Originally posted by mpc755
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Originally posted by Aaron Murakami
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For example - the object displaces the superfluid and the superfluid gives back the energy to the object at zero loss (his/her claims) - so that is how the object moves through space at zero loss. However, the absolute flaw in this is that energy is only there IF work is being done. I completely understand recovery, but if the object is moving through the superfluid with no friction or resistance, work is NOT being done and therefore there is no energy being used by the object moving through space (superfluid) and therefore, there can be no energy being given back to the object. Gravitational Potential aka mpc755 claims it does this with no loss but having zero resistance, there is no 100% energy recovery as energy is not being used to begin with to displace the aether it is moving through.
The reality is that an object moving through "vacuum space" at a steady rate is in equilibrium with the aether meaning there is no potential difference and no work is being done. When there is a rate of change, then an assymetrical relationship with the mass and aether exists (dipole) and with the polarization of the aether under these conditions, then and only then is there a dipole from where the source potential can be imparted to the mass of the object to cause resistance to the movement. That is what "rate of change" is doing with mass and aether, it causes a dipole. That is the only time energy is happening and this is NOT the case when an object is moving at a steady speed where inertia is not being experienced.
This person also refused to answer me in any intellectually honest way when I pointed out his logical inconsistencies on his claims that the aether has mass. You can see all of that in that thread. Whether the aether has mass or not is not the point I'm making. The point I AM making is that Gravitational Aether aka mpc755 will give lawyer answers when any valid questions are brought up such as the logical fallacy in his claims about energy meaning he/she is absolutely using an incorrect definition of energy.
Just saying...