My other thread is a bit cluttered and random so i'll keep this one strictly for the multicoil machine.
Current set up is as follows.
-26"wheel, 36 Magnets 2"x1"x1/2", North out.
-9 x 8 Filar x 18ga coils.
-Air gap is 6mm (1/4").
-12V x 100Ah primary and secondary.
Running tonight 466rpms @ 1.2A per coil with 214V peaks on the h wave.
Hitting 280hz in single pulse mode with a 15ohm trigger.
I've machined up a shaft that allows for an 8mm ID cartridge bearing and printed up a bushing to fit the wheel.
This allows me to run a standard ceramic downhill bearing giving me a spin time of 3mins 45 seconds with 9 coils in place.
It's balanced nicely, supported on one side only and is held on the shaft by a tiny circlip but there is no side movement.
The wheel is magnet variable so I will do some testing with the 36mag wheel and then drop it back to 27 magnets and do some comparisons.
There is space for 9 more coils which will probably be Generator coils.
The 6 copper Bus lines from inside out are Primary +, Primary -, Secondary +, Signal wire, Gen+, Gen-.
1/4" copper pipe with copper saddles being used for connection lugs.
Pipe is connected at rear to parallel and double Current Carrying Capacity.
From this connection a 25mm2 flex is connected to the batteries.
Coils are mounted to structural ply with a 3D printed variable position mount.
Current set up is as follows.
-26"wheel, 36 Magnets 2"x1"x1/2", North out.
-9 x 8 Filar x 18ga coils.
-Air gap is 6mm (1/4").
-12V x 100Ah primary and secondary.
Running tonight 466rpms @ 1.2A per coil with 214V peaks on the h wave.
Hitting 280hz in single pulse mode with a 15ohm trigger.
I've machined up a shaft that allows for an 8mm ID cartridge bearing and printed up a bushing to fit the wheel.
This allows me to run a standard ceramic downhill bearing giving me a spin time of 3mins 45 seconds with 9 coils in place.
It's balanced nicely, supported on one side only and is held on the shaft by a tiny circlip but there is no side movement.
The wheel is magnet variable so I will do some testing with the 36mag wheel and then drop it back to 27 magnets and do some comparisons.
There is space for 9 more coils which will probably be Generator coils.
The 6 copper Bus lines from inside out are Primary +, Primary -, Secondary +, Signal wire, Gen+, Gen-.
1/4" copper pipe with copper saddles being used for connection lugs.
Pipe is connected at rear to parallel and double Current Carrying Capacity.
From this connection a 25mm2 flex is connected to the batteries.
Coils are mounted to structural ply with a 3D printed variable position mount.