Originally posted by Allen R.
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This isn't a debate, nothing being discussed on this and related threads are worthy of debating. This is an exchange of ideas. I expressed an opinion, one backed by experiment. I suggested that there are "exceptions". You all say build like you are told, but have yet to ask the question...what am I building?
Not really sure how long you have been involved in all of this, I have been around for roughly 10 years. All of the questions I directed to the attention of the inventor were ignored. I figured I was being ignored because my questions would cause him to have to reveal something that was protected by patent....but then again, the SG is protected by patent..... he talks about most of what's going on there....I was confused, and frustrated, so I did what any real researcher would do in this situation. I took responsibility for my ignorance, and sought to answer my own questions.
JB is awesome. He is an impulse giver in the truest sense of the term. I have received countless impressions from his efforts over the years, and am forever grateful for them. I feel that all of his devices and are one device, I look at all of his works, and all of those works which inspired him. You and the majority focus on the SG. Here the focus is to do as you are told, this "do what you are told approach" leaves no room for your own common sense and creativity. Many have been doing what they were told for years! What is the result of this dedication? They, like you, still have no idea what that circuit is really all about! I don't claim to know what it's about either, that's why I "left it alone..." I took from it those things which are significant and moved on! The lesson that I got from the SG is powerful, and I have demonstrated what that lesson was time and time again. I don't relate it to the SG because its "MY" work! I am not going to give credit to JB for "MY" effort, I credit him for "inspiring" me and that's where it ends.
Before you question my respect and admiration for JB check yourself, you aren't honoring him by sticking to what you are told! You honor the man by trying to comprehend, and in comprehending, win an appreciation for the genius of the whole picture.
This circuit was injected into mainstream, a young girl demonstrated the circuit in a science competition. The SG as you are seeing it is milk for young, it becomes meat for the mature when one desires to see it as such. Here one would be dealing with the core of the matter, one of the many major lessons that the circuit teaches. The core of the matter is a subject which isn't discussed...ever....period....
GT3 = Watson machine = Bedini free energy generator.
Beginner or vet, you are barking up the wrong tree. The "real no BS free energy machine" isn't the SG.
Anyway....I can't confuse the confused.....think what you want about me....that doesn't take much effort....would be awesome if you projected some of that energy into thinking what you want about the circuit under discussion!
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