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Monopole Magnets

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  • erfinder
    @ Kiril and OrthoParameter, you both are AWESOME! Love you guys!

    Originally posted by Allen R. View Post
    @ erfinder Only you can turn a parts list into a debate. If you really were sincere in your "admiration" for JB's work then you wouldn't be trying to confuse people over simply following proper instruction.


    This isn't a debate, nothing being discussed on this and related threads are worthy of debating. This is an exchange of ideas. I expressed an opinion, one backed by experiment. I suggested that there are "exceptions". You all say build like you are told, but have yet to ask the question...what am I building?

    Not really sure how long you have been involved in all of this, I have been around for roughly 10 years. All of the questions I directed to the attention of the inventor were ignored. I figured I was being ignored because my questions would cause him to have to reveal something that was protected by patent....but then again, the SG is protected by patent..... he talks about most of what's going on there....I was confused, and frustrated, so I did what any real researcher would do in this situation. I took responsibility for my ignorance, and sought to answer my own questions.

    JB is awesome. He is an impulse giver in the truest sense of the term. I have received countless impressions from his efforts over the years, and am forever grateful for them. I feel that all of his devices and are one device, I look at all of his works, and all of those works which inspired him. You and the majority focus on the SG. Here the focus is to do as you are told, this "do what you are told approach" leaves no room for your own common sense and creativity. Many have been doing what they were told for years! What is the result of this dedication? They, like you, still have no idea what that circuit is really all about! I don't claim to know what it's about either, that's why I "left it alone..." I took from it those things which are significant and moved on! The lesson that I got from the SG is powerful, and I have demonstrated what that lesson was time and time again. I don't relate it to the SG because its "MY" work! I am not going to give credit to JB for "MY" effort, I credit him for "inspiring" me and that's where it ends.

    Before you question my respect and admiration for JB check yourself, you aren't honoring him by sticking to what you are told! You honor the man by trying to comprehend, and in comprehending, win an appreciation for the genius of the whole picture.

    This circuit was injected into mainstream, a young girl demonstrated the circuit in a science competition. The SG as you are seeing it is milk for young, it becomes meat for the mature when one desires to see it as such. Here one would be dealing with the core of the matter, one of the many major lessons that the circuit teaches. The core of the matter is a subject which isn't discussed...ever....period....

    GT3 = Watson machine = Bedini free energy generator.

    Beginner or vet, you are barking up the wrong tree. The "real no BS free energy machine" isn't the SG.

    Anyway....I can't confuse the confused.....think what you want about me....that doesn't take much effort....would be awesome if you projected some of that energy into thinking what you want about the circuit under discussion!

    Last edited by erfinder; 08-03-2014, 10:55 PM.

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  • Tom C
    ok everyone enough of all of this, back to building!!
    Tom C

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  • OrthoParameter
    I am surprised (but not shocked) that anyone here would think that Erfinder started a debate or did anything wrong other than stepping slightly (and I do mean slightly) off topic. It saddens me that he is always able to "weather the storm" in order to convey such a clear and immensely important message that is completely lost on all of you! I must wonder if you even took the time to read it much less to ponder the possibilities of something that he has already shown you.

    “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” ---- Nikola Tesla

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  • Allen R.
    @ erfinder Only you can turn a parts list into a debate. If you really were sincere in your "admiration" for JB's work then you wouldn't be trying to confuse people over simply following proper instruction.

    @ Tom C. , Bobzilla , others - My message wasn't aimed at you. My apologies for not directing the message properly. We have enough people trying to confuse others. I should have noted who it was aimed at.


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  • Kiril_Kirilov
    Originally posted by BobZilla View Post
    You laughing at me,, ;-) ,,, ok pal your entitled to your own opinions. You obviously don't know the history around those machines. Your happy with yours are you? Works properly does it,,, be happy then and keep drinking Ricks koolaid.

    Here is what I did with MINE
    Not laughing at you, Bob. laughing at the "history" ... How these kits were sold, even promised and probably bused used as awards, and sold to some of the free energy conferences (2011?), where JB participated for sure....then I don'n know what happened, but more important is that if it seems wrong now, it was considered as true and certificated or approved for years! For sure the could be different magnets. I believe it is much easier to instruct beginner to follow verbally instructions, as otherwise there's need to explain in details what this machine supposed to do, and how to achieve it...not just replicating without awareness...

