I've narrowed it down to being caused by arcing. Speed of the rotor is only a factor as far as generating higher voltages. I was using multiple reed switches and possibly a loose connection. I tried it on a different machine and could only reproduce it by double arcing a reed switch. Purposely making a loose connection to it. I know from past experience trying to find a connection between static electricity and magnetic electricity, it is the spark gap. There are probably other factors involved here too though.
No announcement yet.
The 3d Monopole Coil How To Build
Nice, I'll have to try it. I kind of got side tracked for awhile. I was trying stuff with spark gaps on a smaller machine. I went for real high speed using mosfet and cap. got it up to 250V no amps of course. Not good for battery charging but I was trying to see what effect the spin forces have on radiant energy magnetically. My conclusion was you need mass. When it's small it collapses on itself all the time. Makes me want to try spinning coils instead of magnets.
I'm going to try using a energizer to spin a D.C. motor. Never tried this before. Nineteen inch diameter, on a motor from a treadmill. It already had a flywheel, should work like a harmonic balancer. The motor has drag to it of course but it got enough leverage it shouldn't take much from a coil. It will take me awhile to finish it, just wanted to show the printed wheel.
I found out something interesting about this wheel. I didn't work with just a single coil. Pulsing a single coil barely moved it. So I would have to fire multiple coils in parallel or design a stronger coil, either way it would eat more amperage. I'm not sure of the physics of this but probably is weight against gravity. I changed it to only two magnets and I had the same power to move the wheel with only one coil I had when it wasn't connected to a motor and it was horizontal. So why not use multiple coils and build a DC version of a rotating magnetic field?
In case there is anybody experimenting with conical coils, I found a way to improve it. Make it as wide as it is long, air core, wide ends together. Bifilar each end with one low impedance wire, one high. Put these in series, then both sides in parallel. It works.
Originally posted by Notsure View PostIn case there is anybody experimenting with conical coils, I found a way to improve it. Make it as wide as it is long, air core, wide ends together. Bifilar each end with one low impedance wire, one high. Put these in series, then both sides in parallel. It works.
Hi Notsure,
What do you mean by saying, one high impedance wire and the other low impedance wire...do you mean to say they are of different sizes..?
What similarity does Conical coil structure with the Flat pancake coil (Tesla's Patent)..?
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
I used 25 and 30 gauge wire. I said impedance because it's not resistance, using a resistor won't work. Don't know exactly why this works better but it does. The improvement of the series parallel connections is that now the coil has magnetic direction. It's more like a solenoid, instead of pushing the magnet out or pulling it in, it moves it right or left, up or down. Flipping the coil around doesn't change direction of the magnet, only polarity of the current does. It doesn't matter what position the magnet is to the coil either. I would like to try it with a piece of iron instead of a magnet and see if it's any different.
I don't think anybody knows the physics here, me either. Just theories. Only observations on what happens. Pancake coil has no hole in the center, the conical coil is all about the hole. I think basically it's about compression and expansion.Last edited by Notsure; 05-24-2016, 05:26 AM.
Hi ReggieGM3
I wouldn't hold your breath. If you look back in this thread, you will see where there was a lot of encouragement and information given for building these "little" motors. John even said he would be meeting with me "soon" at one point. I had hoped to ask some important questions that would have helped me become more energy independent. However, something happened at that time--probably several computers were hacked (my only explanation) and then everyone with relevance on the topic went dark. I tried asking questions and tried PM'ing some of these people, but they avoided me like the plague. I suspect the leading contributor(s) was (were) threatened. I have literally lost any faith in REAL USEFUL information being given out, here. In regard to the conference, I have limited income and would never be able to afford going to it, and the videos only elude to information that would need to be found by doing expensive experiments, few can afford. Probably, your best bet would be to read the three SG manuals, and the earlier posts on this thread (before certain individuals went dark), and hope you stumble onto something before the power goes off for good. That is what I'm doing. Best of luck...Best Regards ~ James, Somewhere In Idaho
Originally posted by ReggieGM3 View PostTo anyone who attended the 2016 conference,
Did John Bedini discuss the status of the 3D Monopole Kits he proposed last August?
There were no public discussions or disclosures of the 3D Monople Kit - not aware if it was brought up in private discussions. Check with Tom at Teslagenx for any possible future kits. Most of the early discussions on this thread were on the easy spin type. If you Google Zero Force Motor, and watch the 14 minute video there appear to be a couple of small versions running of this concept.
