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Back-Popping with Arduino
A few quick notes on this. You want to use a small cap, maybe ceramic, I am having best luck with I think they are called thin film or tantulum or some such. The cap makes an enormous difference and would end up being tailored to discharge rate and input power. The air coil inductor, I'm finding what works best is just taking some pretty thick wire and giving it maybe half a dozen turns around my hand. Interestingly, when I just consider the cap part discharging into a few wind air coil inductor that looks a bit like part of a Tesla coil. To capture the radiant off the air coil for best results while NPN works pretty good, discharge the cap with a Darlington or a MOSFET. I got about equal results with Darlington or MOSFET. The MOSFET worked fine but I couldn't figure out where to put the pull down resistor, yes to ground, but with the discharging cap the whole think just usually want kerfluey with any type of pull down resistor. Even though it worked fine w/o I stuck with Darlington. As I mentioned in the video when I try to opto isolate this part I lose the majority of effect, I don't know enough to know how to make a clean sharp pulse to a tranny from an opto.
My first thought for a Mark II was, well, if I caught the inductive off a cap discharge to a battery and used that to charge batteries, let's catch the inductive off a cap discharge to battery use it to charge another cap instead, discharge that cap to another battery through a second air coil capture that inductive spike, fleas have fleas upon um and so on add infinatum. It's a bear, fried three NPNs a darlington two MOSFETS, I can't visualize what's wrong, but if you build it you can see that if you add a third cap it has to be oriented so its' positive is to the negative of the second cap, the negative of the second cap has to be to the positive of the first cap. So you end up with this one line that you can't get away from that is, +/-/+ or maybe a radiant is spiking through a cap I don't know, but hey... this is gettin expensive.
Currently at 6V input the voltage in the first discharge cap is ~150V, my first goal now is to increase that to 250-300 then to 600 for the least increase in input power. This led me to start looking at transformers (though in this case pulsed DC transformers) led me to look again at Thane Heins. Dr. Lindeman told me all this months and months ago, clearly, step by step in I don't know, Secrets of Magnetic Motors, or somesuch but initilally it was like that's great there is some secret flow path thing people can do to change motor behavior, it takes months and months to actually sink in. I looked again at Thane's bitorroidal transformer and it is like "Holy House of Pancakes Batman". So I have some E cores on order from Nebraska Surplus and I will see what I might be able to do with the work Thane has generously shown us on his BiTT.
I'll give the philosophy again then in my own words, not that it is neccessarily correct and certainly doesn't cover everything. The changing induced magnetic field caused by electric power moving from point A to B is free of charge, err, awkward choice of wordsit is gratis and gratis whether rectified or unrectified. Going back to the example I mentioned in the Enigeering for the spike thread of a cap discharging into another cap the induced magentic field rectified or unretified does not affect the trasnfer of power between caps. It does I realize now affect the impedance of the line or coil between the two caps. In this example what the hell (I feel like cussin now, shoot) do I care if the impedance in the coil or line between the two caps is lowered. Where, as Peter Lindemann pointed out, this does come back to bite you in the ass is if there is constant power (DC or AC) flowing into a coil, in that particular case then hell yea, the lowered impedance in the coil will lead to compensatory increase in amp draw.
There are two ways I am confident of to work around the back EMF effect on impedance and a third of maybe, prolly, I don't know. The first is temporally. This is seen in the SSG, if you capture the spike that occurs AFTER power is shut off to the coil then the change in impedance to the coil will not affect amp draw. THIS is why when you load an SSG saying slowing it with your finger, amp draw does not aprreciably increase, finally, finally, finally. This temporal separation of back EMF induced coil impedance change and input draw is further demonstrated in the Strange Bug series where the captured spike is placed in a cap at point B, everything else is shut down and power is moved to point C and a "second spike" is captured for nothing as it were.
The second way is spatially, that is just give the back EMF some place to go other then back in the power coil to reduce impedance. Thane Heins does it, while I haven't gone back yet, I bet an absurd amount of someone else's money (welcome to banking son) that JB did this in some of his machines some time before Thane. The third one that I don't know about is air induction to a secondary. This is seen in the Tesla coil, I don't know why inductance might go through a primary to air to a secondary but the reverse not be expected to happen but it shows up enough that maybe that is the case as I said I don't know.