    P.s. Tried few things with it, it worked not so satisfactory, but considered the problems as quality of manufacturing. Even tried alu-rotor with 6 poles plus 6 coils, cap dumps... Etc...
    Probably will show you new incarnation of the kit, ... Need time though
    Kindest regards,

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  • Lman

    That "3 pole monopole" you bought is a result of what Rick has been doing behind the back of John Bedini. It has been certified by John and than Rick changed whatever he finds for convenient. He changed the magnets in the Window Motor and the coils arrangement, he changed the magnets in the 10 coiler. Look on internet and you will see the presentation of the 10 coiler - it is with black ceramic magnets. But than the people who bought the kit ask why it is with neodimium.
    He has not been following John's specifications and changing the products, and this is why they do not work together anymore. John has talked about that already.
    If you are not satisfied with the purchase of that 3 pole monopole kit ... call r-charge and Mr. Friedrich for explanation about the magnets.

    There is not one of John's monopole energisers that uses neodimium magnets. Except the big ferris wheel where they are on the back of the ceramic and have different purpouse as Tom C pointed out already.
    But the starters and intermediates would not jump to build ferris wheels so ... ceramic magnets !!!!
    Otherwise it would not be a Bedini.


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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    Trying to respond on a kindle here. Theories and variations abound. I don't care who follows who. I was asked by JB to make sure the monopole gets built correctly, according to his design...... this is HIS forum. I AM parroting what the inventor said. Cause he invented it. The rest is up to you.

    Do whatever you want change it however you want that is the idea. But first build it like it is designed. Then go nuts.

    I hesitate to respond ..... it's really simple. Just build his way first. Then hang stuff on it. I personally have over 100 modifications you can make to the vanilla SG including coil shorting and inductance modifications and hall switching and reed switching and making it a true generator. Telsa nodes genny coils.

    We have things we are working on with JB that are amazing.

    Erfinder....... you have your opinion of me and it is wrong. Nuff Said.

    Tom C
    I'm not your judge Tom. I have no opinion of you.

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Allen R. View Post
    This thread is about proper magnets for the ssg. It is not a debate. It is standard build ssg as put forth by the designer/patent holder. Non standard configurations and non ssg devices from others are irrelevant to this discussion and will only hurt new builders.

    Those kits from that person were built non standard and will not fuction in the way intended without modification. I know, I have one. JB does not use or reccomend neo magnets. He does not use them in the ssg.

    The ssg does not need to be re-thought. It needs to be built exactly as the designer has said. Non standard builds will yield bad results. Sure they will spin and run but forget getting the stated results. Save your time and money by doing it right.

    Only get information about the proper construction and use of the ssg from the designer/patent holder.

    Trying to respond on a kindle here. Theories and variations abound. I don't care who follows who. I was asked by JB to make sure the monopole gets built correctly, according to his design...... this is HIS forum. I AM parroting what the inventor said. Cause he invented it. The rest is up to you.

    Do whatever you want change it however you want that is the idea. But first build it like it is designed. Then go nuts.

    I hesitate to respond ..... it's really simple. Just build his way first. Then hang stuff on it. I personally have over 100 modifications you can make to the vanilla SG including coil shorting and inductance modifications and hall switching and reed switching and making it a true generator. Telsa nodes genny coils.

    We have things we are working on with JB that are amazing.

    Tom C
    Last edited by ErikN; 08-03-2014, 10:05 AM. Reason: Removing unnecessary personal references.

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by BobZilla View Post
    You laughing at me,, ;-) ,,, ok pal your entitled to your own opinions. You obviously don't know the history around those machines. Your happy with yours are you? Works properly does it,,, be happy then and keep drinking Ricks koolaid.

    Here is what I did with MINE

    Really nice and clean "mod" Bob.

