we (the moderators) also have been led down the primrose path here with the monopole, the kits, and what has happened with Rick F and R charge. for a long time Rick was the Gatekeeper for all info related to the SG the monopole forums and access to John Bedini. also he was the one that passed the "approved" circuits onto the SG groups over on yahoo. only after the last conference did we fully have access to John and His technology. we had a lot of things told to us that were patently untrue, and we supported kits and designs that we thought were directly from JB but they were not!! you can draw the SG circuit, and plug in a ton of variables (transistor, diodes, resistors, etc) not to mention coil wire size and length, and get something that will spin a bike wheel, but may not charge well.
that is the reason for this forum, to have acces to the correct design parameters.
We were under the impression that The SG as posted was Designed by John, and in one sense it was, but the coil parameters were not for the size of battery John expects to be charged with the bike wheel, and the wire size was not approved of by John.
my bike wheel has 18 awg, it charges great!! my 23-26 coil charges too, but not as well. for small 7 ah batteries it does good, but not the best, for anything much larger forget it. you HAVE to size the coil for the battery.
so will the smaller coil work, yes... here is the analogy, you can ride a bike from portland to seattle, drive a car or take a train or a plane. will they all get you there, yes, but not in the same amount of time or comfort. with this in mind realise that hundreds of people have done the testing on monopole 3 with the 23 26 coil and successfully produced cops over 1. that is because the technology does work, but is it the way John designed it? no that coils is not within his design parameters. for the bike wheel.
we have hundreds of people who post things like "I built it just like John designed" then post pictures of a skateboard wheel, and some transformer laminations wrapped with speaker wire for the coil, guess what it charges batteries, but its not like John designed, and it wont give ou hi cop's
so if I was obtuse I am sorry, but if you read the first part of this thread you realise why I posted what I did.
you will not get your money back from Rick for that coil, and we are working on a new document for the SG. John is working on a bike wheel kit for everyone, so lets see what he plans on doing.
we are doing our best to disseminate info as quickly as we can. you are getting it as fast as we are.
Tom C
we (the moderators) also have been led down the primrose path here with the monopole, the kits, and what has happened with Rick F and R charge. for a long time Rick was the Gatekeeper for all info related to the SG the monopole forums and access to John Bedini. also he was the one that passed the "approved" circuits onto the SG groups over on yahoo. only after the last conference did we fully have access to John and His technology. we had a lot of things told to us that were patently untrue, and we supported kits and designs that we thought were directly from JB but they were not!! you can draw the SG circuit, and plug in a ton of variables (transistor, diodes, resistors, etc) not to mention coil wire size and length, and get something that will spin a bike wheel, but may not charge well.

that is the reason for this forum, to have acces to the correct design parameters.

We were under the impression that The SG as posted was Designed by John, and in one sense it was, but the coil parameters were not for the size of battery John expects to be charged with the bike wheel, and the wire size was not approved of by John.

my bike wheel has 18 awg, it charges great!! my 23-26 coil charges too, but not as well. for small 7 ah batteries it does good, but not the best, for anything much larger forget it. you HAVE to size the coil for the battery.
so will the smaller coil work, yes... here is the analogy, you can ride a bike from portland to seattle, drive a car or take a train or a plane. will they all get you there, yes, but not in the same amount of time or comfort. with this in mind realise that hundreds of people have done the testing on monopole 3 with the 23 26 coil and successfully produced cops over 1. that is because the technology does work, but is it the way John designed it? no that coils is not within his design parameters. for the bike wheel.
we have hundreds of people who post things like "I built it just like John designed" then post pictures of a skateboard wheel, and some transformer laminations wrapped with speaker wire for the coil, guess what it charges batteries, but its not like John designed, and it wont give ou hi cop's
so if I was obtuse I am sorry, but if you read the first part of this thread you realise why I posted what I did.
you will not get your money back from Rick for that coil, and we are working on a new document for the SG. John is working on a bike wheel kit for everyone, so lets see what he plans on doing.
we are doing our best to disseminate info as quickly as we can. you are getting it as fast as we are.
Tom C