Some of the builds I see here amaze me. I don't yet have that ability, even if I ever acquire it I don't know if I would have the diligence and patience. Nytesh, you madmanI just looked at the photos of your Omnibus, it is a work of art! I also don't yet have the formal understanding of all of the excellent and useful conventional engineering that many here have. I realize this is nothing other than what JB, Peter, Thane and many others have been saying, patenting and saying again over and over, I just thought I would through out some philosophy of my interpertation which if it fits there are thousands of ways to approach this and maybe dozens of new "laws" to explore along the way.
Last edited by ZPDM; 12-20-2015, 01:22 AM.
Efficient flyback/inductive spike capture.
Made a video on this and will try and post if I get a chance to transfer to computer to youtube. I am working with two mated e-cores, suspect would work with straight cores or torroidals but this is with mated E-cores (am working towards looking at pulsed DC Thane Heins inspired set-ups). A pulsed DC primary coil with high wind secondary coils on mated e-cores (maybe that is Thane Heins style) looked to me a little like a flyback transformer, so I was thinking first off how do you build a good flyback. Not a lot that I found at least that was easily accessible to me but figured anything the secondaries see has to come from the radiant spike off the primary so first off do that well. So I am not talking anything here about secondaries just catching the spike off a coil. With the e-core I was initially getting maybe 70% efficiency I don't think I had ever gotten better than 80% previously with any set-up and rarely closeto that.
So what I tried on a lark which I figured wouldn't work is wind a single layer of bi-filar as the primary and connect the ends in the, I don't know what it is called, the counter-current Tesla pancake coil style. I thought it wouldn't work beacuse there is a core and it would seem currents are moving in opposite directions, where is the Bloch wall? how do the magnetic domains know which way to turn? but it actually works quite well. Maybe I am not understanding how current is flowing in the set-up. I estimate from tests of power to an electrolytic cap I am getting around 95% efficiency. So again you can wind an iron core coil ( at least e-cores) as a Tesla pancake coil and it works quite well. I would guess it has to be one layer but haven't yet checked, I suspect it would lend itself well to a torroid, might also work with a straight core again don't know yet. So now I want to go back to my original project and put seondary winds on this set-up, also though on the backburner is revisiting the Joule thief circuit. That is right now I have that large draw arduino and I wonder if there is a way to set this up as a Joule Thief, (i.e. it would be tri-filar with the power stroke going to the pancake coil) if it will still oscillate, and see if there is again the nice improvement in efficiency.
I am not sure I quite understand the final layout your describing. Do you have a diode coming off the primary to catch the back spike to a cap, is that what your describing? If I understood correctly you do not have a secondary wind on there just yet so your only talking about capturing the spike right?
I just want to understand what your describing so let me clarify what I think you mean.
Two wires A and B, we will call the front of wires 1 and back 2 ,,
Starting with A1&B1 wrap around the core side by side. At end of that connect B1 to A2 so that the current runs back on itself. So now we have A1 and B2 open for connections.
At that point your pulsing the loop from say A1 is pos and B2 neg. Do I have this right so far? Basically the beginning of a JT primary but no transistor and not feeding at the AB junction? Where are you pulling the spike, I would assume a diode near B2?
Thanks for sharing what your up too. I have been thinking about some similar ideas as to what I just described whether it is correct to what you are doing or not,, accept I want to play with toroids instead.Last edited by BobZilla; 01-11-2016, 06:54 AM.
Hi Bob,
I spent a while describing how I got to trying this but you are right, no secondaries, just capturing the spike off an inductor. I am using two backwards diodes off the ends of the coil, but should work fine with one diode. I am using two E cores, (E3) so it is possible that this is an idiosyncratic finding with that magnetic path set-up but might apply to torriods and straight cores as well. The windings are just as you describe, like Tesla's pancake coil patent. It is also the winding you would use on a JT, however there is a significant difference between this set-up and a JT. In the JT (I need to go back and review the circuit) but both wires are not on simulaneously. Here the arduino pulses A1 and B2 on at the same time. This would be similar to what you might see using such a wired pancake coil as a pick-up coil but figured nothing would happen powering it as an inductor with an iron core. Doesn't the current rush in from "top" and "bottom" of coil at the same time?? maybe not but still figured they would just cancel. Again maybe it is something reverberating around paired e-cores, if not then the improvement should be from decreasing wire to wire inductance which I suspect would act as a Lenz force when coil shuts off and current abruptly switches (or maybe as the patent mentions increased coil capacitance). Again though if this is a wire to wire effect I would guess you wouldn't want to try more than one layer unless you had the patience to try and lay each layer on top in a crystal lattice set-up!