    No one here is in the position to judge the work of another. All are entitled to their opinion, and those opinions should be most cases they aren't but that's primary because we all have our own dogma. The history of these machines is moot. We have no real background information. As an example, the majority didn't find out about the attraction mode till the SG Handbooks were distributed 2012-2013, this is kinda upsetting because the really old vets weren't privileged to this mode of operation, unless they were renegades and did their own thing, they never made it past repulsion mode. The few who did stumble onto the attraction mode noted how the machine functioned better, but blew it off and returned to doing things like they were instructed to??? The air is clear....who runs in attraction mode? What's with the three coil SG that was the center piece of the 2010 conference? You were shown right there, I was there and didn't get it till I completed a year of experiments, attraction and repulsion simultaneously. That single demonstration makes the handbooks useless, because it succeeds the principles they outline. We are shown many things but are not given any guidance regarding these things. The majority see these things and instead of questioning and exploring, they sink back into their comfort zone were you find yourselves right now......I have come to the realization that its far more productive to do what is suggested, rather than doing what we are told.

    In the end, in the absence of real guidance we have really awesome stories which go over really well at gatherings, but no real substance, only clues, breadcrumbs..... If real details were available you all would have awesome machines right now, would be doing some incredible stuff. The inventor has made many spectacular "suggestions" some of which were embodied in actual apparatus. Instead of following those leads, the creativity has stagnated and folks are only interested in that which the inventor himself has moved away from, but is forced to return to time and time again because you all demand it!

    What as a qualifies a "properly functioning machine"? What does the inventor have to say about this? What has the inventor demonstrated in this regard? Ultimately there must be a point, what is the point? If its just tuning the circuit for the best possible output to the secondary battery then my god man, move on. Didn't the inventor move on? Has anyone here applied any of the mods that he has been sharing since 2010? The mods that matter, there are a few curve balls which don't. Many of you guys are what I consider vets, you have been working on this stuff for at least 3 years. That's more than enough time to see that the inventor is the man, and has left a trail, one which could be followed, but isn't. The machines that matter aren't being built! Why? Recovery guys is something that you will integrate into all future designs. I know because I do it. This movement isn't the SG movement! This forum and its sister is the tip of the spear for "THESE" technologies, buy you guys, the men and women in the trenches give one the impression that you are only interested in lessons in recovery? My opinion my not matter but here it is anyway. The lesson isn't in recovery, its in reactive power, among other things, you are being shown:
    • the nature of the energy movement inside the tank
    • the fact that the reactive power can be routed out of the tank

    The problem is you don't know you're dealing with a tank. Another opinion of mine.....the term "Radiant" only applies when we are discharging the tank, as it stands the term is only related to the inductive discharge, big difference.

    @ Allen R,

    Non standard builds are non standard builds. This isn't a debate, nor is it a comparison between apples and oranges. I desire practical application, battery charging has its limits. I am grateful to the inventor because he inspired me to think for myself, the impetus for this was his lack of presence. I am so thankful that through my own efforts I have been able to identify the source of the magic. It's in the reactor, the reactor extends this magic to the battery, there are better loads than batteries?

    No one is suggesting a reinvention of the is what it is, and no one has shown that they know exactly what it is! Understanding how to manipulate the circuit doesn't mean that you know what the circuit is doing or why. And even when you are in the position to state what its doing and why, it isn't until you comprehend the the inner aspects, the ones that really matter, the ones that reach across disciplines and dogmas to unite thinkers who would appear to be at odds, then you got it.

    This thread is about proper magnets for the SG.....I have said what I want to say, and leave you guys to your research, please forgive my intrusion.

    Last edited by erfinder; 08-03-2014, 12:00 AM.

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  • Allen R.
    erfinder- This thread is about proper magnets for the ssg. It is not a debate. It is standard build ssg as put forth by the designer/patent holder. Non standard configurations and non ssg devices from others are irrelevant to this discussion and will only hurt new builders.

    Those kits from that person were built non standard and will not fuction in the way intended without modification. I know, I have one. JB does not use or reccomend neo magnets. He does not use them in the ssg.

    The ssg does not need to be re-thought. It needs to be built exactly as the designer has said. Non standard builds will yield bad results. Sure they will spin and run but forget getting the stated results. Save your time and money by doing it right.