"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you." -Neil Degrasse Tyson
Hi Reggie
As I expected. The important information would not be brought up. Here are two videos for you. They were the last topics before those involved went dark. Lets see if you can come to the same conclusion as I have:
I have attached diagrams of a zero-force motor, and of Patrick's "spike kicker" idea we had talked about in the thread, showing how these ideas could be used together. Also consider "frequency" when designing these. There are frequencies inherent in nature. This is where Patrick's CPD mod can come in handy. Patrick's mod is merely a series L parallel RC circuit useful for causing a determined frequency in a circuit. I have also attached a circuit diagram of how that looks
When one considers that a coil can be an inductor, one can experiment with the inductance of the drive coils in Patrick's first diagram to better take advantage of "natures push" on the swing-set (the spike) that drives the motor. If it were me, I would pattern it after the two coil zero force motor in the first video, with Patrick's "spike kicker" mod driving it at one of nature's frequencies...like 2060.8 Hz? That is up to you if you want to continue down that line of experiemnts. Just know, you probably shouldn't publish anything about it...just saying...be blessed...Last edited by James_Somewhere_In_Idaho; 07-17-2016, 10:17 AM.Best Regards ~ James, Somewhere In Idaho
Originally posted by James_Somewhere_In_Idaho View PostHi Reggie
As I expected. The important information would not be brought up. Here are two videos for you. They were the last topics before those involved went dark. Lets see if you can come to the same conclusion as I have:
I have attached diagrams of a zero-force motor, and of Patrick's "spike kicker" idea we had talked about in the thread, showing how these ideas could be used together. Also consider "frequency" when designing these. There are frequencies inherent in nature. This is where Patrick's CPD mod can come in handy. Patrick's mod is merely a series L parallel RC circuit useful for causing a determined frequency in a circuit. I have also attached a circuit diagram of how that looks
When one considers that a coil can be an inductor, one can experiment with the inductance of the drive coils in Patrick's first diagram to better take advantage of "natures push" on the swing-set (the spike) that drives the motor. If it were me, I would pattern it after the two coil zero force motor in the first video, with Patrick's "spike kicker" mod driving it at one of nature's frequencies...like 2060.8 Hz? That is up to you if you want to continue down that line of experiemnts. Just know, you probably shouldn't publish anything about it...just saying...be blessed...
Hi James,
what emphasis do you put using the first schematic (Bedini's FEG book schematic) schematic..?
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Hi Faraday88
Well, I'll try to answer your question simply...
When looking at the diagram in question, notice the capacitor(s) attached to both poles of the coils (inductors). Does that not look a lot like Patrick's Lego swing "spike kicker"? Of course, the diagram leaves out how it is controlled...does it not?
Now look at Patrick's version of the motor that he posted after I inferred the possible connection way back in this thread. It is a three inductor motor, powered by his "kicker mod" in place of the controller switching reference on the original diagram.
One can determine frequency with an inductance/capacitance formula...I'm suggesting running the zero-force motor with Patrick's spike kicker circuit running at one of nature's inherent harmonic frequencies (a harmonic of the Earth's resonant frequency) and see if that provides an extra push on the "swing" so-to-speak.
The diagram of John's original zero-force motor was merely a reference point to what I was attempting to infer.
However, I am probably speaking non-sense, as most people on here believe my suggestions are not worth looking into...and hey, I'm not claiming that I know anything...it's just an intuitive feeling of how things might work better. I'll leave the technical things to you more intelligent folks...
Be blessed.Best Regards ~ James, Somewhere In Idaho
Originally posted by James_Somewhere_In_Idaho View PostHi Faraday88
Well, I'll try to answer your question simply...
When looking at the diagram in question, notice the capacitor(s) attached to both poles of the coils (inductors). Does that not look a lot like Patrick's Lego swing "spike kicker"? Of course, the diagram leaves out how it is controlled...does it not?
Now look at Patrick's version of the motor that he posted after I inferred the possible connection way back in this thread. It is a three inductor motor, powered by his "kicker mod" in place of the controller switching reference on the original diagram.
One can determine frequency with an inductance/capacitance formula...I'm suggesting running the zero-force motor with Patrick's spike kicker circuit running at one of nature's inherent harmonic frequencies (a harmonic of the Earth's resonant frequency) and see if that provides an extra push on the "swing" so-to-speak.
The diagram of John's original zero-force motor was merely a reference point to what I was attempting to infer.
However, I am probably speaking non-sense, as most people on here believe my suggestions are not worth looking into...and hey, I'm not claiming that I know anything...it's just an intuitive feeling of how things might work better. I'll leave the technical things to you more intelligent folks...
Be blessed.
Fair enough! i was just trying to peep into your mind and see how you think how it is!However i was also trying to co-relate it to how i thought about that particular diagram in what it 'represented'. well, remember the low drag Generator talked about in the advanced SSG book of PeterL and Aaron M.
By what i tinkered on it ,it looks to me as though the 'Capacitors' are merely Symbolic representations and NOT physical placement across the Energiser coils..!! what say?
the IDEA IS TO MAKE THE COILS PLAY THE ROLE OF A CAPACITOR!!!!!THIS IS THE REAL SECRET OF A DRAG LESS GENERATOR!! once you do that you have opened the window to the phi dot current, that charges your Batteries devoid of electron current (mass) and pure Potential or the Radiant Potential(dot phi).
more later,
Best Regards,
Faraday88.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'