Thanks for the follow up. Hopefully you can get that video you mentioned up but no biggie, i just watched the first three again in the beginning of the post and I follow along much better watching. Your doing some great work here. How you discovered that longer wire was your friend and then the coil even better was great. I have seen some pretty decent gains come from rapid discharging of caps, used to do something I called cap dancing that took advantage of the cap collapsing but I was not picking it off with a diode, it would chase all over the circuit though. Anyway what your doing is much different, i only mention it because some people do not realize that the caps will even produce the spike as you are showing very clearly.
Maybe I can run some of your setups when I get my toroids and we can compair some stuff. Keep it up, good info and good video's.
Originally posted by BobZilla View PostThanks for the follow up. Hopefully you can get that video you mentioned up but no biggie, i just watched the first three again in the beginning of the post and I follow along much better watching. Your doing some great work here. How you discovered that longer wire was your friend and then the coil even better was great. I have seen some pretty decent gains come from rapid discharging of caps, used to do something I called cap dancing that took advantage of the cap collapsing but I was not picking it off with a diode, it would chase all over the circuit though. Anyway what your doing is much different, i only mention it because some people do not realize that the caps will even produce the spike as you are showing very clearly.
Maybe I can run some of your setups when I get my toroids and we can compair some stuff. Keep it up, good info and good video's.
I'm sorry I am going to have to walk this one back a bit. Instead of my ten dollar analog meter I put a fuse in my 15 buck digital meter and now I'll say maybe 75% efficiency with this counter-wound set-up. I don't know if it is any better than a single wire, it does behave a lot different and as I've said not sure why it does anything at all.
I genuinely and very much appreciate your words of encouragement and compliments, I have a lot of theory, unclear to me how much hot air, and a little bit of build skill, just enough for me to say, hey, that's pretty strange. I mention that as preface to say I need to get away from this shinola for awhile and focus on other practical things with my time. Then again with how things are going in the financial markets there may soon be no income inequality because no one will have any moneyI will try to keep abreast of developments here but as I said I am taking a sabbatical on this stuff for awhile. I realize, well I also realize with how wide open everything seems to be that a lot is unknown, but I realize in terms of free energy, or going real fast or making less of an impact on the environment, DARPA and Skunk Works, etc. etc. have examined and developed at length all sorts of stuff along these lines. It doesn't get released I don't expect it to anytime soon, while very tragic and very wrong one might even wonder whether opposition to the release of certain science doesn't actually function as a release valve to prevent a "Tesla was their epitaph" scenario. Maybe free energy killed the dinosaurs. If we were ready free energy would not be a contentious issue. Put another way, free energy does not affect the per capita number of a$$holes, or whether or not I might act like an ass in future, it is just a potentially big megaphone for what we might be saying at this point in our development. What more has motivated me in this is when I realized things even in the hard sciences weren't an open or shut book well what can we learn about this "situation" we find ourselves in? What is the truth and let's talk about it. Is it really a nihilistic universe with everything runnning down and scarcity everywhere or is this just one more "false flag"? There is an interesting line from the apocryphal book of Enoch. Unless I am mistaken this book was part of the cannon of Christian scripture until one of the early church councils, I believe the book also opens with something about how its wisdom is intended for those at the end times. Anywho the "watchers" from the sky descend, they start teaching all manner of science to the people and getting it on with the womenfolk. It all goes awry and the offspring are cannabalistic giants. They approach Enoch (grandfather of Noah) and "scribe of God" about their predicament and ask him to petition God about what they should do. Who knows if at this point whether I am confusing it with Lord of the Rings. Enoch comes back and tells them their sentence is a heavy one and he says something interesting, "the secrets revealed to you were all the worthless ones". There are hierarchies upon hierarchies of legitimate authority which haven't entered the worst dreams of the most paranoid schemers.
So I am saying all this to say, wow things do look and really are at this time awful. But even if an angel were to fling a speck of dust at the icecap of a marble in anger and there be another deluge, God has a plan and has not forgotten us. Ciao.Last edited by ZPDM; 01-20-2016, 11:00 PM.
Man you said so much I know I can't respond to it all but I enjoyed your comments. I got that your taking a break from your experiments but I know you will get the itch to switch something around and give it a try or go back to something you already tried. You have the same bug as the rest of us and try as we might we always get that itch ;-)
I have not started with any toroids yet and probably won't for awhile but if I find anything interesting once I do I'll let you know. I have mostly been working on my new mechanical setup. If you have some time to watch a video I recommend this one I found that I will post below. It has a lot of very good information on the behavior of toroids. It also may have some useful info for you around the current passing in different directions and such. It is not for charging systems but it is from a strange time between the vacuum tube and transistors when they used magnetic core for processing and memory. What I think is really neat about a system like that is that once the core has been set in binary 1 or 0 it would stay that way with no power whatsoever.
