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Bedini's Linear Current Amplifier

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  • Nityesh Schnaderbeck
    If you hook the linear amp regulator to a normal ac transformer, I bet it would not work. Charge a cap with normal power it charges slowly, and when you short it out, the spark is orange red yellow, but if you charge a cap from the ssg it charges fast and when you short it out it has a green in the spark, and that "green spark electricity" is charging your battery. Did you know that electrons have mass, and normal physics say that anything with mass has inertia. So maybe electrons have inertia too. I think that a coil puts the electrons out of phase with the holes. Because electrons have mass and holes are mass less charge, a charge with no mass can travel faster than the speed of light.
    And when this mass less charge charges a cap the electricity is different, a mix between positive electricity and negative electricity, with a special phasing arrangement between electrons and holes. Could it be that electricity can have many colors, and each color has it's unique properties.
    Last edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 09-18-2014, 11:53 AM.

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  • Nityesh Schnaderbeck
    It is so good to talk electronics with someone else. Designing these circuits is more fun than testing batteries, forever and ever.
    Last edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 09-18-2014, 10:48 AM.

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  • Nityesh Schnaderbeck
    yes, I have been spending all night and all day figuring out this linear amp regulator.

    I have tried a number of circuit configurations, all so far load the ssg.

    I have a hall sensor, that detects the magnet going past, and the pulses are fed into a frequency/tachometer which I purchased from ebay at $12.00. So I can very accurately see the speed variations. This will tell me if the linear amp design is working, to find out how not to load the wheel.

    I did not want to take the pulses from the ssg transistors or the coil, in case of oscillations which will throw my magnets per second reading out the window.
    Last edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 09-18-2014, 10:37 AM.

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  • guyzzemf
    been awhile N_techo';s GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE

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  • Nityesh Schnaderbeck
    Originally posted by Ecancanvas View Post
    Been working on a linear charger/generator. Not sure what john did to control the Transistor. I just worked out the filters then put on a TI battery charger circuit in the end. I have ordered some parts to start working on this project. Just looking for some tech input, better way to do it. got to start some where.
    thanks Ed
    I had a closer look at your design, I can see in the video "part 37" John Bedini, did not have the main current flowing though the regulators. I know this because the regulators were not attached to a heat sink, it was the beta multiplier that got hot, not the regulators. And I believe he used a plus and minus regulator, eg Lm7812 and Lm7912. With your design you will have to have the LM338 on a heat sink, as the main current is passing through it. If you have a look at the John Bedini's "Linear current regulator" you will see he has 3 devices on a heat sink, 2 x 2n3055 and a transistor, it looks like the amplifying transistor is a pnp, because the positive output to the battery is connected to the center pin of the transistor, which is the collector. The 2 big resistors are big because they have to carry lots of current. One of the big resistors, the one that balances the emitter is 0.1ohm, I believe this is the current sensing resistor, the voltage drop across the 0.1ohm resistor, is very small. And needs to be amplified with a servo amp, and mixed with the battery voltage. With a summing amp, so the summing amp has a voltage that represents the impedance of the battery. Which is used to control/(change the impedance of) the regulators and the beta multiplier.

    I think that this "Linear Regular Amplifier" is an impedance regulator, and it regulates the impedance of the battery, not just the voltage but the voltage current ratio. Maybe it could be helpful to think Impedance regulation instead of voltage regulation. And it is the Impedance of the battery that determines the voltage. So if that was true then, each different battery would require a different adjustment, because different batteries will have different impedance's at 15V.

    If you get a flat battery and try to charge it, it draws not much current, and can go strait to 15V, if you were only measuring voltage you would think it was charged, only to find that the battery doesn't run anything. But if you were measuring a signal that was a mix between the current into the battery and voltage across the battery, you will know the battery if the battery is charged or not.

    OP amps and comparators work better with a dual power supply, eg +- 15V. A voltage divider, with caps across the resistors can half the voltage, and have plus and minus 15V, with respect to the center of the voltage divider. The center of the voltage divider, can be your ground for your op amp/comparter circuit. The ratio of the resistors in the voltage divider, may have to made different to compensate for the other resistors the are connected to ground. (op amp ground).

    Here is another interesting thing, So you have the cap charging to double voltage of the battery, and the output of the beta multiplier is double battery voltage, then the positive terminal of the battery will be zero with respect to op-amp ground, so I am thinking that the op-amps/comparators are always trying to zero (servo) the battery voltage with respect to op-amp ground. I also think that the feedback that is going into the beta multiplier, is telling the beta multiplier always be double, the battery voltage., but an average of the double voltage, as the capacitor (I think this value of this cap is important for performance tuning) at the base of the beta multiplier is also filtering any high frequency fluctuations from the battery.

    I also think that the op-amp ground is held between the emitter of the beta multiplier, and the negative of the pre-filter cap (the 15,000uF one). Because the op-amp ground has a smooth average, from the beta multiplier, the high frequency impedance fluctuations appear as small plus and minus voltage differences between op-amp ground and the battery voltage, these fluctuations are used to zero the battery voltage with respect to op-amp ground, controlling the output device/amp to do it.
    It is almost as if the battery is controlling it's own charging, and telling the linear amp regulator how to do it.

    So the ions in the battery are controlling the "linear Amp Regulator".
    Last edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 09-18-2014, 11:59 AM.

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  • Nityesh Schnaderbeck
    Very nice to see another schematic, of a charger circuit, Here is a schematic I have been working on, I hope this can help, it is still in development stages, modification may be necessary, like resisters values and stuff.

    The feedback resistor R13, C3 (at the base of the beta multiplier), will need to be performance tuned. Also the damping factor is also worth investigating for performance tuning.

    linear amp regulator.pdf
    Last edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 09-18-2014, 10:45 AM.

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  • Ecancanvas
    Been working on a linear charger/generator. Not sure what john did to control the Transistor. I just worked out the filters then put on a TI battery charger circuit on the end. I have ordered some parts to start working on this project. Just looking for some tech input, better way to do it. got to start some where.
    thanks Ed
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  • aln
    JB sure knows how to keep us coming back for more, i'll start saving... again...

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  • Tom C
    yes that is what it does. We are working on pricing and availability with John right now.

    Tom C

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  • Joster
    started a topic Bedini's Linear Current Amplifier

    Bedini's Linear Current Amplifier

    Hi All,

    This is really cool....not really sure how it works but I suppose it coverts the voltage from the charged cap to constant current?