I really don't see any real cap dump circuits here so I decided to make a new thread on the topic. 
A cap dump should be simple and very effective. A capacitor charges up to a certain voltage or point and then discharges through a load. Where i see using cap dumps is in the crystal cell. Crystal cell usually have a high resistance to them so charging capacitor would be idea and then have the capacitor dump into a load. It doesn't have to me a crystal cell it could be many things. Sure a monopole motor would be the best to go about this but i think we should look for a solid state way of doing this.
I've used a P.U.T before to do a cap dump and other types of SCR's. You can use a NPN without the base to do a avalanche of the semiconductor material. The problem is that none of them are perfect.
Here is a interesting link that does a cap dump into a motor. BEAM Circuits -- Zener-based type 1 SE
If anyone has idea's for cap dump feel free to share, we all can benefit.

A cap dump should be simple and very effective. A capacitor charges up to a certain voltage or point and then discharges through a load. Where i see using cap dumps is in the crystal cell. Crystal cell usually have a high resistance to them so charging capacitor would be idea and then have the capacitor dump into a load. It doesn't have to me a crystal cell it could be many things. Sure a monopole motor would be the best to go about this but i think we should look for a solid state way of doing this.
I've used a P.U.T before to do a cap dump and other types of SCR's. You can use a NPN without the base to do a avalanche of the semiconductor material. The problem is that none of them are perfect.
Here is a interesting link that does a cap dump into a motor. BEAM Circuits -- Zener-based type 1 SE
If anyone has idea's for cap dump feel free to share, we all can benefit.