Oh have you ever read Z.Sitchin? The later part of you last post reminded me of his books big time. 12th Planet.
Hey Zilla,
I'm snowed in here around DC so while I may only be following yours and others work here for awhile, no reason I can't BS a bit, I can spin a pretty good yarn. So not Sitchin, Graham Hancock (Fingerprints of the Gods - haven't read yet or Sitchin for that matter) but after I saw Stephen Greer on a Joe Rogan Podcast I listened to three hours of Graham and I want to say Randall Wilson. They presented a good case that there was a pan Earth advanced civilization 12,000 years ago, that it was wiped out essentially in a day and that we collectively have ammnesia concerning our past. They posit that a comet broke up over the North pole releasing the equivalent of, I can't recall, either all or 3x all the nuclear weapons on Earth. This instantly vaporized the Northern ice cap resulting in the deluge documented in the bible and so many other culture's documents. It would have been essentially a world-wide tsunami with all the released moisture also pouring down over the ensuing weeks. Randall had picures of all the weird looking large mammals that used to roam North America and said this event is why there are no large mammals in the Northern hemisphere (not to mention which they didn't touch on that they keep finding Mammoths in the Russian tundra frozen with daisies that they were chewing in their mouths). So it made an impression to consider, this wasn't the duck billed platypus going extinct 60 million years ago, as they mentioned the people of that time if you put them in a suit would look just like us.
So I also thought then of the Book of Enoch which details the events and context before the deluge. Enoch was the grandfather of Noah, he is described as not dying but going to walk with God, actually that is also scriptural. The Enoch book seems to pretty plainly detail a small group of heavenly "watchers" who descend, even though they know they should not, and begin teaching men and mating with women. It is really detailed they give the names of the something like seventeen that descend, they say this one taught metallugy, this one taught agriculture, this one taught eye shadow, etc, etc. The watchers violated the prime directive so we all know it ends badly, somehow it ends up in carnivorous giants at which time the watchers plead with Enoch the great mystic to interceed. He tells them essentially they are screwed and after he has left, his son has died his grandson Noah at age 500 goes through the flood. The whole slate wiped clean and to listen to Graham and Randall wiped clean in a day.
I have to wonder whether there was a snowballing of technology before the deluge. Really, besides the fact that ten thousand years from now someone might be trying to piece us together from Mount Rushmore and the Washington monument, if someone had a strata from three years ago thirty years ago and three hundred years ago it would all look different.
There was one other odd scriptural passage that came to mind when I thought on this and that is the tower of Babel. The tower of Babal described as a great ziggaraut (pyramid?) I need to double check, but I am 99% sure the Tower of Babel is maybe a few generations post Deluge. The language is one of those few places where God is referenced as plural and, just from memory, says something like, "see how man is all united and when they accomplish this there is nothing to stop them, let us go down and confuse their language". It sounds fairy tale like, but then again it is scripture and again, if you were a responsible advanced group of "watchers" working to clean up the mess made by renegade watchers who had adavanced things too quickly, well you might not want to kill everyone again, but if you had the ability of introducing twenty different langauges simultaneously that might do the trick. Ahh I could go on and on I'll end with something in my religion of Catholicism, a pretty big deal and fairly new thing has been the chaplet of Divine Mercy, a Polish Nun maybe 80 years ago was told to share this devotion, John Paul II canonized her and reaffirmed it. So now the Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday, the devotion is eseentially a rosary that is a continous plea for mercy, "For the sake of His sorrowerful passion have mercy on us and the whole world" My first thought was, no, have mercy on some and kick ass and take names on the others. But when you listen to Graham and Randall, it's like "oh, we really really screwed up, sorry". We all have to die but the doomers with stock market to tank 50% everyone hide, well sure but that's nothin, how bout (from memory somewhere from one of the old Testament prophets) "The earth shall reel, it shall totter and weave like a drunken man, the earth shall fall". Don't know, don't see it happening anytime soon, What was it Werner Van Braun (great name) was saying something like after the terrorist threat a comet/astroid threat (hmmmm) will be promoted then an alien threat. Heck it may blow up tommorow, don't think the intelligenstia ever saw Jesus coming. So in conclusion, whew I've got a bit of the spirit, i.e. whew I'm drunk, but Sitchin, really, until I've read him I'm crazier than that Russian bastard.Last edited by ZPDM; 01-25-2016, 11:10 PM.
