Time to expand this machine and see it too it's full potential.
I soldered up 4 new boards today. Next I will be working on the coils and then we will see how it runs fully loaded.
By the way Tom if your reading, I love these boards! I was on the fence about just building some out the way I had been doing on my own when I decided to build this machine BUT I am really glad I went with these from TeslagenX.
They are easy to assemble the first go around and easy to take off and replace transistors when necessary (which I have done many times).
Anyway here are some pics of the boards:
More updates to come soon.
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BobZilla's Custom Build
Hey Branch,
It's hard to say exactly what either of them are rated at AH wise. The Walmart ones have a goofy sticker that says 109AH @ 1A.
I think Tom has a formula to figure out CCA to AH but I don't remember. If I had too guess I would say the deep cells are about 60AH at 2A and the gardens are about 16AH @ 900ma for C20 rates.
The primary crept up a little more but not much,, probably 25.6v or so. I did not let it settle much longer because I wanted to start another run.
Here are some pictures of the batteries labels:
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Looks like a solid run. Just watched the video. What is the capacity of your deep cells vs the garden batteries? What did the voltage of the primary end up resting at?
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This run is on two garden batteries in parallel for 12v. The primary is two Walmart deep cells in series. I was pulling about 2A from the primary.
The wheel is changed out for the original SuperPole and we are running in mode 1. All four coils are connected so we have 16 transistors firing.
And here is a video of it in progress:
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Here is another garden battery run. This one is mode 1.
Trying a new host for video.
New Link:
http://1drv.ms/1HDeMAPLast edited by BobZilla; 03-25-2015, 06:05 AM.
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Hi John,
That was a short run. If you look at those charts the numbers on the bottom are seconds so roughly there was a 2000 second rest at the start, then running for about 13000 so 13000/60= 216 min or 216/60 = 3.6 hours.
That is ballpark because the run stopped a bit before the15k mark and then a bit of a rest period on the end. Anyway the bottom scale is seconds so you can call it how you see it.
I nornally don't run that hard but the machine is really sized out for larger batteries so I had to run it like that, way beyond a c20 for that front end.Last edited by BobZilla; 03-16-2015, 08:46 PM.
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Nice video Bob. Thanks for sharing.
Just one question - how long was that run?
John K.
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Today I am posting a garden battery run and a short video of it. This is a gen mode run.
Trying a different host for video.
New link:
http://1drv.ms/1N7KKslLast edited by BobZilla; 03-25-2015, 06:05 AM.
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Yup the arduino is pretty nifty for controlling a switch exactly how you want too.
I have always wanted to build a machine with no modern components but never got started on it. The transistors could be replaced by slap switches, diodes would be a little harder but maybe with treated copper like the crystal cell bowls are made to produce a semi conductor.
There will be no more video of the primary switching deal. I have decided to just go back to basic runs and forget all the BS. I can easily get 1 to 1 on a neg/neg so really all I need to do is take advantage of the mechanical and well,,,,
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Originally posted by BobZilla View PostIn that video it was mode 1, but I actually prefer to run this thing in neg/neg. It will work either way but I think the results are a little better in neg/neg.
Anyway I probably let my ego get bent when I shouldn't. If you really look at what I have shown over the years there were a lot of things that were unique. Not all of them have panned out but I am not just a monkey see monkey copy what he saw kind of experimenter.
I do see how I could adopt what you were showing into this machine however. I have 4 coil slots open on the main wheel and the entire front 4 inch wheel open to slap some coils on.
There's someone on EF I discovered later, who documented a bunch of this very nicely I think as far back as 2009(?) with lot's of different switching methods. 2009 is about when I came on the seen, never even heard of EF until about 2011. There were many good researchers there who have been pushed out by the psycho's. Gotta love the moderators here. Anyway each documented method is unique in the effect it can produce, couple that with different outputs coil sizes core magnets freq. etc... it becomes a complete and separate science curriculum. Some time ago Guy put it best in my book... "it's all coil shorting" with a little more to it...
I like what you are doing with the arduino because of the accuracy it provides. I have been conducting many experiments now which I could not fathom before watching your progress with the arduino. I know John B. prefers the analog as do I for implementation. However, I think the use of the 01001's brings something extra to the learning curve for me at least. Now I can go back knowing exactly why and reproduce in the analog world...
