I am fairly new to this and am working on creating a cheap 24volt battery bank from recently traded car/truck batteries. I have tested conversion of a 5 year old dying car battery from my Honda first off with pool floc, which I found to have inferior results to the current Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate from Iherb. I have still found I cant get over 10.75 volts as standing voltage but I havnt cycled it yet so hopefully the standing voltage builds up after doing this, concentration is 475grams of Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate to 4 litres (battery only took about 3 at a guess).
What I am wanting to know is if people think adding a Sodium Silicate (water glass) that has been magnetized with a 1000-6000 guazz magnet as per this patent may be beneficial, I was wanting to just add a small amount to my Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate mix (if any chemists can point out dangers on this one appreciate it before I try!) -
They claim amazing performance, I know patents can be fantasy!
This is article also adds to my interest
As a second question what is the best solution to get an inverter to run given low voltage of bank? Could a device like this work between bank and inverter - 1200W 20A DC Converter Boost Step-up Power Supply Module 8-60V TO 12-83V TB, https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1200W-20...abae%7Ciid%3A1
Or could someone point me to schematic that could work with caps? Or would modifying inverter to remove low voltage cut off be better?
Thanks for any help at all, learning so take it easy on me, find this stuff fascinating, happy to post my results to add to our knowledge base.
What I am wanting to know is if people think adding a Sodium Silicate (water glass) that has been magnetized with a 1000-6000 guazz magnet as per this patent may be beneficial, I was wanting to just add a small amount to my Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate mix (if any chemists can point out dangers on this one appreciate it before I try!) -
They claim amazing performance, I know patents can be fantasy!
This is article also adds to my interest
As a second question what is the best solution to get an inverter to run given low voltage of bank? Could a device like this work between bank and inverter - 1200W 20A DC Converter Boost Step-up Power Supply Module 8-60V TO 12-83V TB, https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1200W-20...abae%7Ciid%3A1
Or could someone point me to schematic that could work with caps? Or would modifying inverter to remove low voltage cut off be better?
Thanks for any help at all, learning so take it easy on me, find this stuff fascinating, happy to post my results to add to our knowledge base.