Hi Rodolphe, 
It could be that differences in the magnet field strength at any given coil gap could also affect the percentage of on time. What is the gauss and rated pounds of pull of the new 22mm magnets compared to the original 20mm ones? A 12mm coil gap is a little too wide for the 22mm magnets I have on my machine which are rated at 3850 gauss with 4.5 pounds of pull force. My machine seems to work best with an 8.9mm gap with the magnets I have.
I realize you wanted to keep the gap the same to reduce the number of variables for each test, but magnet strength may be a variable as well that you didn't account for?
Gary Hammond,

(although the scope percentage ON time of Rotor3 (new one) is the same as Rotor2, I think the max rpm was higher. But this would not be what I expected since Rotor3 has 1 magnet more, although the shape is different… I’m not a 100% sure I remembered the max rpm correctly, but this will be confirmed during the new test cycles).
I realize you wanted to keep the gap the same to reduce the number of variables for each test, but magnet strength may be a variable as well that you didn't account for?
Gary Hammond,