Anyway - we finally have a few days in a row of sun in Seattle, going to have to break out the sunscreen - Later...
KR - Patrick
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In that video it was mode 1, but I actually prefer to run this thing in neg/neg. It will work either way but I think the results are a little better in neg/neg.
Anyway I probably let my ego get bent when I shouldn't. If you really look at what I have shown over the years there were a lot of things that were unique. Not all of them have panned out but I am not just a monkey see monkey copy what he saw kind of experimenter.
I do see how I could adopt what you were showing into this machine however. I have 4 coil slots open on the main wheel and the entire front 4 inch wheel open to slap some coils on.
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Originally posted by BobZilla View PostPatrick I appreciate the advice and the conversation but how is it that you know what I understand or don't?
If you think I don't understand coil shorting or induction which is what you are doing then I ask you to have a look here:
I have been showing things for years now that I have not seen others talk about. I have no idea why that thread fell flat but it's too bad because that was a system that works very well. I will admit that I did not think of an inducted charge across the coil as you guys are talking about but I do understand very well how and where the spike comes from and using the coils capacity itself rather than pumping a source through it is awesome.
Of course I don't know what you understand. Although from the tone of your words I can almost tell what you're thinking now....
I can mostly only see what you are doing and so far you are not doing what I described and you are not doing what Guy described. No one is saying you do not understand the spike or induction. You are doing it a different way and I don't want to stifle it.
You SEE, I'm giving you credit for some innovation here. This is good!
Keep it up - nice work!
Oh... did you have that hooked up Neg to Neg or in Mode 1? My guess was Neg to Neg...
KR - Patrick
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Bob, you're not going to find that with your setup unless you understand what the 3 of us are doing. Luckily you have us here to ask anything you like.
If you think I don't understand coil shorting or induction which is what you are doing then I ask you to have a look here:
I have been showing things for years now that I have not seen others talk about. I have no idea why that thread fell flat but it's too bad because that was a system that works very well. I will admit that I did not think of an inducted charge across the coil as you guys are talking about but I do understand very well how and where the spike comes from and using the coils capacity itself rather than pumping a source through it is awesome.
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Hi guys,
Let's just forget about it Lol.
Things got off course real quick. The neons were simply an quick observation that I mentioned, it was never planned on or meant to prove out anything. I only made the video to clarify what I had said because that's only fair once I had opened my mouth. To simplify it all,,, I am playing with duty cycles on the front.
I started a run last night that I was going to share but this morning the chart had stopped as it sometimes does. The run is not over yet but I actually want to try an adjustment so this run will not be presented. Once I figure out my tuning a bit better I will post some data on how one of these runs works out with the FET board switching the primary.
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Originally posted by BobZilla View PostOk I made a video to explain what I am talking about, hopefully it will help.
Guy we are starting to mix and mingle two different things. What I am after at the moment is what I first described and hint at in this video.When you showed that other video and described your experiments my ears perked up a bit more but these are separate things. I very much appreciate the info you are giving and I will begin to experiment with the principals you have described though.
Anyway here is the video to explain what I meant about he neons and how I am "pulsing" the primary etc.
Guy I wanted to add that I think what you are talking about and what I am talking about are more similar than I let on, after I looked at what you have said. At this point the main difference is I am not trying to fire any transistors on the coast, see that first video you gave introduced me to that idea. So I am trying to strat with my original idea and see how that pans out but what you have shown fits right in with what I'm trying. I just don't want to skip any steps along the way, need to see if my thoughts match up on the bench before I take it to another level.
Thanks again
thanks for the vid, I understand what you were trying to say now. I see why the neon's are lighting up.
Also, you say that there are two separate things, and there ARE two separate things, however the way you are doing it is still attempting to do both at the same time.
I'm not going to say any more to try and set it straight. I want to see if you come up with yet a third thing that maybe myself Guy, or Dadhav did not already do. I think you may have something new in your head and I don't want to through you off your sent :-)
I don't think your videos are long at all - Thanks for continuing to share.
KR - Patrick
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