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Second coil not doing much?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    my very first SG was a bifilar 23/26 850 turns... mjl 21194 transistor, 100 ohm resistor grain of wheat bulb and potentiometer. charged best at 2 pulses per magnet pass. primary draw was 45 milliamps. 26 inch bike wheel, 21 magnets. it charged a 7 amp hour werker battery in 16 hours to 16.2 volts... rpm was 180. 8 minute 30 second freewheel time. primary started at 12.87, charge battery was 12.2 at the end of run primary was at 12.10

    Tom C
    Hi Tom , so with this bifilar, over 16 hours
    you had
    on primary batt from 12.87 > 12.10 so -6percent
    and on charge batt from 12.2 to 16.2 (resting I suppose ) so + 30percent
    isn't that a rough OU by 24 percent ?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Brodie Gwilliam View Post
      that circuit does look correct, as tom said dont expect full charges to come in an hour or two, it can take days sometimes in regular mode depending on battery/coil....

      You should try playing with regular mode, and neg to neg, they have their differences and its nice to personally view them yourself.... it may take a lot longer to charge a battery in regular mode compared to generator mode(neg to neg) but the primary battery will also drop alot slower too.... mode 1(regular mode) is said to have better de-sulphate effects to keep your batteries in better shape
      Thanks for that Brodie.
      Yeah i'm having fun experimenting trying to find which way works best. I made another Daftman layout circuit next to the original one but i made it slightly different. Same layout but different materials and i've noticed that when i swapped the coil over to the second circuit to test it was wired properly, i was getting a higher voltage into the charge battery than the supposedly identical circuit next to it. All the circuits parts are identical but i used some core welding rod to bridge connections and some scrap copper parts from an old laptop as busses. Seems to work better for some weird reason


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bung-ee View Post
        Hi Tom , so with this bifilar, over 16 hours
        you had
        on primary batt from 12.87 > 12.10 so -6percent
        and on charge batt from 12.2 to 16.2 (resting I suppose ) so + 30percent
        isn't that a rough OU by 24 percent ?
        yes yes it is...... so you can understand why I am still here 7 years later look at how the SG charges, the ability to bring a charging battery to a higher voltage than the source, its one of the keys to impulse technology. hi voltage (potential) low current. you need a bit of current for the circuit to operate, pure scalar is not so good for batteries, but capacitors dont seem to mind. they can become electrets over time, emphasis on CAN not DO. I do not understand the reason why they do sometimes
        Tom C

        experimental Kits, chargers and solar trackers

