Warning for High speed Rotors.
Today I experienced what the power of a flying magnet can be if you run a high speed rotor.
Even though I was aware of the risks and had a real solid construction for the rotor, the
magnets where realy tight in the slots and I used plenty of glue, it still is impressive to
see what the power of a flying magnet can be.
Though it is not looking very professional always secure the magnets with strong tape just to
be sure.
I filmed the damage so others may learn what the dangers are when you go high speed.
The Big Bang!! - YouTube
Today I experienced what the power of a flying magnet can be if you run a high speed rotor.
Even though I was aware of the risks and had a real solid construction for the rotor, the
magnets where realy tight in the slots and I used plenty of glue, it still is impressive to
see what the power of a flying magnet can be.
Though it is not looking very professional always secure the magnets with strong tape just to
be sure.
I filmed the damage so others may learn what the dangers are when you go high speed.
The Big Bang!! - YouTube