Alvaro, the original guy's name was Karl Schappeller. link@p17, post 164, in the 3D printed monopole thread. Author ....Davson
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John Bedini's Magnetic Model
Originally posted by AlvaroHN View PostAaron, about what you posted that the earth displaces the aether... where did that came from?
Sometime ago I saw a youtube video, about a guy that seems to be with a medical condition, and what he says seems the most crazy thing I have ever read.
But I have to share here what he says because what you said Aaron, reminded me that.
This guy, says that, 1 - Gravity does not exist. 2 - What we call gravity is the effect of the Aether, he says that the Aether fluid, compresses all matter, in all directions. But on a planet the aether that comes from below has to cross the entire planet, losing power or speed or whatever, so the aether that comes from below has less power than the one that comes from the top, making things fall into the surface. etc.
Do not redicule this guys opinion..he is ''partly'' correct in his thinking path because Like Electricity and Magnetism are unified so is Gravity and Vacuum (or aether). in Electromagnetic terms they bear the same broken symmerty, put it differently I have repeatedly said this else where in this forum that Vacuum Field is an explosive force, while Gravity Field is an Implosive the simultaneous presence of this is nothing but the OPEN and CLOSED paths of Elecromagnetic Universe! there is more to the Physical Vacuum field than what we know it as and the explanation to that would reveal the exact nature of Gravity as well.
Faraday88'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View PostWhat about comparing to wrapping the wire long ways around the coil from N to S and then try around the width (unless that is the Bloch Wall) way you're mentioning. And then there is around the thin perimeter - all 3 axis.
This is what the Sweet Floyed Conditioning done to the BaFe magnet. when you do this you get the Bloch wall flipped in its position with the Poles what does that indicate??...any one??
the G-Field magnets are also the same way..
The Magnets are oriented in 3 axis mode each representing a ''True'' Monopole way back in 2009-10 while studying the Magnetic structure of the monopole motor in JB's pat# 6,545,444 it struck to me about the representation of about the 3 magnets spaced 120 degree apart in the Patent drawing, i had never tried it out until recently...when i built a Monopole in that fashion.
What is different in the drawing of JB and mine is that it is inverted or directed inwards as opposed to what JB drew it that way..
With a S-pole facing the coil magnet between any two N-N magnets in the 120 degree alignment, would make this S-pole as the sucker from the pump from the new 'Bloch wall' of the true Monopoles.. i.e the Super S-pole translates from the Virtual (Scalar) to real S-pole.
The Field lines of Force of the resulting Magnetic structure are at right angles to the plane of the drawing which means that it is a 3D structure.
Remember JB's 3-pole monopole? no one has ever commented on why 3 pole?..even the TUV test model was a 3-pole monopole.. this fundaamental to flex the bloch wall in a 360 degree rotation...and interface the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’
Faraday88.Last edited by Faraday88; 02-11-2017, 11:59 AM.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View PostHaven't see those vids since they came out, but any dipole that polarizes the aether and has a conduction so that the positive potential turns into EMF can move to the lower potential and get dissipated to a degree on the way is happening in every circuit all the time.
The virtual poles always seemed very real to me - just stronger per area (more focused).
Later, I'll show something I came up with years ago to enhance the Q1, Q2 (scalar poles) to make the rotor turn even faster with less input. Actually part of an addendum to go with the SG trilogy - don't want to get into that right here at this point.
Isn't that structure intrinsic in any rotor for the SG if all like poles are facing out?
What voltage before being loaded? Input or output battery?
Great to know that stuff of increasing the speed for the same input using an altered Magnetic structure! when do you plan to to show us that??
Yes it is for both the primary and secondary batteries... like in the present 'topology'' i only load the out put battery , but when i swap their position the primary Battery rest voltage settles at what i begin with (before charging the secondary) this way we can seamlessly rotate them to get high COP.
The strusture(I called it 3-Flipp Inversion back then) is made for a very good reason i feel and perhaps it is also the answers to the obscure squeezing of N-N or S-S superpole that Bedini came up with.
the reason is to bring the Bloch wall of the coil external and therby making the rotor's Field's a part of its internal!!!
Unless you have the Bedini energiser as a linear accelerator its Natural Geometry for Rotoarywheel would be like what i showed.
Faraday88.Last edited by Faraday88; 02-11-2017, 12:43 PM.'Wisdom comes from living out of the knowledge.'
