Originally posted by min2oly
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Hello everyone,
Here is something about John Bedini's Ferris wheel and Patricks motor

In The Bedini SG - The Complete Advanced Handbook(sgadv.pdf), Page 87, it shows the schematic of John Bedini's Ferris Wheel. It has one master coil in the middle, and 2 slave coils on each side, a total of 3 coils.
The back spike of the master coil is feed into the 2 slave coils, just like with Patricks motor. On my 81 Strand Oscillilator the coil weighs 20 pounds with no core, It is a big coil and resonates at a low frequency, of about 20Hz- 50Hz(approx). The point being that large coils resonate at low frequencies.
Bedini's large coils on his Ferris wheel also resonate at low frequency, so low that the resonance frequency of the slave coils can easily match the magets per second, in other words the magnets passing the coil is the same frequency as the resonance frequency of the slave coils.
Patricks Motor and the Bedini Ferris wheel are the same technology, just diffrent designs of the same motor. With Bedini's Ferris wheel the capactance is inside the slave coils, while with Patricks Motor the Capacitor is outside the coil.
If the coils are small and the resonace frequecy is too high for the speed of the motor(Magnets per Second) the next best thing is to tune the motor to a sub harmonic of the coils resonace frequency.
Of course the very best is to be able to have the magets per second match the resonance frequency of the coils.
I hope this info is helpful for the free energy enthusiasts and Patrick.
Nityesh Schnaderbeck