ZFM Firing Circuit Detail
Hello Gyula,
Thank you for your very informative posts concerning some of the design details of the ZFM. Your magnet configuration diagram and explanation of the operation certainly make a lot of sense and clarify the basic operation of the ZFM. So this is one ZFM configuration that will work assuming the machine that was operated and inspected at the conference is unmodified.
In JB's presentation of the ZFM he spent quite a bit of time explaining the magnetic fields that are within the ZFM and he stated that at 45 degrees between each set of the four N facing neo's was a Super Pole and that was one of the reasons that the triggering of the toroidal coils took place at the Bloch wall point of each coil as the magnet passed. This point reinforced the prior presentation's highlights of diamagnetic and paramagnetic fields as put forth by R. Haralick.
Anyway two different views here and I will attempt to get additional information and details on the existing original ZFM that was demonstrated at the conference. Happy to try both configurations if need be, not a stumbling block at all. Perhaps I can also obtain a better image of the magnetic field arrangement for others' reference.
In any case, I have attached a more detailed pic from my cell phone that depicts the ZFM's four transistor firing circuit. Perhaps your examination of the pic will confirm the NSNS rotor neo arrangement.
Appreciate your analysis and input,
Hello Gyula,
Thank you for your very informative posts concerning some of the design details of the ZFM. Your magnet configuration diagram and explanation of the operation certainly make a lot of sense and clarify the basic operation of the ZFM. So this is one ZFM configuration that will work assuming the machine that was operated and inspected at the conference is unmodified.
In JB's presentation of the ZFM he spent quite a bit of time explaining the magnetic fields that are within the ZFM and he stated that at 45 degrees between each set of the four N facing neo's was a Super Pole and that was one of the reasons that the triggering of the toroidal coils took place at the Bloch wall point of each coil as the magnet passed. This point reinforced the prior presentation's highlights of diamagnetic and paramagnetic fields as put forth by R. Haralick.
Anyway two different views here and I will attempt to get additional information and details on the existing original ZFM that was demonstrated at the conference. Happy to try both configurations if need be, not a stumbling block at all. Perhaps I can also obtain a better image of the magnetic field arrangement for others' reference.
In any case, I have attached a more detailed pic from my cell phone that depicts the ZFM's four transistor firing circuit. Perhaps your examination of the pic will confirm the NSNS rotor neo arrangement.
Appreciate your analysis and input,
