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John in this thread there's been much talk about your cap dump methods, so I thought I could post this here. I've been trying many times in the last years to get the right "back-pop" signal. I've read Bearden's explanations many times, yet there are a few things that are confusing. Like in your original motor-generator drawings the cap dump occurs when the load is disconnected from the battery, like you've been saying, while Bearden clearly says the cap is overpotentializing the battery and the load simultaneously. What is correct?
right now I have a setup where a 62000 uF cap is charged (and stays since it never gets discharged like you said) at 33V. The battery is a new motorcycle 12 Ah battery. A dual channel signal generator controls the cap dump done with two paralleled mosfets on the neg. side. The rise fall times are very fast, about 20 ns, so pretty close to a mechanical contact. This means I can do what Bearden describes: Turn ON and then turn OFF very fast to also get a neg. spike right on the battery. In my case the spike is about 60V.
The second circuit switches a load (12v, 10W light bulb with 47000uF cap across it) to the battery with two paralleled MJL21194 via optocoupler. Basically the first channel of the sig.gen. controls the sharp cap to battery pulses and the second channel controls the battery to load pulses. I can make the cap pulses as narrow as I want to (from 0.1% duty upwards) and I can delay the second channel so that I can connect the load to the battery during the cap pulse, in the middle or only after the cap pulse is over, as I wish.
The cap pulse signal as seen on the battery with a scope consists of: initial small spike, followed by a small ramp to about 1V over the battery, then the 60V spike plus ringing at turn off.
Bearden also says that the effect will (only?) happen in an almost discharged battery, what voltage are we talking about?
John I would really appreciate if you could shed some light on this.
What frequency should I use? I've tried from 1 to 150 Hz.
At what time of the cap pulse should the load be connected (from start or pulse end?)
How long should the load be on the battery? only for a short duration after cap pulse or almost the whole cycle?
Hi Mario,
there are two aspects here. see if you can understand this: 'Symmetrical alternate is Asymmetrical simulataneous and vice versa'..
so what John and Tom said are both correct and equivalent.
Mario this the Free Energy Generator that you are refering to..which involves a single Battery that is Alternately pulsed between Power and Charge Pulses and is littel tricky in understanding what is happening. make a two Battery system and you will catch the point.!
sorry to chim in here as i cannot resist answering questions...
all due respect to John .B and Tom .B
I'll try and explain. There is no secret formula here, it' all just normal math.
I can't give you figures for John Bedini's lab machine because I have not personally seen it run but I was there when we did the calculations on the bike wheel kit.
You can't just calculate the COP of the machine by measuring the input current and then the amount of energy dumped from the capacitor to the charge battery. To be able to do that accurately you need a very expensive machine that does all the calculations for you, which no one has. Well maybe NASA does. John and Peter and I had that conversation at length, so it's not just me saying this.
The only reasonable way to measure the COP with the tools that we had is to measure the energy taken from the primary battery and then calculate the energy taken from the charge battery after being charged.
The way we calculated the COP was by calculating the input energy first. On an analog ammeter the machine was drawing 1A at 12.5v. 12.5W constant (well it's not quite constant, but the average pulsed DC current).
First we charged the battery with the SG until it was fully charged.
Next we took exactly 1 amp for 1 hour out of the charge battery which was a good 13Ah garden tractor battery from Walmart. This was done with the West Mountain Radio CBA IV and charted.
We then charged the battery back up with the SG until it was fully charged again. We also charted the charge curve with the CBA IV. What we found was that the battery took less than 1 hour to charge. So right away, we knew that the COP was greater than 1.
This test was done 3 times and each time the results were the same.
We then added in the mechanical energy produced by the machine to turn the fan that was on the shaft. Once we factored this in we calculated the COP of the machine to be 1.4.
After we did this John then took the primary battery and recharged it with a constant DC current charge and calculated that we had only taken 20% of the capacity out of the primary battery during these 3 tests. The primary battery was a 10Ah battery. So even though we had calculated that we took a total of 3Ah out of to run the machine for those 3 tests, we only had to put 2Ah back into it to re-charge it. We concluded that some of the energy used to run the machine was actually being returned to the primary battery.