Originally posted by Faraday88 View PostHi,
Do not redicule this guys opinion..he is ''partly'' correct in his thinking path because Like Electricity and Magnetism are unified so is Gravity and Vacuum (or aether). in Electromagnetic terms they bear the same broken symmerty, put it differently I have repeatedly said this else where in this forum that Vacuum Field is an explosive force, while Gravity Field is an Implosive the simultaneous presence of this is nothing but the OPEN and CLOSED paths of Elecromagnetic Universe! there is more to the Physical Vacuum field than what we know it as and the explanation to that would reveal the exact nature of Gravity as well.
hey all,
the magnet is an over unity device, it literally pulls dipoles out of the bloch wall and into the magnetic currents, leedskalnin also knew this. everyone should get his book and do the experimets, build a P.M.H. and follow his lead.
John got a lot of his visualization of the field from howard johnson's book the secret world of mangets. the scans show the field strengths and locations, and how they are really needed to be thought of in 3D space. the north and the south are not the same strength and there is a huge difference in the shape of the field at the corners.
you see john used neo's very sparingly. he was very upset with the neo magnets in the 10 coil Rick sold. he even went so far as to have us make a different rotor with ceramics for it.
magnet spacing was very important to him, he wanted to make sure that there was room for the scalar south to form between the norths, to turn the base of the transistor really off.
more later
Tom C
Originally posted by AlvaroHN View PostAaron, about what you posted that the earth displaces the aether... where did that came from?
Sometime ago I saw a youtube video, about a guy that seems to be with a medical condition, and what he says seems the most crazy thing I have ever read.
But I have to share here what he says because what you said Aaron, reminded me that.
This guy, says that, 1 - Gravity does not exist. 2 - What we call gravity is the effect of the Aether, he says that the Aether fluid, compresses all matter, in all directions. But on a planet the aether that comes from below has to cross the entire planet, losing power or speed or whatever, so the aether that comes from below has less power than the one that comes from the top, making things fall into the surface. etc.
There is supposed to be a Dynamic Theory of Gravity by Tesla, but nobody has ever seen it. I think some of it has roots in JJ Tompson's work or visa versa.
Yes, the aether compresses or at least pushes down on mass from all directions. Earth's mass displaces the aether it is in rebounding back to where it was displaced from. As it moves down, it pushes on the mass. 1 cubic foot of wood has a lot of space in the atomic matrix and 1 cubic foot of lead has much less space. If you lift the wood into the air, it doesn't encounter much resistance from the aether pushing down on it because of all the space that it moves through. If you do the same with lead, you can hardly lift it because the aether is pushing down on so much more mass and there is a lot less empty space so to speak to move through so it will have much more resistance. If you have a 1 square inch fishing net in the water and swoosh it in a river against the moving water, there is not much resistance - if you have 1 square mm mesh fishing net, you'll hardly be able to move it. As the aether moves towards the center of Earth, the theory suggests particles are formed by the aether getting compacted such as electrons that then rise up to the surface of the Earth. I think Tesla described something like that likening it to artesian water - the electrons rising to the surface. This way, it is constantly moving and dynamic and is far from being a static field per Einstein's lunacy.
As long as people are brainwashed to believe that potential gets stored, then it cuts off any reason for gravitational potential energy to energy the system and do real work. I don't understand how Bearden believes in conservation of energy, momentum, etc. when his very dipole theory eradicates the very need to store potential. A battery doesn't store anything in Bearden's model and Bedini agrees - it is just a charge separation to "break the symmetry" of the vacuum potential so that polarized aether can move to the terminals and move over the wire in a circuit. The dynamic fluid aether model makes proper use of Bearden's dipole model while allowing it to be consistent and seamlessly woven into the rest of reality regarding gravity, inertia, time, etc... a simple analysis shows that Bearden's dipole model is completely incompatible with conservation of energy. I don't know anyone else that has pointed that out, but its easily explained with ultra simple logic, 3rd grade math and 8th grade Newtonian equations - it also seems like common sense. The very premise of the dipole is to tap the potential on demand by having 2 potential differences with a common connection polarize the aether. If that is the case, it is a logical fallacy to ever "store potential".
Originally posted by dennis foyil View PostAlvaro, the original guy's name was Karl Schappeller. link@p17, post 164, in the 3D printed monopole thread. Author ....Davson
There is a new movie/documentary on Schappeller that was made recently and is supposed to be recently released.
Streaming video you can buy/rent:
Originally posted by Faraday88 View PostGreat to know that stuff of increasing the speed for the same input using an altered Magnetic structure! when do you plan to to show us that??Just kidding!
I might put that here before releasing the addendum book, but will be a while. Too much going on.
Originally posted by Dave Wing View PostAnyone think a rotating magnet rotor once rotating and thus creating a magnetic field that makes CEMF... Is this Tesla's "basic energy source"?