I usually would not push someone to go check out Sitchin so much but you obviously have an interest in this kind of thing. Much of what you talk about is mentioned and explained in the first book 12th planet. He wrote many others but the first one is the meat and potatoes of his work. I did a quick google for a PDF and they are easily found so I would encourage you to check it out. The PDF's all seem to be missing the pictures but you can view those elsewhere. The pictures are mostly of ancient tablets that support things he writes about. Anyway it is actually a pretty short book and well worth reading, even if you do not agree.
On the Tower of Babel here is a snip from the book:
The persistence of biblical translators to employ "name" wherever they encounter shem has ignored a
'farsighted study published more than a century ago by G. M. Redslob (in Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenlandischen Gesell-schaft) in which he correctly pointed out that the term shem and the term
shamaim ("heaven") stem from the root word shamah, meaning "that which is highward." When the Old
Testament reports that King David "made a shem" to mark his victory over the Aramaeans, Redslob
said, he did not "make a name" but set up a monument pointing skyward.
The realization that mu or shem in many Mesopotamian texts should be read not as "name" but as "sky
vehicle" opens the way to the understanding of the true meaning of many ancient tales, including the
biblical story of the Tower of Babel.
The Book of Genesis, in its eleventh chapter, reports on the attempt by humans to raise up a shem. The
biblical account is given in concise (and precise) language that bespeaks historical fact. Yet generations
of scholars and translators have sought to impart to the tale only an allegorical meaning because - as
they understood it - it was a tale concerning Mankind's desire to "make a name" for itself. Such an
approach voided the tale of its factual meaning; our conclusion regarding the true meaning of shem
makes the tale as meaningful as it must have been to the people of antiquity themselves.
The biblical tale of the Tower of Babel deals with events that followed the repopulation of Earth after
the Deluge, when some of the people "journeyed from the east, and they found a plain in the land of
Shin'ar, and they settled there."
The Land of Shinar is, of course, the Land of Sumer, in the plain between the two rivers in southern
Mesopotamia. And the people, already knowledgeable concerning the art of brickmaking and high-rise
construction for an urban civilization, said:
"Let us build us a city,
and a tower whose top shall reach the heavens;
and let us make us a shem,
lest we be scattered upon the face of the Earth."
But this human scheme was not to God's liking.
And the Lord came down, to see the city and the tower which the Children of Adam had erected.
And he said: "Behold,
all are as one people with one language,
and this is just the beginning of their undertakings;
Now, anything which they shall scheme to do
shall no longer be impossible for them."
And the Lord said - to some colleagues whom the Old Testament does not name:
"Come, let us go down,
and there confound their language;
So that they may not understand each other's speech."
And the Lord scattered them from there
upon the face of the whole Earth,
and they ceased to build the city.
Therefore was its name called Babel,
for there did the Lord mingle the Earth's tongue.
The traditional translation of shem as "name" has kept the tale unintelligible for generations. Why did
the ancient residents of Babel - Babylonia - exert themselves to "make a name," why was the "name" to
be placed upon "a tower whose top shall reach the heavens," and how could the "making of a name"
counteract the effects of Mankind's scattering upon Earth?
If all that those people wanted was to make (as scholars explain) a "reputation" for themselves, why did
this attempt upset the Lord so much? Why was the raising of a "name" deemed by the Deity to be a feat
after which "anything which they shall scheme to do shall no longer be impossible for them"? The
traditional explanations certainly are insufficient to clarify why the Lord found it necessary to call upon
other unnamed deities to go down and put an end to this human attempt.
We believe that the answers to all these questions become plausible - even obvious - once we read
"skyborne vehicle" rather than "name" for the word shem, which is the term employed in the original
Hebrew text of the Bible. The story would then deal with the concern of Mankind that, as the people
spread upon Earth, they would lose contact with one another. So they decided to build a "skyborne
vehicle" and to erect a launch tower for such a vehicle so that they, too, could - like the goddess Ishtar,
for example - fly in a mu "over all the peopled lands."
A portion of the Babylonian text known as the "Epic of Creation" relates that the first "Gateway of the
Gods" was constructed in Babylon by the gods themselves. The Anunnaki, the rank-and-file gods, were
ordered to
Construct the Gateway of the Gods. . . .
