So I'm not skilled in the art (yet), what can I say... both my SSG's achieve about .65 COP in mode 1 and I have been testing almost every day for 1 year, therefore I am hoping someone who IS skilled on the art could post some numbers, a video... whatever showing a proven COP > 1 in mode 1 on an SSG.
If the skilled people could follow the guide below for a COP run and post results that would be wonderful! It's something I have become a little obsessed with and seems a simple way to demonstrate a COP > 1. (Note to John_Koorn... if there is anything else we should know about this test method please let us know).
1. Charge battery up to 15.3v and note draw current from primary with analog meter.
2. Discharge secondary battery for 1 hour at the same rate as primary draw from step 1. Helps if you have a CBA unit or similar so you can dial in the draw current.
3. Recharge secondary again to 15.3v. Note minutes taken to recharge.
To calculate COP, divide 60 by minutes from step 3 for the electrical COP.
For the total COP add the mechanical energy from the wheel as well.
I became interested in the SSG originally for it's COP claims. I always like to prove things for myself but so far I haven't had any success. I'm not one to give up on things, but this has got me beat and I'm feeling a little down, so purely as a selfish "pick me up" I would love for people to post their COP info here. Even folks with a COP close to 1 would be great to see. I'm sure there are many others out there like me that would benefit from a thread like this.
If the skilled people could follow the guide below for a COP run and post results that would be wonderful! It's something I have become a little obsessed with and seems a simple way to demonstrate a COP > 1. (Note to John_Koorn... if there is anything else we should know about this test method please let us know).
1. Charge battery up to 15.3v and note draw current from primary with analog meter.
2. Discharge secondary battery for 1 hour at the same rate as primary draw from step 1. Helps if you have a CBA unit or similar so you can dial in the draw current.
3. Recharge secondary again to 15.3v. Note minutes taken to recharge.
To calculate COP, divide 60 by minutes from step 3 for the electrical COP.
For the total COP add the mechanical energy from the wheel as well.
I became interested in the SSG originally for it's COP claims. I always like to prove things for myself but so far I haven't had any success. I'm not one to give up on things, but this has got me beat and I'm feeling a little down, so purely as a selfish "pick me up" I would love for people to post their COP info here. Even folks with a COP close to 1 would be great to see. I'm sure there are many others out there like me that would benefit from a thread like this.