For clarification... Is CEMF to be considered to be an energy source and was it what Tesla used?
Dave Wing
Cole even mentions the Kettering system, which is the ignition coil spike so they're not really talking about CEMF or BEMF at all and are definitely talking about the transient spike caused by the collapsing of the magnetic field.
I'm sure you know its the spike, but just want this clarification to be posted because I don't know who is reading this thread and might get confused by that.
Tesla did use these spikes and is what he charged the capacitors with in his "Method of Conversion", which an SG with cap dump is a miniaturized variation of that.
Power station operators would get blown up by that spike when they opened the switch because all the fields in the generators would send that spike and they'd get fried - exploded is more like it. That spike was very well known.
Secrets of Cold War Technology is highly recommended for this topic:
It isn't just able to be used as an energy source, but the QUALITY of that spike is very different from normal electricity.
The spike is directly related to a TIME CHARGE that Bedini mentioned and it is using time as potential energy.
We'd have to get into what Time is to really see what the spike is and what it is made of. It is a potential charge, but what does that mean and what is the potential itself that is being carried by that spike?
Space is aether and this aether resists mass moving through it. That is what inertia is. Just like the aether is pushing down on us with different amounts of resistance depending on the atomic matrix, a mass moving through the aether is getting the same effect but with an inverse cause. Gravity is an object that is still with the Aether moving through it. Inertia is an object moving through the stationary Aether causing a relative movement of the Aether through the mass. As a mass accelerates through the aether, that rate of change induces an increasing push on the mass that counters its movement. The faster the object goes, the more aether it interacts with per unit of Time, which is the same thing as causing an apparent increase in the density of the aether on the object increasing its "gravity" - this is the real gravity/inertia equivalence.
"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory." — Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.)
Because of this interaction between the mass and inertia, we can see that there is no energy that is intrinsic to matter. First of all, that is a misuse of the term energy since energy is work and no work is being done when an object is simply sitting there. Second of all, potential isn’t stored in the object either because all source potential (Aether) is imparted into the mass from the environment - hence the fact that potential can never be stored. E=mc^2 is simply nonsense.
“There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.” – Tesla
So what is time? Space is one dimensional with multiple coordinates within that one dimension. Time is not the 4th dimension. Time is only a dimension mathematically.
When mentioning above about the increasing in density of the Aether – that is alike a very large and very dense body that would have high gravity. The Aether displaced would be incredible and the rebound would cause a very densifying effect of it towards the surface of the planet. In that area of dense Aether, a clock would tick slower than it would on Earth if you could compare them to each other from a viewpoint that is not subject to the differences in aetheric densities (actual cause of relativity).
So there is a theme regarding the Aether and its ability to exist at various densities.
If you have a rubber band propeller airplane and wind it up and let it go, the propeller would unwind if it was in a bowl of water – not much resistance against it unwinding.
The same plane unwinding in a bowl of gelatin would unwind slower representing both high gravity on a large dense object or inertia of a fast moving object accelerating towards the speed of light. The fast the object goes, the more Aether it encounters per unit of time giving an apparent increasing in density of the Aether against the mass.
Time is nothing more than the movement of mass through the Aether. Time is the incremental measurement of that movement relative to our observation of something moving in our own reference.
A child swinging at a consistent speed back and forth and then measuring how many swings happened during whatever interval you want is just as valid as a clock that is measuring the same exact same thing. So clocks don’t measure Time at all, it only shows you motion in pre-determined increments at a certain speed.
What is the ability for Time to exist? Aether that is not at an infinite density (mass moving at light speed) for example. If you have Aether that is densified, that in and of itself is the ability for TIME to exist at some point in the future – that is TIME POTENTIAL.
If you take an inductor and charge it and turn the power off, the Aether slams that field back into the coil inducing a spike, which ideally has no pulse width (it does have a bit) but has high voltage – theoretically pushing towards infinite voltage and is pure radiant potential. Voltage is the pressure of the aether.
This radiant potential is a TIME CHARGE in and of itself, because it is cultivated TIME POTENTIAL. What happens with the TIME POTENTIAL when you put it to use? The potential drops to a lower voltage, which decompresses it and what do you get out of it? Some will say work, but in reality, you get actual TIME back out of it! It is the decompressed Aether.
Higher the density of Aether, the more restrictive it is to mass moving through it or for time to “tick.” The less dense the Aether (or when you decompress compressed Aether) – the less restrictive it is to mass moving through it and Time is realized more easily.
