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SSG monopole not running

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  • #31
    Hi, Listening to what you said about the attraction mode.....are you sure the magnets are facing the right way.......or that the power coil is not hooked oppositely?........revese the leads and try it.

    Do not procrastinate! Make something happen...even if it is wrong. Once begun half done!


    • #32
      hello forrest, thank you for your input... i checked the polarities of both the magnets and the coil as you suggested.... magnets are facing north and power coil is properly hooked as it should, John B. already looked at it and said the circuit was wired fine.

      Mr ronsen, thank you as well... the instructions suggests a bicycle wheel, but it says it can be anything as long as the rotor is non magnetic, use ceramic magnets and you space them at least 2 magnet-sizes appart. quote from the instruction document in the parts list page 14:

      "Bicycle Wheel Rim - Or Other Rotor Device
      Non-magnetic wheel rim, steel shaft and spokes are OK. Other rotor devices have been used successfully: E.g. CD ROM drive mechanism, HDD platter, target board, child's bike wheel (plastic). Use your imagination."

      I know there is something wrong, but honestly i can't find it, i've triple checked everything and went through the whole instructions document several times, performed all tests, and passed... I'm actually pretty happy with the way its working, this is either very wrong or very right, couse i started the 2nd charging cycle of my battery last night and guess what? the charging time is about twice as fast this time, the only difference is that on the first run i used 3 big magnets and now i use 5 smaller magnets, evenly spaced. RPMS are about the same as before (1930RPM) but with much less vibration. the first run took from 7:20pm to 8:10am to go from 12.22 V to 13.2V. that's nearly 13h. this 2nd run started last night at 3:52am at 12.20V and now its 11:24am and the voltage is at 13.12V... only 7 hours to charge the same voltage range, and its the same battery. thank you for your input everyone, and i am hoping to find an explanation to this behavior... cheers!


      • #33
        SSG 10 monopole not running!


        I am a beginner to this technolgy and to this group, i have started with the 10 monopole, following the instructions and diagrams, the machine is now built, but on connecting batteries and turning on, there doesn't seem to be any "powering up" spinning the rotor it just slows down and stops, the trigger wire (i have tried using 2 wires) when connecting to a multimeter seems to be creating a current.
        Does anyone have any suggestions on what maybe the problem?




        • #34

          I am also new to this forum. I am very interested in building a SSG 10 Monopole. Could you provide me with the plans? If not, could you tell me where I could get them or buy them?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Cymonsaxx View Post

            I am a beginner to this technolgy and to this group, i have started with the 10 monopole, following the instructions and diagrams, the machine is now built, but on connecting batteries and turning on, there doesn't seem to be any "powering up" spinning the rotor it just slows down and stops, the trigger wire (i have tried using 2 wires) when connecting to a multimeter seems to be creating a current.
            Does anyone have any suggestions on what maybe the problem?



            you have chosen a mammoth project to begin with!! have you built a single coil monopole? my suggestion to you is to put all those other coils aside for now, concentrate on getting your master coil running, charge some batteries, learn the machine, then you will be able to diagnose the problems easily. a

            also it helps if you put up some pictures of your machine, the coils, the circuits and a description of the wire size, type of magnets rim diameter, type of transistors, resistor and diodes. the theory behind the monopole is as or more important than being able to build one! it is like asking us why your car wont start, and I put the key in the ignition!

            Tom C

            experimental Kits, chargers and solar trackers


            • #36
              Originally posted by cabraltony68 View Post

              I am also new to this forum. I am very interested in building a SSG 10 Monopole. Could you provide me with the plans? If not, could you tell me where I could get them or buy them?
              I do not reccommend building a multi coil monopole machine until you have built a single coil machine. please purchase the SG book from Aaron on this forum, it will put you light years ahead of the game in terms of learning. Peter and Aaron wrote that book, and it was proof read and o.k.'ed by John Bedini himself.

              Tom C

              experimental Kits, chargers and solar trackers


              • #37
                Thanks Tom,

                I will do just that and follow your recommendations. I will start by getting the book and then see how to build a single coil.

                Tony C


                • #38
                  Hi Tom!

                  Thanks for the interest, i realise (now) that this is a mammoth project and i have not built a monopole before. So i am concentrating on getting the master coil to work for now then slowly move on.

                  the wire size is 18 gauge with320 windings and has 5 strands, they are neo magnets, transistors are MJL 21194, diodes 3A 1000v and 1A 1000v (1N4007)Click image for larger version

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                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Cymonsaxx View Post
                    Hi Tom!

                    Thanks for the interest, i realise (now) that this is a mammoth project and i have not built a monopole before. So i am concentrating on getting the master coil to work for now then slowly move on.

                    the wire size is 18 gauge with320 windings and has 5 strands, they are neo magnets, transistors are MJL 21194, diodes 3A 1000v and 1A 1000v (1N4007)[ATTACH=CONFIG]1456[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1457[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1458[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1459[/ATTACH]
                    so where did you buy the kit from? that is not the rotor that came with the kit. that looks like R charge coil holders and magnet holders and circuti boards. did you buy it used from someone? did you wind the coils? you are going to have to change out those magnets for ceramics, no neo magnets on monopoles. you can get a rotor from Ralph (trancedrum) he had some made at a machine shop. look up his user name here and send him a private message.

                    Get the SG book so you can understand the circuit and what you are doing everything makes a difference.

                    Tom C

                    Tom C

                    experimental Kits, chargers and solar trackers


                    • #40
                      Hi Tom!

                      The kit i brought is from r-charge, the rotor, holders and boards, coils were already wound with rods already inserted and magnets all came with the kit.
                      I contacted r-charge about the wire gauge, and said i had some technical dificulties, the explained that i should contact "Rick" about the technical side, which i am still waiting for a reply (2 weeks ago).
                      If neo magnets are not for the monopole, why would they be sent??
                      The SG book i have already for some weeks now, and is of great help, thanx.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Cymonsaxx View Post
                        Hi Tom!

                        The kit i brought is from r-charge, the rotor, holders and boards, coils were already wound with rods already inserted and magnets all came with the kit.
                        I contacted r-charge about the wire gauge, and said i had some technical dificulties, the explained that i should contact "Rick" about the technical side, which i am still waiting for a reply (2 weeks ago).
                        If neo magnets are not for the monopole, why would they be sent??
                        The SG book i have already for some weeks now, and is of great help, thanx.
                        Rick is selling components that were not authorised by John. the monopole 10 coil kit was first approved by John, then modified by Rick, and no testing was done before it was sold. did you purchase the electronics from them ? if so did they match the components? if you read the SG book it talks about the importance of matching the components. 18 AWG wire is hard to trigger with a small scalar north like that rotor has. He sold you a prototype rotor, magnets are too far away from the coil core. the production ones came in aluminum. if you read the Sg book it says no neo magnets. Rick was told by John not to use neo magnets, Rick will tell you otherwise. We were told by John not to use neo magnets a long time ago. you dont want an aluminum rotor either, too heavy. this is why all the 10 coil vids were removed that had John in them.

                        the smartest thing you could to would be to run from Rick as fast as you can...... get your money back thru paypal if you can. The Chargers he sells are built by energenx, Rick just puts a label on them. no problem with the chargers, but the 10 coil kits are another story.

                        I am no longer affiliated with R Charge, and have asked Rick politely to remove any videos from youtube that contain my image or any kind of endorsement, He refused. that tells you something about the man.........

                        Tom C

                        experimental Kits, chargers and solar trackers


                        • #42
                          Hi Tom!

                          Thanx for the info, Looks like Rick has gone his own way.


