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Coilwounddirection SSG startersguide1 and Complete beginners handbook

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  • #16
    Originally posted by forelle View Post
    Hi Aaron,
    This was a really important explanation in the update and needed.
    A last question about the coilwounddirection(cant believe that nobody has seen this the hole years):
    I have wound them cw so i have only to change the wires,but does it make a difference if the electronflow is from the outher side (-)to the core(+,like the left bottom picture) instead like JB makes the coil ccw = electronflow from the core to (-) to the outherside(+),both make a southpole,I guess nobody has tried this,exept JB,i think.
    Second methode would be to simply turn the coil then you have it ccw,but in many cases the inner wires come out in front of the magnets which would be no problem if the gap is not to near.
    Thank you very much.
    P.s.when are the other books available?
    Hi Forelle,

    I've run mine in this other mode since the beginning - 12 years and is why I achieved results that were beyond what most people were getting. Over 1.0 COP was always easy without counting mechanical work.

    Doesn't make difference inside to outside but you can test. Otherwise, just change magnets.

    Both books may be available before the conference at the end of June. Anyone interested in the SG technology definitely needs to come to the conference!
    Aaron Murakami

    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


    • #17
      Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View Post
      Hi Forelle,

      I've run mine in this other mode since the beginning - 12 years and is why I achieved results that were beyond what most people were getting. Over 1.0 COP was always easy without counting mechanical work.

      Doesn't make difference inside to outside but you can test. Otherwise, just change magnets.

      Both books may be available before the conference at the end of June. Anyone interested in the SG technology definitely needs to come to the conference!
      Hi Aaron

      Please clarify " this other mode " do you mean attractive or repulsive mode?, also have you been using it with a cap-dump system or straight radiant charging that gave you the better results?


      Last edited by Prinsloo; 12-10-2012, 10:57 AM.
      Hey !


      • #18
        Originally posted by Prinsloo View Post
        Hi Aaron

        Please clarify " this other mode " do you mean attractive or repulsive mode?, also have you been using it with a cap-dump system or straight radiant charging that gave you the better results?


        It is the mode that is newly revealed in the book. Did you get a copy? Even my original old pink roller skate wheel SG has been this way from the beginning. I don't want to spell it out in the threads because people just need to get the book so they understand. But we do want to see everyone post their results.

        With that one (little SG), I only used the spikes. On my bicycle wheel one, that was using this other mode as well and that was with cap dump using a trifilar coil with a mechanical switch. I always thought that gave me the best COP. But...

        I recently ran this energizer: with a new circuit - typical SSG with a MJL21194. Used 1n4001 for both diodes. 60 ohm resistor in series with a 1k 10 turn pot meter. Coil is so small it doesn't need a neon. Runs fine without a battery on the back. I never did a charging test with this little machine because I never thought it could do much. Well, I ran it on a 18v nicad tool batt and charged a 18v nicad tool batt after it was discharged with a resistive c20 load. The input vs output results are shocking and that doesn't include mechanical work.

        I need to have a few people look at the numbers and calculation method first before I post anything on it, but it is the highest COP with a single battery:battery charge that I've seen for the basic SSG. The roller skate wheel was spinning at 4500 rpm and using neo magnets, which you're not supposed to use in the normal mode anyway. I have to do more tests, but I'm thinking so far that neos are actually beneficial for the new mode - helps with mechanical but also recovery. Don't quote me on that because it simply needs to be done with a test with the new mode with wheels that have neos and one with ceramics to see the difference.
        Aaron Murakami

        “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


        • #19
          Thanks for replying

          Hi Aaron

          Thanks for replying, you should rather call it "the new mode/ method" than the "this other mode/ method" ?, I know it's not new as such, but it is the first time that it is published ? !

          Aaron don't throw small builds away, look at Woodys build for example!, I myself has seen weird stuff (not mentioned, that I know of) on my system, seeing like 8 currant shifts (gear changes ) in like 2 - 3 sec on my system, repeatedly depending on the configuration.

