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Why does the wheel speed up after charging battery disconnect?

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  • Why does the wheel speed up after charging battery disconnect?

    I accidentally disconnected my charging battery for about 5 - 10 seconds while spinning, then the wheel accelerated in speed like crazy! Can someone help me to understand why the acceleration of the wheel after I reconnected my charge battery? Thanks Paul.

  • #2
    I am in the process of building my Cap pulser (based on the Intermediate Handbook). To find out how fast my 70.000 uF Cap bank is charging, I connected it to the output of my machine. As the Caps are only rated for 50 Volts, I manually recharged them into a 12 V Battery.
    When the Voltage of the Caps grows, the wheel accelerates a lot (I didn't measure the speed, as I had to ensure that Voltage did not exceed 40 Volts).

    To cut a long story short - the wheel accelerates when the output Voltage is rising.


    • #3
      So what is happening then when the output battery is disconnected, output voltage is rising somewhere in the system but its being dumped into the neons. Then When you hook back up the charging battery all the back EMF is dumped into the charge battery and acceleration happens. Is that correct? Sorry not an electrical engineer here just trying to learn the system.


      • #4
        The SG machine automatically regulates itself to the load. This is what you are seeing when either disconnecting the charge battery or charging up capacitors.

        During normal operation if you measure the RPM of the rotor when you start charging and then measure it again when the charge battery is charged, you'll notice that the RPM is higher at the end.

        This is because the speed of the rotor changes with the impedance of the load. The lower the impedance, the faster the RPM.

        People with solid state SG machines will also see that the frequency will increase as the charge battery charges. If you have a cap pulser on the output you'll see that as the cap charges the frequency increases and then decreases when the cap is dumped into the charge battery.

        John K.


        • #5
          Thank You John for your input! I understand. Paul

