Hi Rodolphe, 
I used no fans and, even though the generator coils were still installed, I had the output to the LEDs switched off. So no added drag there.
My wheel measures 22.75" in diameter at the steel rim. The magnets are glued to the outside of that. The grade C8 ceramic magnets are .375" thick by 1.875" long by .875" wide. Here's a link to the magnets. https://www.magnet4less.com/ceramic-magnets-1.875-in-x-7-8-in-x-3-8-in-block
I figured that two 5.5AH batteries in parallel is the same as one 11AH battery and close enough to the 12AH batteries you are using to give us meaningful data. I used 11AH for the run battery and 11 AH for the charge battery. So the sizes would be equal for each position.
I know you said your wheel has a long rundown time, but you never did state the exact time it takes. The coil has to be removed to check this without any drag. Mine takes a little over 13 minutes to run down from a fast spin. 11 minutes is about the least acceptable to get good performance from the machine. Any excess bearing friction, wheel imbalance, or out of round will reduce performance.
I bought my coil, electronics, and circuit board from Teslagenx. The transistors and resistors were all matched by them. I listed the magnets I used above. And my potmeter and base circuit wiring is all AWG 20 as well. This size is OK for the base circuits.
Did you buy matched transistors and resistors from Teslagenx, or did you source them somewhere else and match them yourself?
Your battery B appears to be sulfated or damaged in some way. The glass mats may be partially dried out. Plus, not all batteries are created equal. Not even if from the same batch. Some of your early testing may have affected it adversely.
The SSG machine is no better than the batteries you use. A large part of the performance always depends on the batteries used.

I used no fans and, even though the generator coils were still installed, I had the output to the LEDs switched off. So no added drag there.
My wheel measures 22.75" in diameter at the steel rim. The magnets are glued to the outside of that. The grade C8 ceramic magnets are .375" thick by 1.875" long by .875" wide. Here's a link to the magnets. https://www.magnet4less.com/ceramic-magnets-1.875-in-x-7-8-in-x-3-8-in-block
I figured that two 5.5AH batteries in parallel is the same as one 11AH battery and close enough to the 12AH batteries you are using to give us meaningful data. I used 11AH for the run battery and 11 AH for the charge battery. So the sizes would be equal for each position.
Any suggestions in which direction I should look to get a better COP Ah wise??
Did you make your own coil, or bought it from TeslaGenX?
Should we compare our magnets maybe a bit close?
Did you make your own coil, or bought it from TeslaGenX?
Should we compare our magnets maybe a bit close?
I know you said your wheel has a long rundown time, but you never did state the exact time it takes. The coil has to be removed to check this without any drag. Mine takes a little over 13 minutes to run down from a fast spin. 11 minutes is about the least acceptable to get good performance from the machine. Any excess bearing friction, wheel imbalance, or out of round will reduce performance.
I bought my coil, electronics, and circuit board from Teslagenx. The transistors and resistors were all matched by them. I listed the magnets I used above. And my potmeter and base circuit wiring is all AWG 20 as well. This size is OK for the base circuits.
Did you buy matched transistors and resistors from Teslagenx, or did you source them somewhere else and match them yourself?
Your battery B appears to be sulfated or damaged in some way. The glass mats may be partially dried out. Plus, not all batteries are created equal. Not even if from the same batch. Some of your early testing may have affected it adversely.
The SSG machine is no better than the batteries you use. A large part of the performance always depends on the batteries used.