          I have seen voltage spike almost double with no additional currant from the primary by just making small changes to the system, (I'm still chewing on this one !)

          I know with so many variations on the SSG build from roller-skating wheels to wheelchair wheels, single wire coils to 20 wires per coil, ceramics or neo's, SSG to SS SSG, diode charging to cap-pulsing, different batteries types, etc. etc., its a hat full !

          Aaron you guys need to get a way to consolidate all this! How? I don't know, there is so much feedback and information out there that might get lost!

          Just a though, start a new thread and ask the community here for some ideas/ways of how they want to participate/commit to this forum and make it work even better?


          Last edited by Prinsloo; 12-11-2012, 02:11 PM.
          Hey !
          JUST THINK ABOUT IT . . .


          • #20
            I just read the book last night , good book and worth a read for beginners.

            My question is ive built what I think is an SSG I have one transistor one resistor, the coil is two equal lengths of magnet wire one .56 other .8 wound(not twisted) around the welding rods on a plastic spool. etc.. one of each componet, is that the SSG and the SG is whats in the book a 7 transistors 7 resistors etc and and single trigger wire.

            Whats the perforance difffernce between these two pls?

            Should have I build and SG first for exeriental reasons??


            • #21
              Originally posted by Prinsloo View Post
              Thanks for replying, you should rather call it "the new mode/ method" than the "this other mode/ method" ?, I know it's not new as such, but it is the first time that it is published ? !

              Aaron don't throw small builds away, look at Woodys build for example!, I myself has seen weird stuff (not mentioned, that I know of) on my system, seeing like 8 currant shifts (gear changes ) in like 2 - 3 sec on my system, repeatedly depending on the configuration.

              I have seen voltage spike almost double with no additional currant from the primary by just making small changes to the system, (I'm still chewing on this one !)

              I know with so many variations on the SSG build from roller-skating wheels to wheelchair wheels, single wire coils to 20 wires per coil, ceramics or neo's, SSG to SS SSG, diode charging to cap-pulsing, different batteries types, etc. etc., its a hat full !

              Aaron you guys need to get a way to consolidate all this! How? I don't know, there is so much feedback and information out there that might get lost!

              Just a though, start a new thread and ask the community here for some ideas/ways of how they want to participate/commit to this forum and make it work even better?


              Actually, I'd call it ATTRACTION MODE because that is what it is. It is an Attraction Mode School Girl or AMSG for sort (that is what I've been calling it privately) to make a clear distinction that it is different. In normal repulsion mode, the north field on the coil does pull the scalar south between the magnets to it but it is more biased towards repelling the north magnet. The Attraction Mode is biased to strongly pull the magnet to it so you have a few things working in harmony that all boost the output of the machine in both mechanical and electrical.

              On a small build, I just corrected my numbers and got 1.6 COP and that doesn't even include the mechanical work. At first, I thought it was 2.38 then I thought it was 0.6. After carefully going over everything, it is actually 1.6, which is phenomenal for this machine and I'm only using one power winding and it has a really small coil.

              The new book is definitely the best compilation there ever has been for the SG in terms of an actual handbook. All the other stuff - some will be in the intermediate book. By the time the advanced book is released, there isn't much else that anyone would really have to know about it so most people beginning can focus on building instead of asking questions. So much of the time is spent just figuring out what to build and how to put it together and we know this book will save them a lot of valuable time.
              Aaron Murakami

              “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


              • #22
                Originally posted by mrbeale View Post
                I just read the book last night , good book and worth a read for beginners.

                My question is ive built what I think is an SSG I have one transistor one resistor, the coil is two equal lengths of magnet wire one .56 other .8 wound(not twisted) around the welding rods on a plastic spool. etc.. one of each componet, is that the SSG and the SG is whats in the book a 7 transistors 7 resistors etc and and single trigger wire.

                Whats the perforance difffernce between these two pls?

