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Why not shown how to charge one battery with the other at the offical Bedini forum?

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  • BobZilla

    should have mentioned your "dancing" pulse switching also showing great results. you are among those who have shown it already...
    Quite alright Sir ;-) ,,, thanks for the mention.

    As you already said the possibilities are endless once you understand what we are doing. I have said it over and over so why not once more... Dipoles!

    New guys need to stop obsessing on how many turns, how many feet, how many coils, what size battery, do I have enough magnets, how much gap, what size wheel, etc, etc... And really start thinking about how it works in the first place. Now I am not saying all of those things are not important, of course they are but this is a system not just a parts list.

    At the heart of it you really only need a voltage source and a wire to harvest "radiant energy" everything after that is just making it easier and more efficient.
    Last edited by BobZilla; 02-10-2014, 02:07 AM.

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  • Brodie Gwilliam
    try this curcuit, its been the best for me, i got a smaller bifiliar coil on a bike wheel and could ussually get batteries up to 13.5 normally with this one ive been getting them up to 15v and the primaries is hardly dropping at all... Click image for larger version

Name:	ssgnew.jpg
Views:	3
Size:	76.8 KB
ID:	46073

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  • Tom C
    and just to add to what Bob is saying,

    I dont care about a self runner..... it does nothing but run itself, big deal people have shown self runners for yers, they are laughed off the internet as hoaxes. Let me relate a story.... when I first started moderating a long time ago in a yahoo group far far away, I ran across a couple of guys who could not see the SG for what it was.. I asked and asked for a decent set of testing protocols from either of them, they both said there were too many variables and besides it just could not be done. I finally pinned one of them down and said " would joules in / joules out satisfy you?" the response was "maybe, it all depends" there was not even a protocol for advancement to the other groups.

    as a result we came up with a 5 run scenario joules in joules out, that eventually expanded to 20 runs. along the way you learn an awful lot about the machine and what not to do, what batteries are all about, etc.

    so we just have to let the principle speak for itself and figure out how to run it for your needs. am I off grid, no I dont have the money for 20k in batteries, but I run lights and charge and restore batteries, you gotta get a lot bigger for running your house.

    Tom C
    Last edited by Tom C; 02-09-2014, 08:44 PM.

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  • Tom C

    should have mentioned your "dancing" pulse switching also showing great results. you are among those who have shown it already...

    Tom C

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  • BobZilla
    Tom is right about all of that stuff but I would just add a few comments.

    Don't forget about the original mode 1 setup with MANY back end batteries. People are obsessed with the current pulsing these days but it is not the only way and when you use potential instead of current it can be distributed across many more targets for the same input. Yes it takes longer but that is the nature of the game.

    Second point is that although it is cool to show one battery of the same size charge another on the back of the same size, it is more of a parlor trick. If you use a larger battery on the front or parallel a few and measure the power used you will find it to be much more efficient and easier to complete runs, especially if you are running your primary near C20 with a single primary.

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  • Tom C
    build to spec, use good batteries...


    you have to do it for yourself because no one can do it for you. Patrick has shown how to do it several times over..... if you cannot do it no one is going to build you an overunity power supply, but you can buy a solar panel or a wind turbine which is 100% overunity. you can use that to power your primary and amplify it with the SG. then you can make mods that will increase your cop.

    build one of RS's cap pulser units. try min2oly's bridge rectifier mods, work with impulse charging using a tesla node...... back pop the primary using mechanical or a reed switch with a little genny coil, put a node on the trigger winding, the possibilities are endless.

    Tom C

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  • hobbyrobotik
    Hi forelle,

    thank you for this question to the members here. Everyone here in the ESF can show you that a battery driven Bedini SSG can recharge another battery.
    You can watch lots of videos showing meters connected to the charge battery reading rising voltages.
    I think your precise question is: a secondary battery can be recharged "fully or more than" from a primary battery of same capacity?

    My answer is: I cannot confirm a 1:1 recharging since over 2 years experimenting with Bedini Technology. I did tests with various setups
    and a lot of different battery sizes and types of lead acid or calcium. I killed a lot of them, but I also successfully rejuvenated some
    old batteries from the junk yard or dismantled UPS.
    Sometimes it looked like a overunity recharge of the secondary battery, but after applying a load, the voltage went rapidly down in a
    third of the charging time. I spent hundrets of hours to study the behaviour of the batteries in different conditions while used as primary
    or secondary and radiant (single diode) or capacitor current pulsed (capdump) manner.
    My best results I got with little 1,2 AH /12V radiant charged by a bifilar coil, 3" rotor SSG - was 87 percent after ~30 cycles.

    If somebody here in the forum can do a COP>1 recharging on his batteries, he(she) won't not need solar panels or wind
    turbines. I would like to ask Mr. John Bedini, why do I (You) need a solar tracker, where the batteries
    connected to an SG/SSG are the energy source (radiant energy converters)?

    If there is a COP>1 a selfrunner must be possible to build. I would place a selfrunner model in my living room, for showing
    every visitor or guest to see an example for what I am working on.

    Is someone here in the forum who can show us such a model?

    have all fun anyway

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  • Why not shown how to charge one battery with the other at the offical Bedini forum?

    Hi all
    I dont want to ask this questions but nobody else is doing it.
    Where are all the guys from the Yahoo groups who know how to charge one battery with the other?
    Why are the administrators from the official Bedini forum not show how to charge one battery with the other?
    Why we have to invent the wheel oncemore when JB had it allready done 30 years ago?
    I thought we are working togheter as a group.
    Looks like i am the only one who thinks so.
    From now on I dont stop asking this question till i get a satisfactoring answer.I have to do it for all who are starving every second.