    Only get information about the proper construction and use of the ssg from the designer/patent holder.

    Last edited by Allen R.; 08-03-2014, 06:26 AM.

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  • D Rhodes
    Sounds like a Church split.. I am following JB...I am following Tom...I am following Erfinder...I am following Rick. Didnt Tesla and Edison split as well? In Church splits there is always a separation after different doctrines or teachers. Us humans are so black n white in our thinking...when ALL sides have truth, and none have it all. I guess, if JB says no Neos at should use Neos to find out why we should not use them. But being lazy or not being able to afford them, we stick with our ceramics. Be wary of impatience brethren....feed babies milk...not meat.

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  • BobZilla
    You laughing at me,, ;-) ,,, ok pal your entitled to your own opinions. You obviously don't know the history around those machines. Your happy with yours are you? Works properly does it,,, be happy then and keep drinking Ricks koolaid.

    Here is what I did with MINE

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  • Kiril_Kirilov
    Originally posted by BobZilla View Post
    erfinder & Tom I respect both of you but I think it should really be noted that Tom is talking about the monopole energizer in it's plain form as prescribed by Mr. Bedini and the topic was about the magnets. Thh audience that this is intended for is beginners who barley understand the circuit at all. Tom is providing the information as laid out by Mr. Bedini which is absolutely not to use Neo's. What I am trying to get across is the context in which this information is given. Sure we can modify it, build other iterations of it and create things that are completely different but to be faithful to the machine as described by the designer Tom is giving the proper guidance to beginners who want to start learning.

    erfinder you have gone way beyond what the plain machine can teach but even you have said yourself that you built it, you learned from it so why not accept that others will have to start as you did and build it as described. I have never thought the machine was the end of the line, I think it was ALWAYS intended as a launching point for the builder to discover certain things and then move on as you have done.

    erfinder I recently built a SS device that focuses purely on the collapsing field with no induction. I now have two models of it and I am working on a modification that could change the results quite a bit but I have not posted that yet. It is interesting because it shows ONE of the aspects we find in the monopole but without the other interactions from magnet induction or cross induction from trigger to power windings. I don't think this device could be called a generator, perhaps I'm wrong but I would love to have you look at my video's and comment if you were willing.

    Here is the thread:
    Absolutely not to use Neo's ?!?!
    This one i bought in 2011 from Rick Friedrich's (150 USD), and it is certified by Bedini, and IT IS WITH NEO's:

    Search for "3 pole monopole" all over the net and you'll find a lot of these Beginner's KITs wich are Official Bedini KITs and are with Neodimium Magnets

    One of the results:

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  • BobZilla
    erfinder & Tom I respect both of you but I think it should really be noted that Tom is talking about the monopole energizer in it's plain form as prescribed by Mr. Bedini and the topic was about the magnets. Thh audience that this is intended for is beginners who barley understand the circuit at all. Tom is providing the information as laid out by Mr. Bedini which is absolutely not to use Neo's. What I am trying to get across is the context in which this information is given. Sure we can modify it, build other iterations of it and create things that are completely different but to be faithful to the machine as described by the designer Tom is giving the proper guidance to beginners who want to start learning.

    erfinder you have gone way beyond what the plain machine can teach but even you have said yourself that you built it, you learned from it so why not accept that others will have to start as you did and build it as described. I have never thought the machine was the end of the line, I think it was ALWAYS intended as a launching point for the builder to discover certain things and then move on as you have done.

    erfinder I recently built a SS device that focuses purely on the collapsing field with no induction. I now have two models of it and I am working on a modification that could change the results quite a bit but I have not posted that yet. It is interesting because it shows ONE of the aspects we find in the monopole but without the other interactions from magnet induction or cross induction from trigger to power windings. I don't think this device could be called a generator, perhaps I'm wrong but I would love to have you look at my video's and comment if you were willing.

    Here is the thread:

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  • erfinder
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post

    please start a new thread, and then go thru your last post and show step by step how you have modified the circuit and changed things to produce each effect you have stated and gotten to where you are at....

    Tom C

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