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Help with SG build..thanks

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  • powerdraw
    thanks..I am monitoring closely and not draining battery below 11.5 volts. Then recharging. Speaking of deep cell battery, I have a marine deep cell that was left outside over two years through Michigan winters and finding I can only get it to charge up to 11.16 volts and then it rests to a low 10.89. Is this battery probably toast? Tried running on wheel through 4 periods of 4 to 6 hours but cant get to charge up better..just wondering if being a deep cell battery, if there's anything I can try to fix it. I cleaned it thoroughly and topped off distilled water in cells but no improvement yet. ??
    As always thanks for your input and help! Marty

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  • Tom C
    watch your current draw with headlights, and your cutoff voltage. car batteries are not meant to really be run like a deep cell. that is why they die so fast when you leave a little dome light on overnight. pull enough out to get a voltage drop a bit, then go at it again. I have found just taking a few amps out is all you need.

    Tom C

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  • powerdraw
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  • powerdraw
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  • powerdraw
    Just a continued thanks to John Bedini for giving this information to the's updated improved frame and have fine tuned. Rejuvinating batteries quite well, wish I had this before I was duped into buying batteries all my life! Pictures show old rare Dynamark Headlights being used to load batteries. Will be updating soon tapping mechanical energy from wheel.Click image for larger version

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  • powerdraw
    Hey all..thought this was "cosmically cute" was a coil cap that some adhesive spilled on..cap was never part of any build but think it's trying to tell me something! It's going on my next coil! I will be adding fan to my wheel and also doing some follow up work to my wheel frame. I know my numbers are too good to be true regarding charging and run battery and will be back with updated numbers soon. I did go through 50 transistors and found about 3 sets of 7 matching. Became apparant to me that transistors vary significantly in gain per voltage so making sure they are matched certainly helps things stay synchronized. The intermediate handbook gives simple schematic to make circuit to match transistors and I would highly recommend. Good luck all and thanks to all who have guided me on this fascinating project.Click image for larger version

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  • powerdraw
    Thanks..yes..there is certainly a bunch (that's scientific quantification) of mechanical energy here to tap for sure. I was imagining a low torque thread belt as in the Skinner gravity machine set up to drive a primary stage of a two stage oscillator mechanisim or even link to a Kromrey set up to generate even more electricity. I have found that with the 1k trim pot into the 100 ohm resistors per John's suggestion for fine tuning system really enables finding the sweet spot where wheel runs very smooth as a steady rpm. I find it amazing that my power supply runs this wheel now for over 20 hours and I am only seeing a 1/2 volt drop in it..!!! Am I dreaming! Don't wake me up now!

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  • guyzzemf
    very nice .are you going to put a fan on so it runs at lower-and consistent rpm

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  • powerdraw

    heres video of first spin.. been running 15 hours now and run battery is only reading down .47 volts and on second battery charging. first was a deep cell 550 crank amp marine battery and second is more matched to run battery; 230 carnk almost fully charged now..this is awesome!

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  • powerdraw
    Thanks..actually made several winder machines until finally came up with this..feels like a big deep sea fishing reel ready to reel in a giant Marlin! I will work on video for you and show breakdown of simple parts to make this winder. Parts are a 8 inch 3/4 inch hex head bolt, collar to back coil up to, nut and washers to secure coil to bolt, rockwell vise bench to secure 1/2 drive ratchet, angle wood bracket to support end of bolt which is clamped to bench, vise grip pliers secured to end of bolt to serve as winding handle. Just like John Bedini's lathe without the motor! And this setup could easily be motorized but I prefer to feel the tightness and winds manually and with this winder you can wind a coil quite quickly. And on the supply reel I just stretched a bungy cord across top of spool to keep tension as I pulled wire with the winder. Hey, who says you cant learn new stuff at age 65!

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  • Allen R.
    Hi Powerdraw. Awesome! Love the ratchet winder. Very cool that you build. Hope my next build looks that good. Those clear coil sides are neat. It would be nice to see it running on video if you have the time. Thanks for sharing the photos.


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  • powerdraw
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  • powerdraw
    Hey all! Success! Tom was right on the core material. Rebuilt the coil to EXACT specs and unit took right off on first spin and has been running for couple hours smoothly beyond my expectations. I learned a lot about core material and paying attention to the composition. The R45 as specified is almost all iron and minimum carbom Tom said..for beginners like me stick to the instructions EXACTLY. I am so excited as I never built anything electronic from a schematic and to build this and get results has made my day. Already charged up a deep cell marine battery from 5.8 tp 10.2 volts in couple hours with almost no drop in the input battery. I also learned how to build a trasistor matching circuit and a coil winder that works great. Posted video of working wheel and my ratchet coil winder. I ended up winding the same wire 5 times before I figured out how to keep coil spool from popping apart right at the end ! Anyway..going to interface my wheel with a solar powered stirling engine and link mechanical out put of wheel to drive a 2 stage oscillator lift tackle. Will demonstrate lifting a ton of weight with very little input...

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  • guyzzemf
    I noticed my coil spool is 3.5 inches high where book actually calls for 3.25 long this difference critical?
    are the core diameters the same

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  • Allen R.
    Hi Powerdraw. Every question is a good one. Every detail that you fudge on with the ssg will bite you in the butt later. Will it charge? Sure it will. Some experiments will be impossible to get to work properly with these little differences. The more precise and accurate your build is the better off you will be. Mine isn't great but does what I need it to do. I only rejuvenate with mine. My next one will be better. Hope you have great luck with yours.

    BTW I am just a normal user here. There are many here much more skilled than me.


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