Hi Bob, 
Just watched your video. Very impressive performance out of these little cells!
You remarked at one spot in the video about the wiggly graph curves with the CBA. I was having the same problem with my CBA and the voltage was lower on the chart than a separate volt meter directly across the battery. Turned out to be heating and voltage drop on the input connectors to the CBA. Someone else posted earlier about this happening to theirs as well. So I removed the connector and soldered the input wires directly to the contacts in the CBA. That cured the problem and I now get smooth curves and more consistent results.
I thought at first that the CBA's internal circuity was going bad. Turned out it was only the connectors, which showed no visual evidence of making a bad connection.

Just watched your video. Very impressive performance out of these little cells!
You remarked at one spot in the video about the wiggly graph curves with the CBA. I was having the same problem with my CBA and the voltage was lower on the chart than a separate volt meter directly across the battery. Turned out to be heating and voltage drop on the input connectors to the CBA. Someone else posted earlier about this happening to theirs as well. So I removed the connector and soldered the input wires directly to the contacts in the CBA. That cured the problem and I now get smooth curves and more consistent results.
I thought at first that the CBA's internal circuity was going bad. Turned out it was only the connectors, which showed no visual evidence of making a bad connection.