Let its brickwork be fashioned.
Its shem shall be in the designated place.
For two years, the Anunnaki toiled - "applied the implement . . . molded bricks" - until "they raised high
the top of Eshagila" ("house of Great Gods") and "built the stage tower as high as High Heaven."
It was thus some cheek on the part of Mankind to establish its own launch tower on a site originally
used for the purpose by the gods, for the name of the place - Babili - literally meant "Gateway of the
Is there any other evidence to corroborate the biblical tale and our interpretation of it?
The Babylonian historian-priest Berossus, who in the third century B.C. compiled a history of Mankind,
reported that the "first inhabitants of the land, glorying in their own strength . . . undertook to raise a
tower whose 'top' should reach the sky." But the tower was overturned by the gods and heavy winds,
"and the gods introduced a diversity of tongues among men, who till that time had all spoken the same
I will try to read Sitchin this year, not to throw the baby out with the bathwater but when I spent 30 seconds some time back on his wiki and saw something about humans were engineered to harvest gold that aliens needed I was turned off. I mean come on, aren't they advanced aliens? There are I suspect we would both agree a number of avenues to try and punch holes in that, aside from, there was I believe at least for a while a journal of LENR, and oh just crazy stuff I heard tell of on videos, prolly nonsense, there is Isaac Newton. He spent the end of end of his life studying/researching alchemy. When I was young I remember thinking, what the heck happened there? such a great mind tsk, tsk. This was at the time of the establishment of the Royal Society in England which went on to give us so many advances in science. Alchemy at that time of course was a crime punishable by death in England, how odd. There was even a papal encyclical, if memory serves, on the whole matter. Newton's competitor in math Leibnez in Europe, said "Of course there is alchemy, the only problem is that it would devalue the currency". Robert Boyle (i.e Boyle's gas laws) I believe founded the Royal Society, he was the one who got the laws against alchemy over-turned in England. At the time his father was the wealthiest landowner in all Ireland. What do they call again that mixture of acids that will dissolve gold, Royal Water, yes that is it, Royal Water. Royal Water, Royal Society, alchemy may likely have funded many of the advances that make Western society what it is. Just stream of consciousness now but I wonder if the source of funding affects what is seen concerning nature, i.e.screw that we can fund it now with bombs and aborted fetal livers, wo nellie.
Re previous stuff as I said Graham and Randall made an impression on me. I have previously read the account of the deluge but hard not to just see the cartoon ark and cartoon stormclouds. To actually consider, wow, this may have actually happened, these people looked like us, they were like us, they had an advanced civilization and then gone. Then if you take Stephen Greer at all seriously or scripture for that matter, its like well where were the "watchers" or the angels, they missed the comet? Or didn't they care, or perhaps had a hand in it. When you read the Old Testament, sorry I am really terrible at religion but enjoy reading the bible, the see-rs often talk like "God will send the great locust storm which will invade from the North and devour all in its path" when they also mean you are about to be invaded by the country to your North. So perhaps the deluge was allowed to happen by those who could have prevented it or some such and really from a Solar System vantage let alone a Galaxy vantage it would be a speck of dust hitting a marble around the sun but it completely erased our whole development to that time. Re the tower of Babel, if the pyramids are not simply a Mount Rushmore relic but had scientific, energetic, health, etc., functions and hey I give this a 1-10% but maybe they realized/rediscovered what they did and said we need to build a really, really big pyramid. The watchers said woo Nellie and remapped the languages to slow things down. It sounds silly and I could suppose that language differences may all arise from drift but I think, not sure, that most cultures hold that there was a single primordial language and it has been lost.
Anyways, I don't see us heading toward another deluge though it looks like a bumpy ride going forward. It is tremendously important to learn the truth about how things work through experimentation and it can be helpful to oneself and others but I don't think it is the root of the problem. A worker with a tractor is what 10, 100 times more productive but there are all these people starving, all these wars over resources for heaven's sake. I am not being fatalistic, learning what the actual physics etc is of this place we find ourselves in, is good in and of itself, useful and important but as I age I gain a respect for civics. I will continue to experiment time and resources permitting, perhaps productively I don't know, but I also realize a bit now that it is not all on me to try and figure all this out, as long as we get by as a people there will always be that nine year old who says, "wait, shouldn't that be over there?". Don't have much context, but sure strikes me as a strange time though.Last edited by ZPDM; 02-02-2016, 10:04 PM.