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SSG monopole not running

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  • #16
    Hi again.

    Good work Carlos, your curiosity will pay off in the long run. Search for your answers, and you will eventually find them.

    The best way to measure your voltage generated in the trigger winding is with a scope. But what you have done on the VAC setting of your multimeter will suffice. Despite there being only one polarity of magnet facing out on the rotor you still generate an alternating current (you will learn more about this as you advance). I met an electrical engineer (who should know better) that was adamant that an all north pole rotor would only generate positive DC pulses...just goes to show they dont know it all eh?

    Keep reading up on transistors if they interest you, down load their associated data sheet and you will find a wealth of info on them. How they like to operate, their limitations, SOA, etc etc.

    I have a feeling with your new found knowledge and desire to build your next model will fire up right away. That is when the fun begins!

    Best of luck



    • #17
      Hello all, Mr. Bedini, thank you very much, you were right... i built a new coil with the specifications you suggested and now the ssg is running!! that is all i did, the circuit was perfect i didn't even rebuilt it, only the rotor/stator. made a bigger coil and put better magnets... now its spinning at 1500 RPM... i don't know if these doughnut shaped magnets are ideal, they are temporary while the disc shaped ones arrive. ill start the cycle experiment right away and let you all know how it goes. CHEEEEERS!!!

      Rustic bedini SSG monopole whizzing - YouTube



      • #18
        Bravo Carlos,

        Your first little "rustic" motor is off and running. But as you know it is far from ideal. I wouldnt put too much hope in the load testings as of yet, there are many other areas to address first. But the important thing is you have had your first success. There are many steps you can do to "flesh" out your experience from here. Aside from your pending arrival of magnets you could do the following.

        a) Learn to measure input current correctly (analogue gauge is better here than digital) This will help in deciding what size battery would be best for your load tests. And also help you to tune the machine.
        b) Adjust base resistances while measuring the corresponding changes in speed and input amperage.
        c) Remove ALL magnetic material (except core). This includes screws and mounts (looks like those right angle upright supports are mild steel?) They will actually cause drag on the passing magnets, and some flux is redirected there instead of your coil. You can use plastic, wood, some grades of stainless steel, brass, copper etc (these last two can still affect rotating magnetic fields via eddy currents as can aluminium). If in doubt, see if a magnet is attracted or google paramagnetic for some interesting info.
        d) Clean up circuit (just build another from scratch, its easier, and cheap if you use the 2n3055 again.) Try and make all connections as short as possible, in the circuit itself and the wires connecting the coil to the circuit. Use nice thick wire for you battery connections, lower resistances this way.
        e) Not a bad idea to make a little shield while running, maybe a 2 liter juice bottle (clear) cut off bottom and just sit over the top when running. I only say this because the smaller the rotor the faster it usually goes and nearly everyone who has built these has had at least one experience with the magnets coming off. I have a hole in the wall, and a broken window to prove how dangerous they are when glue lets go, and it will eventually. Ontop of that, ferrite magnets (maybe all magnets) tend to shatter on impact, and can send shards every which way. Safety first!

        Have fun and be safe



        • #19
          Hi Ren, great input as always, i will improve it and tune it before anything else.... i know i'm still far from load tests, but i just got so happy to get it to run... its been 3 weeks working on it. i feel lucky and grateful to have found this place, thanks all



          • #20
            hello all... i have a question. im running the monopole and doing the tuning for it, and something odd is happening, i don't know if this is supposed to be like this.... i started with the 1Kohm pot at max resistance as indicated, and as i turned down the ohms the rpms went up (1890RMP max) and also the amps, as expected, (by the way, the amp draw is ridiculously low, 6Ma, is this right?). the strange thing is, as i pass about 500ohms in the pot, the RPMs suddenly drop dramatically, yet the amps continue to grow... is this normal? for now im leaving it at the highest rpm level i could find at 500ohms i suppose this is the sweet spot... thanks!


            • #21

              6mA does not sound right. What are using to measure it with and where are you measuring?

              The RPMs should not drop suddenly as you reduce the base resistance. But anyway, just run it at the highest RPMs.

              John K.


              • #22
                Thanks John, i found the problem... it's too embarassing, i wont tell you... heh, no i'm joking, i didnt hook my meter right. now, after a quick search, i know.... long live google! it's drawing 210Ma... does that sound better? the RPMs are still dropping when i set the Pot below 500 Ohms, i have no idea what could be wrong there, any ideas, anyone?... well, now that you all know that i'm a complete amateur in electronics, i thank you for your patience... cheers



                • #23

                  It could be that your pot has a burnt out spot in it. Remove your pot from the circuit and check the full range with an ohm meter.

                  210mA sounds a lot better. You will learn more from your mistakes than if you don't have any mistales at all

                  John K.


                  • #24
                    Very true my friend... will do the pot test, cheers (wish those beers were real )



                    • #25
                      Hello all, just wondering, the pdf document with the instructions for the ssg has a link to the DOD and the SOC tables, but it dosn't work... does anyone knows where to find these tables? by the way, my new and improved ssg is up and running at 2010RPM... thanks all for the help, cheers



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Carlos Galvis View Post
                        Hello all, just wondering, the pdf document with the instructions for the ssg has a link to the DOD and the SOC tables, but it dosn't work... does anyone knows where to find these tables? by the way, my new and improved ssg is up and running at 2010RPM... thanks all for the help, cheers

                        Hi Carlos,

                        We'll get some of those "must read" documents transferred over here in the next couple of days.

                        John K.


                        • #27
                          Aloha to all
                          Hi John K, I have done my 20 runs. I like the SSG bike wheel. So can i do the advanced SSG bike wheel how???


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by pilahawaiian View Post
                            Aloha to all
                            Hi John K, I have done my 20 runs. I like the SSG bike wheel. So can i do the advanced SSG bike wheel how???
                            Aloha pilahawaiian,

                            Sure you can, experiment away

                            Feel free to attach your load testing results to a post. Not sure if you can attach Excel, but you can pdf it first.

                            John K.


                            • #29
                              Hi everyone,

                              some more strange things are happening with my motor... i did the test with the pot... there was nothing wrong with it, but i changed it anyway for a different type, same rating (1Kohm). also changed the magnets, its running a lot smother. probably this is just another one of my noob wiring mistakes: as i move the pot towards the highest resistance, the amp draw reads way low as expected (190Ma), but the wheel spins FASTER!. is this supposed to be like this?, i even measured the resistance in the pot to make sure i was going the right way and i was, when the pot reads 980ohms at full resistance, the wheel is at its highest speed, when near 0Ohms, the wheel goes way slower, and the Amp draw goes up higher than 500Ma... ???, remember, yesterday with the old magnets and the old pot, it started normal, at highest resistance the amp draw was low and the wheel spinned slower and went faster as i lowered the resistance. as 500Ohms were reached, the amp draw continued to grow but the wheel started moving slower. now it behaves like this all the way down the pot's full resistance. i even did the 1 ohm resistor test and passed, the voltage across is 42Mv when the pot's resistance is up and 150 Mv when the pot is at 0 Ohms, and the same thing with the wheel going faster on the higher Ohm setting. as you can see im running it on a 12V@3A power supply; i also checked running it with a battery and it behaves the same way. see it for yourselves, maybe you can spot the mistake... cheers

                              bedini ssg acting strange - YouTube
                              Last edited by Carlos Galvis; 08-08-2012, 08:43 AM.


                              • #30
                                your build looks not like a bicycle wheel...
                                should beginners follow JB steps as correct as they could?

