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Zero Force Motor Replication Project

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  • Aaron Murakami
    Hi Dave,

    Those images seem to open up to small sizes instead of large. Would you mind double checking how you posted them? Hope there isn't a problem with the attachments.

    Originally posted by Dave Wing View Post
    Here are some more posts to solidify the importance of multifilar windings....

    Dave Wing

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  • Dave Wing
    The importance of branch currents....

    Here are some more posts to solidify the importance of multifilar windings....

    Dave Wing
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    Last edited by Dave Wing; 02-04-2017, 11:28 PM.

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  • Yaro1776
    ZFM Newt Grows a New Tail

    To All,

    Who would have thought that a simple ZFM demonstration of the impact of a magnetic field would generate so much comment and interest. Thanks to everyone for the information and input - muchly appreciated!

    The ZFM rotational speeds in all the experiments are measured with a laser tachometer and then backed up with a computer visual of the amperage to the coils. There is a simple redundancy here. One can hear the RPM increases and see the changes in the amperage wave patterns. They are consistent! There is a harmony here...

    Any decent experimenter has to have finely honed senses - not only intellectually, but also sight, sound and feel. The ZFM does talk to the experimenter, but you have to listen.

    This machine is certainly unusual, in that it does not conform to the expected - it appears to operate outside of the given EE box. Building this machine is very straightforward, all the information has been presented in this thread. More detailed design info will follow in the future, as time permits. However, for a simple model any material for the rotor with a steel shaft is acceptable. There are others out there putting together their take on the ZFM, and hopefully they will be chiming in soon. That be the key!

    If properly motivated, an additional video will be put together tomorrow along with the latest performance data for the Aluminum rotor model. Expect to see nearly 8000 RPM at 36Volts, but you will have to put up with all the squiggly lines on the computer monitor and the not Spielberg action. If you watch and listen very closely, one will see and hear the interplay of the harmonics within this universe.

    Dave - thanks for the details...

    Already said too much,

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  • Tom C
    there is a bipolar thread over on energeticforum

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  • Tom C

    ok I will lay this on the table for everyone..... the ZFM is about speed, my desire is to get one that will run at 30,000 RPM the torque coming off that would spin all the generators you want all day long. I believe it will not only self run, but will provide copious amounts of energy for other buses. think of the APU on a jet little tiny turbine, huge amounts of power. I believe we can loop it and have extra. you will need a battery to start it, but that's it. afterwards a cap bank for recovery and run time. the power requirements will be so low as to almost be non existent.

    Tom C

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  • min2oly
    Originally posted by AlvaroHN View Post
    Hi Tom and Dave. Dave those where the lab notes I was talking about tnx! Now I am in a hurry but I will look at the vid later.

    Tom, what would happen if the BIPOLAR SWITCH is set to have a very small ON time, like the SSG circuit, would it charge as good as the SSG? and still have more torque?
    you can use the bipolar switch on your SSG setup. One of the main diff between the switches, the SSG switches the Neg terminal of the battery to the coil - the bipolar switches both +and-. you have to tune to get them to do it simultaniusly - that's the trick and you have to get them to switch off simultaneously to get good charging. This is one reason you need a matched set. physics isn't going to let you go, in order to get the power, you need longer on time. What we do with that on time is up to us.

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  • AlvaroHN
    Hi Tom and Dave. Dave those where the lab notes I was talking about tnx! Now I am in a hurry but I will look at the vid later.

    Tom, what would happen if the BIPOLAR SWITCH is set to have a very small ON time, like the SSG circuit, would it charge as good as the SSG? and still have more torque?

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  • Dave Wing
    Originally posted by AlvaroHN View Post
    I have always wanted to ask this questions so here it goes:

    Does the ZERO FORCE MOTOR coil configuration have more torque than the regular SSG coil configuration??

    Same coil with same ON TIME, etc, would give more torque to the rotor if the coil is placed like in the ZERO FORCE MOTOR instead of facing the magnets like the SSG ??.

    I remember some John's Lab Notes where there are some notes about that, I think it said that regular SSG coil would be 23% efficiency and ZERO FORCE MOTOR coil would be like 90% efficiency.

    I have tried to find those lab notes but I can't find them, and I don't remember where I saw them.


    Here Alvaro...

    Check out out this video and or channel for a good comparison between the two types of systems, the zero force motor and SSG solenoid versions... Notice the acceleration differences. Anyway

    People should really also pay attention to multi strand coils and the energy savings and magnetism gains of multi filar coils... It is one thing John Bedini said that was left out of his patents by the patent office. Notice that for an extra 10 milliamperes you will get 75 percent more magnetic force acting upon the magnetics of your rotor. Which equates to more speed and or a more powerful machine for little extra energy input. Ron's notes above say multi filar coils defy "FUNDEMENTAL OHMS LAW" and look at point number 4. " NEW INVERSE SQUARE LAW RATIO EFFECT"

    Now if it were me I would use very small gauge wire like 26AWG - 45AWG wire in my multi stranded coils (multi filar coils) and experiment in this area with different lengths too.

