted by why_me View Post
    Good news, the post office sent out a lady to hand deliver my order from TeslaGenX. Bad news, the contents of the parts were not correct.
    instead of 10 4.7Kw resistors I got 5.
    Zero neon bulbs.
    Two(2) packages of ring terminals.
    The rest of the parts are yet to be evaluated due to inaccurate labeling, i.e., circuit board standoffs, heatsink standoff and transitor screws, mini binding posts.
    I believe the effort was genuine, but whoever packed my order was either very tired or in need of new glasses.
    Please send me the parts I ordered at the P.O. Box address I provided in the PM. Thank you.
    why_me (aka Great White Wizard),

    That's great that you received your kit! Sorry to hear that it was not received as expected.

    We'd be more than happy to send the parts that were missing from the kit, however to help us resolve this issue quickly could you please thoroughly check all of the items that were shipped so we can send the missing components in one shipment?

    The kit includes the following:

    1 x Circuit Board (PCB)
    8 x matched MJL21194 transistors
    8 x transistor thermal pads
    2 x aluminum heat sinks with screws
    16 x 1N4007
    8 x 470 ohm 1W resistors
    1 x 12 ohm 10W resistor
    8 x Neon bulbs
    8 x 4.7K ohm 1/4W resistors
    Screw terminal blocks to connect coil wires and batteries
    Extensive pictorial assembly instructions with parts recommendations and tuning instructions (electronic)
    Complete circuit schematic (electronic)

    Thanks again for your feedback!

    John K.

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  • LutherG
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post

    no I do not have that vid, wish I did!! the ferris wheel uses a Highly modified bedini cole switch so we know it can be done, but how is another thing.

    Tom C
    Are you talking about the video of John and Rick where John was showing what he thought the guy who replicated the window motor running off a capacitor might have done to make that work? if anyone posts that please post a link...



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  • why_me
    Good news, the post office sent out a lady to hand deliver my order from TeslaGenX. Bad news, the contents of the parts were not correct.
    instead of 10 4.7Kw resistors I got 5.
    Zero neon bulbs.
    Two(2) packages of ring terminals.
    The rest of the parts are yet to be evaluated due to inaccurate labeling, i.e., circuit board standoffs, heatsink standoff and transitor screws, mini binding posts.
    I believe the effort was genuine, but whoever packed my order was either very tired or in need of new glasses.
    Please send me the parts I ordered at the P.O. Box address I provided in the PM. Thank you.

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  • Tom C

    no I do not have that vid, wish I did!! the ferris wheel uses a Highly modified bedini cole switch so we know it can be done, but how is another thing.

    Tom C

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  • Dave Wing

    I remember John B. had a video of, if memory serves, it was a window motor were he was showing Rick and some others how the machine would run then John changed around a wire and the machine went into overunity and started to charge the primary battery. I think it showed scope shots as well... That video was on the net for a while but no longer. I have wanted to look at that scope shot for some time but no one seems to have it anymore. Do you have that vid?

    Regarding the window motor if you are going for maximum efficiency that will take an extreme amount of work, time and dedication to maximize. You could have a life time of work...on your hands.

    I will post some video soon and try to explain the configuration the brushless motor I described above eariler. I will try and include some theory on how I think it is working with the SG circuitry and how the SG can or could possibly use the full bipolar circuit. I will also touch on the window motor, in the hopes of learning more about it as well.

    Dave Wing

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  • Tom C

    the Tiny window Motor rick made is really an SG running both sides of the coil it uses 2 segments of the window rotor for each pulse. what really seperates the window motor from anything else really is the drive circuitry which in the full bipolar circuit allows the same "part" of the coil to use both the north face and the south face of the magnet in the same place. you get a drive pulse every 60 dgrees on a 6 sided rotor as the poles flip over the coil. I do understand the basic functions, but the geometry of the coil, its distance from the rotor, wire gauge and number of turns, and it being hall switched and the timing involved in that all play a factor in efficiency. I have seen one self run off a capacitor when speed and trigger width are perfect. only seen it once. DadHav had some pretty amazing rotors on the old forum, running on microwatts.... we need a rotor size, magnet width and a few other things.

    Tom C

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  • why_me
    I have been studying electronics since I was 12. In 1982 I started electronics research in the US Navy. I have not given up any research. All of the posts are very good sources of inspiration. I plan to continue this thread of research until it has merit and a good return for all the members to gain from. A monster becomes less scary once you shake it's hand and become it's friend.

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  • Dave Wing

    I do believe I have the window motor figured out at least in my mind anyway. I have never actually worked with anything other than the SG. I decided not to move on to anything else until I figured out the SG first.

    To me the when the window motor is running on the SG circuit it is behaving much the same as the SG and has much the same interaction with the magnets on the rotor as the SG. The SG circuit only runs on half of the available magnetic field, the other half of the magnet is not producing repulsion or attraction. The full bipolar circuit will allow both sides of a north or south magnet face to be used in attraction or repulsion, it switches the electromagnet polarity twice on each magnet pass, once prior to the zero point and once after the zero point on any magnet face. So you use both sides of one magnetic face to increase shaft energy. The way I see it a North Pole, or north face of a magnet has two poles that are north and south or attraction and repulsion, you want to use both to your advantage.

    Tom, I don't know if I am answering your question?

    Dave Wing
    Last edited by Dave Wing; 12-22-2013, 09:52 PM.

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