Now, we also tested and calculated the energy that was being dumped by the capacitor into the charge battery. We were actually dumping the capacitor at 25v, double battery voltage as John has always said. You are correct in that we were dumping it once per second, but as I posted yesterday the dump frequency increases as the the charge battery charges up because the difference in potential between the capacitor and the battery is reducing.
As Peter wrote in the intermediate handbook, John designed the comparator so it did not dump the capacitor down to the voltage of the charge battery. I'm not at liberty to say what the voltage is it dumps down to as that is proprietary and confidential information that is covered under an NDA I have with Energenx.
I can tell you the method of how the energy was calculated though. John used a DC current probe to measure the amount of current that was sent to the charge battery in a pulse, in fact a very short pulse. The current and length of the pulse was displayed on an oscilloscope. From this John used the normal formula to calculate the joules being dumped from capacitor at the point in time when we measured it. But this measurement alone will not give you the COP of the machine.
So I have given you all you need to know to go and calculate what your machine is doing, no secret formulae, it's all just straight math you can work out with basic testing equipment.
I too grew up when computers took up a whole floor of an office block. The first hard drive I ever fixed was larger than a washing machine and could hold an amazing 10MB. I used to fix punch card machines for a living. My first computer I owned had a whopping 4KB of memory. I was amazed when the first floppy disk arrived and it was 8.5" and could store 180KB! Man, when a guy at work brought in the first IBM PC with 2 x 5.25" floppy drives, 640KB of memory and a 6" monochrome display we were blown away! I remember him saying "Imagine one day when there will be one on every desk!" Anyway, now I'm rambling so I'll quit.
I hope this helps you understand that it can be complex to do all these calculations.
Mike, I don't believe Rick is selling those 10 coiler kits anymore. Even so, they were not designed to the same specs as JB's original 10 coiler and their performance was very poor to say the least.
The difference between Rick's 10 coiler and JB's? JB used the proper magnets, matched ALL the components and used the correct wire on his coils, which were also matched. He and Peter spent months building that machine and tuning it. John told me that Peter wanted everything perfect and that is why it is able to charge such a large bank of batteries.
Here John says 350 feet max then in another post John B says 130 feet and not and inch more. I think we are not going anywhere here on sizing. Without more on coil sizing people can not match to batteries. This is a dead end.
The staff has done their best and I wish you all well.
ok Mikey there is a lot of info out there and it depends upon the machine you are building. the 10 coil monopole is 18 awg 150 FT per strand approximately. Ralph's 6 coil 4 strands krauts 6 coil 18 awg 4 strands. we made our experimenters kit with the large monopole in mind. you want a big machine build 18 awg 4 strands approx. 150 feet. its not that hard. johns ferris wheel is a different beast running a different circuit the coils do different things than the monopole. build it like I am saying this is from inspecting the 10 coil myself. it runs at 24 volts. Tom C
Bro Mikey,
You are a real machine! I am grateful for fellow builders like yourself!
Many of us are working off meagre budgets and fitting things in as we can around family obligations.
To be fair Mike I think you are asking great questions, but a clear analysis of many builds is unlikely to have been collated due to the exceedingly many variations between different builders. Then there is the variation in tuning, different impedance of batteries both at the primary and secondary etc etc. the only way to accurately do this would be to have one builder who varies one thing at a time and is fastidious about detail and accuracy. I for one encourage you to PLEASE follow your convictions and post your results. Not because I couldn't be bothered to do the hard yards myself, because i am deeply interested, but because what would take you weeks is likely to take many of us years!
Hats off to you Mike! Keep at asking those probing questions because the right questions lead to great experiments
It was my understanding that tuning the SSG with the variable resistor was how you matched the battery impedance. The coil gets you in the ballpark. So you don't have to guess, you just find the non-linear increases in RPM's and those are the resonant points.