What the transient spike is, is TIME that you are locking up and when it is put to something that allows it to decompress (like a battery), you get the TIME back out of it evidence by work being performed.Last edited by Aaron Murakami; 02-11-2017, 11:30 PM.
Here is one relative lab note to the basic magnet structure.
I don't think anyone here has seen this one - no new revelations but for the record.
If anyone has seen this exact one, please let me know where you saw it so I can know what timeframe or collection it was in if John posted it. I wasn't in some of the Yahoo groups so don't know.
It was so faded I could hardly see it so had to change the contrast a few times just to be able to read it.
Originally posted by Dave Wing View PostAnyone think a rotating magnet rotor once rotating and thus creating a magnetic field that makes CEMF... Is this Tesla's "basic energy source"?
For clarification... Is CEMF to be considered to be an energy source and was it what Tesla
Dave Wing
I do have another comment on this in regards to a rotating rotor with magnets and an energy source - it is the G field generator - different from what most would think the G Field Generator is who has followed John's work for a long time.
John's G Field Generator had nothing to do with the Kromrey - it was basically a window motor with a generator coil elevated above the power coil. I don't mean 2 coils at 90 degrees to each other like in the glass case motor (space flux motor).
If you have a typical window motor topology such as:
And lets say the uprights on the ends where the bearings are at extend say 1-2 inches into the air and then you wrap a generator coil around that so it is wound completely parallel to that motor coil, he believed the magnets spinning in that exact fashion created a vortex up above it circling around just like the coil and that generator coil was in fact the G Field - Space flux generator coil that captured that free energy. He was not considering this to be simple magnetic induction from the spinning magnets but making use of the "magnetic vortex" created by the spinning magnets.
He believed the magnetic vortex created above had a voltage much higher than the voltage being supplied by the battery to power the motor coil. He saw this as a self-running motor possibility by feeding that generator coil back to the battery running the motor and keeping the battery voltage up. He accomplished that with the space flux motor in the glass case, but the coil is 90 degrees to the motor coil and it surrounds the rotor for simple inductive generation and not from a magnetic vortex - maybe there is that going on, who knows?
The gravity waves are synonymous with the lines of force or those electric flux lines as described before.
That should be easy enough to test - have it near the magnets and move it up higher incrementally to see if it diminishes as expected and if not, there might be something to that idea. It seems the G Field generator coil is too close to be anything other than simple induction but that's his idea anyway.
You should have seen the look on John and Gary's faces when I showed them this the first time:
I obviously was trying to simply get the magnets to induce current into that air core generator winding and of course it worked perfect and it is not elevated inches above the top of the rotor, but John was excited to see it even as simple and insignificant as it was. I just had an LED that was on there and used a RC airplane prop RPM meter to read the RPM by setting it to the 4 or 3 blade prop depending on what wheel I had on that.
John's early window motors simply had the basic SG circuit and that was it.
Also, over the years, I have heard of people explaining that the window motor is called the window motor because it operates within a narrow window, etc... none of that is true. The ONLY reason it was called a window motor is because the coil, literally, is shaped just like a window - nothing more, nothing less.
So anyway, it doesn't seem to make much sense that if the magnets are spinning in the direction as shows in the pictures above, why would the spiraling vortex be at 90 degrees above it. If the rotor was spinning on a vertical axle, it might make more sense. In any case, those designs and ideas preceded the glass case motor where he has the motor and generator coil at 90 degrees in the vicinity of the spinning rotor.Last edited by Aaron Murakami; 02-11-2017, 09:50 PM.
I was furious when I found out Ricks 10 coiler was a bunch of garbage.
It set me back 5 years as I lost a lot of interest.
I actually gave my 10 coiler to John Koorn for a long time to do with it as he wished.
He turned it upside down and inside out to replicate JB's original machine as best he could.
I'm starting back at scratch before I try to tame that machine at a later date.
Originally posted by Tom C View Posthey all,
the magnet is an over unity device, it literally pulls dipoles out of the bloch wall and into the magnetic currents, leedskalnin also knew this. everyone should get his book and do the experimets, build a P.M.H. and follow his lead.
John got a lot of his visualization of the field from howard johnson's book the secret world of mangets. the scans show the field strengths and locations, and how they are really needed to be thought of in 3D space. the north and the south are not the same strength and there is a huge difference in the shape of the field at the corners.
you see john used neo's very sparingly. he was very upset with the neo magnets in the 10 coil Rick sold. he even went so far as to have us make a different rotor with ceramics for it.
magnet spacing was very important to him, he wanted to make sure that there was room for the scalar south to form between the norths, to turn the base of the transistor really off.
more later
Tom CCant spend it when your dead.