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Patente 6.545.444 COP 0.45

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  • Patente 6.545.444 COP 0.45

    Hi all took about 18 months working the inventions of John Bedini even have an engineer friend who leads from Yahoo groups to say that here in Spain there is created a group of free energy where users around the world an united to replicate inventions that are out internet including John Bedini . According to the DVD -2 Energy from the Vacuum ™ [ url ] [/ url ] can achieve Patent 6392370 COP 1.0 although I personally do not know succeeded beyond anyone COP 1.0. To check the COP I used the table John Koorn I used lead acid batteries and gel but the results are the same. These are the circuits I've used lately but I have more [ ATTACH = CONFIG] 3218 [/ ATTACH ] [ ATTACH = CONFIG] 3219 [/ ATTACH ] [ ATTACH = CONFIG] 3220 [/ ATTACH ] I would appreciate any help and I hope that is not bad interpret my words because as I have said repeatedly I'm just a kid from people looking for a change. A big hug


    Hola a todos llevo unos 18 meses trabajando los inventos de John Bedini incluso tengo un amigo ingeniero que lleva desde los grupos de Yahoo por no decir que aquí en España hay creado un grupo de energía libre donde usuarios de todo el mundo se an unido para replicar los inventos que andan por internet entre ellos los de John Bedini. Según el DVD-2 de Energy from the Vacuum™ La patente 6.392.370 puede lograr COP 1.0 aunque yo personalmente no conozco a nadie que allá logrado COP 1.0. Para comprobar el COP he usado la tabla de John Koorn He usado baterías de plomo ácido y de gel pero los resultados son iguales. Estos son los circuitos que he usado últimamente aunque tengo mas Click image for larger version

Name:	CIMG2243.jpg
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ID:	51127Click image for larger version

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ID:	51128Click image for larger version

Name:	CIMG2245.jpg
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Size:	96.3 KB
ID:	51129 Agradecería cualquier ayuda y espero que no se mal interpreten mis palabras ya que como he dicho en varias ocasiones solo soy un chaval de pueblo en busca de un cambio. Un fuerte abrazo


  • #2
    I didn't know John Koorn had done this. I will use it as a source of inspiration for my own SG .
    Thanks John !


    • #3
      Hi energialibre,
      If i can help:
      Have in mind, that in the table as input joules, you should count the input energy into charging battery, not the energy, consumed from the primary battery. I think it will be good to post your table with the results.
      Hope it was useful.


      • #4
        Hi Kiril thanks for your help but that's what I've been doing the COP test battery not charging system. For example if the battery load I put 100 joules when I downloaded the battery with a bulb gives me 100 joules (COP battery 0). At first when I started this test had better results but I have gone form making the test more accurate the results are worse. More accurately I mean I let the batteries rest days so that the voltage is stable, accurately timing the time of loading and unloading even buy analog ammeters. Thanks again and if you have any ideas I'm all ears more

        Hola Kiril gracias por tu ayuda pero eso es lo que he estado haciendo comprobar el COP de la batería de carga no del sistema. Por ejemplo si a la batería de carga le meto 100 julios cuando descargo la batería con una bombilla me da los 100 julios (COP de la batería 0). Al principio cuando empecé hacer esta prueba tenia mejores resultado pero con forme he ido haciendo la prueba mas precisa los resultados son peores. Con mas precisión me refiero a que dejo las baterías días en reposo para que el voltaje este estable, cronometrar con exactitud el tiempo de carga y de descarga incluso compre amperímetros analógicos. Nuevamente gracias y si tienes alguna idea mas seré todo oídos



        • #5
          Originally posted by energialibre View Post
          ...if the battery load I put 100 joules when I downloaded the battery with a bulb gives me 100 joules (COP battery 0).
          I'm not sure if I understan you correctly, but if you charge with 100 joules, and you consume 100 joules from that battery this means COP 1, not 0.
          Is that what you ment?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kiril_Kirilov View Post
            I'm not sure if I understan you correctly, but if you charge with 100 joules, and you consume 100 joules from that battery this means COP 1, not 0.
            Is that what you ment?
            IF what you say I put 100 joules and 100 joules sack will not give me too much power

            SI es lo que usted dice le meto 100 julios y le saco 100 julios no me da un exceso de energia



            • #7
              Originally posted by energialibre View Post
              ...More accurately I mean I let the batteries rest days so that the voltage is stable, accurately timing the time of loading and unloading even buy analog ammeters. Thanks again and if you have any ideas I'm all ears more

              ... Con mas precisión me refiero a que dejo las baterías días en reposo para que el voltaje este estable, cronometrar con exactitud el tiempo de carga y de descarga incluso compre amperímetros analógicos. Nuevamente gracias y si tienes alguna idea mas seré todo oídos

              If you wait days you will lose the efficiency of this set up. The increase comes when you use the extra potential in the battery before it dissipates. Aln


              • #8
                Originally posted by energialibre View Post
                ... I put 100 joules and 100 joules sack will not give me too much power...
                It gives you exactly as much as you've spent
                Add to this all the mechanical loses and you're over the COP 1
                Better follow exactly instructions in the JB Beginners Handbook.
                Stabilize your set up, do repeatable runs to see how the SSG works, and only then think about implementation in some off-grid solution

                If your measurments are correct, you're on the right way Keep going


                • #9
                  I have understood that the radiant energy gives an excess of energy. The system COP and COP of the battery charging must differentiate. I've been doing the COP of the battery as does John Koorn. Beginner's book I've read a few times to go over it again though. Thank you very much for the help

                  Yo tengo entendido que la energia radiante da un exceso de energia. Hay que diferenciar el COP del sistema y el COP de la bateria de carga. Yo he estado haciendo el COP de la bateria tal y como hace John Koorn. El libro del principiante lo he leido unas cuantas veces aunque lo volvere a repasar. Muchas gracias por la ayuda


                  Originally posted by Kiril_Kirilov View Post
                  It gives you exactly as much as you've spent
                  Add to this all the mechanical loses and you're over the COP 1
                  Better follow exactly instructions in the JB Beginners Handbook.
                  Stabilize your set up, do repeatable runs to see how the SSG works, and only then think about implementation in some off-grid solution

                  If your measurments are correct, you're on the right way Keep going