    Dave Wing
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    Last edited by Dave Wing; 02-04-2017, 07:01 PM. Reason: Changes, Additions

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  • Tom C
    I did not say it does not charge because it does, its a different operation, the ZFM circuit (full bipolar switch) is designed to drive a motor. For the SG the wheel is just a trigger to generate the flip on the core to open the base. its a mechanical magnetic switch. that is why we look for the lowest friction co efficient in the bike wheel, we don't want to exert any more energy than we need to turn the bike wheel.

    Tom C

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  • AlvaroHN
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post

    Yes a ton more torque not even a fair race. the SG charges batteries the ZFM is a torque motor like the Window motor

    Tom c
    I see, so the zero force motor does not generate radiant spike? the ON time on the ZFM is too long ? that why more torque and less charging?

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  • Tom C

    Yes a ton more torque not even a fair race. the SG charges batteries the ZFM is a torque motor like the Window motor

    Tom c

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  • AlvaroHN
    I have always wanted to ask this questions so here it goes:

    Does the ZERO FORCE MOTOR coil configuration have more torque than the regular SSG coil configuration??

    Same coil with same ON TIME, etc, would give more torque to the rotor if the coil is placed like in the ZERO FORCE MOTOR instead of facing the magnets like the SSG ??.

    I remember some John's Lab Notes where there are some notes about that, I think it said that regular SSG coil would be 23% efficiency and ZERO FORCE MOTOR coil would be like 90% efficiency.

    I have tried to find those lab notes but I can't find them, and I don't remember where I saw them.



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  • Faraday88
    Originally posted by Yaro1776 View Post
    Michael - thanks for the spot on comment! Success with any experimental device always depends on the yin-yang interplay of the results. Any astute and successful experimenter uses the failures and disappointments to advance the experiment to higher level of understanding.

    My Full mark to you Yaro!!!!
    Micheal Faraday whom I follow so much quoted '' Try desperately to succeed and do not hope for success''

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  • Faraday88
    Originally posted by Yaro1776 View Post
    Hello All,

    I spent the last few days modifying the existing ZFM Proto to correct and improve most of the nagging details that limited performance. Most of the critical steel fasteners were replaced with 18-8 Stainless Steel bolts. Additional tweaks were made to the bearing alignment and reed switch position. The biggest impact came from replacing a small steel bolt directly under the timing rotor which was influencing the timing and firing arc duration at high RPM - big change!

    The Iron core motor rotor was removed and replaced with the original Aluminum rotor - virtually identical dimensions and Neo's. This was done to establish additional baseline information for comparative purposes to the Iron core rotor.

    The last tests in the previous post noted some unusual behavior in the timing arc and firing positions - these were subsequently attributed to the small steel bolt under the Timing Rotor and two SSG wheel magnets that were a bit too close to the Timing Rotor. Amazing how the SSG magnets influenced the the timing from 6" to 8" away.

    This unusual behavior was deemed well worth the effort to document and to create a short show and tell video to note the influence of a concentrated magnetic field. For this video the timing arc was set for a 45 to 50 degree firing duration and 36 volt operation - essentially trying to limit the maximum speed.

    The influence of the C8 magnet pair on the coils was dependent on the polarity facing the coils:
    The south facing pole surface would add some additional speed (~250 RPM) to the motor.
    The north facing pole surface would lower the speed about the same amount.
    Distance from coils ~1".

    The influence of the C8 magnet pair was much more pronounced when facing the timing rotor outboard face, one could hear the speed increase from up to 10" away or more. The Timing Rotor Neo's had their south face away from the motor and the SSG magnets had their north face towards the timing wheel for the speed increase; with the SSG magnets' south facing the ZFM could be nearly stalled. Check out the below video.

    Here is the operational data:
    24v 3028 RPM 0.82A without magnets
    24v 4936 RPM 1.20A with North facing magnets

    36v 4590 RPM 0.93A without magnets
    36v 6500+RPM 1.40A with North facing magnets

    A simplistic explanation could be that the SSG magnets' position enhances the strength of the overall magnetic field that triggers the coil firing and expands the firing arc duration. It has been observed in prior tests that expanding the firing arc duration increases the motor speed along with the battery amp draw. The applied voltage is also a factor...

    Still remains one strange motor...

    All very interesting and, as usual, more to come,
    Hi Yaro,

    Interesting effect, however i think it is the negating/ additive influence of the SSG magnet on the Hall pick up, that is decreasing and increasing the RPM respectivily in each case..

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  • Michael Luton
    Very well said !!!

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