Originally posted by BroMikey
Hello James
Thanks for the encouraging statements. Really the team here is way ahead they just are private about their data.
So many have had inventions over the pass 100 years and have either kept it a secret or were afraid to give out the answers.
These questions are not hard ones like "has anyone ever used a three hundred foot coil"?
Ya know the maximum coil thread should be able to answer basic questions right?
No way, I asked that question and no one has ever done that. Or because the new bike wheel kit uses a shorter thin wire, then no one is going to go outside the box.
Same ole inside the box people wherever I go.
Afraid of what people are going to think, don't do the experiment, don't buck the format, just do it like we tell you and you will pass.
Anyway I'll rant later------- the questions I have like the coil being three hundred or so feet were given lengths in the SSG starter guide for the last many many many years and no one has any data.
In fact asking the coil question has shown me a number of other things about the entire Bedini project.
I understand very little about coil sizing to match batteries and it is clear that if I asked the question again I would be met with the same rejection.
Okay lets assume there is someone who knows what page I am on.
The coils are measured for impedance and are matched to the battery impedance within 1 MILLIOHM.
Now what is so hard about that?
Okay so today we as a group are told to get a lawn mower battery for the kits and they have average known impedance and the kits are made with an impedence that matches them I would hope.
Now if we are to match something here we need the battery impedance first.
Then we need to keep winding coils adding them in parallel until the impedance of the collective coil set matches what the battery is.
This is no different than having a stereo and needing to match the output of the unit to drive speaker coils.
John B and any radio electronix guy noseswhat I mean.
So the coil set needs to be either measured while running at frequency and power range of operation or just generalize inductance at the resistance or all of the above. John B and Peter L. spent months tuning the BIG MACHINE.
Do you know what that tells me? It tells me they didn't know either and they had to generalize and drive coils to measure impedance, rewinding and retuning for months, that is what it tells me.
No one here has told me this, it is the merely a deduction on my part.
This is where the word proprietary comes in, and I don't hold it against them for keeping this very specific information confidental. i know all these things.
What I am trying to do is to get everyone understanding that if we are truly a team we need to compile these results as these sites were designed for.
Yahoogroups, techgroup,monopole groups, energetics groups and God only knows what and where the information
is at. Everybody still winging it after 20-30 years.
The Maximum coil size of 350 feet has been specified by John B, for a good many years.
So yeah needing to know, never having done it and no one else either.
Does anyone have a clue on how the coil set impedance's are measured or calculated?
Well atleast we know what is going to be required even if no one here is an audio engineer capable
of this level of evaluation. No pun intended.
The group is a collective of great folks willing to work together each one having his or hers abilities to advance this work.
This is a wonderful group and I hope no one is taking what I say personally.
My call is going out to people who can confirm my basic understanding of what is required to match coils TO battery IMPEDANCE.
Coils are measured today with modern meters by an on board signal generator producing a frequency and driving current only to measure MILLIOHMS during the process. These are called MILLIOHM METERS.
Has anyone ever measured coils this way?
Has anyone ever done coil calc/s and MILLIOHM measurements?
Now these questions narrow the answers a bit more.
I will find the answer.
I will assume that the tuning that John B and Peter L did will require ball park coil calc's with electronics math then real world measurements with meters, rewinding coils till the goal can be reached for every battery bank on earth.
If we start now we might accomplish this as a team in 10-20 years.
as JB has always said a cap dump solves the problem of coil impedance as the cap is always lower than the battery in its impedance, and he way a cap recieves the radiant it shows no resistance to flow coming from the coils. cap dump is how you want it. old news is they way it has been, especially with the intermediate book coming out.
Tom C
Tom C you are always right there to give a good answer.
It does seem right that a cap dump of negistors works better. So the amount of dumping negistors must be important. Now you got me batting at flies.
I don't know what to say.
I will think more now.
with big batteries you can use upwards of 1 farad worth of caps, but you have to understand that you want the cap to dump fast enough to produce ion movement, and not so slowly that the electrons move. so how to get the cap dump to match the spike speed? commutators do it, but what else?