                Should have I build and SG first for exeriental reasons??
                The only real difference between the SG and SSG is that the SSG has the diode to pick off the spike and send it directly to a recovery battery. The SG has one diode from the ground to the base and the SSG has a 2nd diode from the collector to a second battery positive and second battery negative to the + of the input battery.

                For the 7 transistor model, you still only need 1 trigger - just connect the triggers together on all the transistors.

                The diagram is in the book to show how to wire all 7 together.

                A more relevant question to ask about the SG vs SSG is not the performance difference but what is the difference. As stated above. SG doesn't charge anything and the SSG does.

                If you have a small model with a small coil, you can run it in SG mode and you probably don't need a neon on the transistor for protection, but it won't hurt if you do. I would recommend just doing it to get ahead of the game for when you build a coil big enough for it to matter. Then you can just learn about the mechanics of how it operates. To make it an SSG, just add one single diode and a secondary battery to take the electrical recovery and that is about it.
                Aaron Murakami

                “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller


                • #23
                  I'm new at this,
                  The coil winding is still leaving me a bit stumped. I did wind the coil as illustrated, where S is on top, but in order for it to work I had to turn the magnets on the rotor S facing out, instead of N. Is there something I'm missing? Are you running it with North side facing out with a south top coil?

                  My ssg is working with the following:
                  3055 transister
                  4001 diode
                  4007 diode
                  100 ohm resister ( experimenting with different sizes up to 470)
                  4 Ferrite magnets 90deg
                  rotor is a roller blade wheel with nice bearing action
                  iron welding rods as suggested
                  22 and 26 ga wires 600+ turns
                  ne bulb
                  fullriver 12v 110ah battery primary
                  various different charging batteries for experimentation

                  I'm working on the SG 7 circuit, but NE bulbs are back ordered.

                  Thank you


                  • #24
                    OK let me explain a bit further. Perhaps someone can comment as to these observations?

                    I have constructed the coil in a counterclockwise direction, leaving me with a south pole on top for an attraction mode with the N face magnets on the rotor. However it seems when the magnets on the rotor are facing N outwards, the tolerance of the spacing between the magnets and the coil is much smaller and requires a more forceful push-start. Once running, which I wasn't able to do earlier because of the 1/4" spacing did not allow it to start, I have decreased the space to about 1/8" which now allows it to run, albeit with a much more forceful start. [The circuit is straight out of the book, where the top wire goes to the positive of the battery]

                    Now, when I switch the magnets on the rotor to S facing out (repulsion mode), the space tolerance is greater and I hardly need to push it to get it going. Although, this setup creates more rpm, more voltage on the charging battery and more drain on the primary than when the magnets are facing N. Unfortunately, I do not yet own a scope to check out other factors.

                    Everything remains cool during both methods and without any humm or buzzing, just the rotor moving.

                    Has anyone else experienced this and whether the force needed to start the attraction mode is normal? Or am I missing something?

                    Thank you.


                    • #25
                      Kevin, I think this is fairly normal. Most likely it's because of your small wheel which does not have much mass to store enough kinetic energy to keep it moving. This is why a large bike wheel is recommended.

                      John K.


                      • #26
                        Thanks John,

                        Once I decreased the spacing, the rotor starts and runs much easier now. With less primary battery drain I can see that the attraction mode is far more efficient when comparing it to the repulsion mode. The transistor remains quite cool and balanced with the ambient temp. however the coil gets about 8 degrees hotter than ambient, in its center (measured with an infrared thermometer), is that in range?

                        Perhaps you can answer why is it that the SSG uses two different diodes but the SG uses one type? I have not found the reason anywhere, I must be missing something. But I'm eager to learn as much as possible.

                        Here is a pic of the SSG I built until all the parts come in for the SG

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Bedini SSG pic.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	94.2 KB
ID:	45885


                        • #27
                          Well people i finally got it, the attraction mode produce better mechanical work of the wheel, so that means more free pulses as result!
                          Last edited by BEDINSSGUKRAINE; 01-10-2014, 09:51 PM.

