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Parts list for the schoolgirl circuit

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  • D Rhodes
    I think the 1N4007 is 1000volts whilst the 1N4001 is only 50Volts...probably the 4001 is ok for the small 23#power 26#trigger bifilar coils, but with the 8filar 20#power/23# trigger coil in the Beginners Handbook, need to use the 4007. My thoughts only

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  • lis_wang
    Originally posted by Tom C View Post

    only a few parts are needed for the Sg circuit. They are as follows:

    transistor-mjl21194 or 2n3055- mjl is best
    diodes-1n4001 and 1n4007
    resistors, 100 ohm 1/2 watt and 1k ohm potentiometer same wattage
    a single Ne 2 neon without the inline resistor
    a grain of wheat bulb, available at most hobby stores, they are used in HO scale train sets for train headlights and running lights. get the smallest wattage you can find.

    Tom C
    In the beginner handbook, it recommended use 14 pieces of 1N4007 diodes, not 1N4001. I believed to use 1N4007 replace 1N4001. But you recommend still use 1N4001 for trigger circuit. Please clarify which one is better?

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  • Branch Gordon
    Right on...I'll grab the 20 and 23. Thanks for the clarification.

    Originally posted by John_Koorn View Post
    Branch, I would save the #18 for a bigger machine. The tests we ran in John's shop last week showed that for a 13Ah garden tractor battery you should use #20 for power and #23 for trigger.

    John K.

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  • John_Koorn
    Branch, I would save the #18 for a bigger machine. The tests we ran in John's shop last week showed that for a 13Ah garden tractor battery you should use #20 for power and #23 for trigger.

    John K.

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  • Branch Gordon
    replied's why I asked. I am in the process of revamping my build based on you and John's suggestions in my other thread.

    I bought a couple large 18awg coils, so I could wind up an 18 power/18 trigger coil at 1.2 ohms. I was planning on using the 13ah garden tractor batteries with it. Is this gonna be ok for just a bifilar coil?

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Branch Gordon View Post
    Wait...what happened to 18 guage wire, 150 feet, 1.2 ohms?

    From what I have seen the last few months that is the advice that everyone has been given. Why the change?
    that will work also. look at jb's latest post, of his latest filar energiser. my 6 coil is all 18 awg. it is about the resistancein the coil and the inductance. bigger wire coil bigger batteries.

    Tom C

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  • Branch Gordon
    Wait...what happened to 18 guage wire, 150 feet, 1.2 ohms?

    From what I have seen the last few months that is the advice that everyone has been given. Why the change?

    Originally posted by Tom C View Post
    start with 20 gauge power 23 gauge trigger. 130 feet 1.3 ohms 470 ohms should get you in the park for a base resistance

    Tom C

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by spankydoodle88 View Post
    Hey Tom you never said what size wire to use
    start with 20 gauge power 23 gauge trigger. 130 feet 1.3 ohms 470 ohms should get you in the park for a base resistance

    Tom C

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  • spankydoodle88
    Hey Tom you never said what size wire to use
    Last edited by spankydoodle88; 11-06-2012, 12:08 PM.

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  • Tom C
    started a topic Parts list for the schoolgirl circuit

    Parts list for the schoolgirl circuit


    only a few parts are needed for the Sg circuit. They are as follows:

    transistor-mjl21194 or 2n3055- mjl is best
    diodes- 1n4007
    resistors, 100 ohm 1/2 watt and 1k ohm potentiometer same wattage for multi strand coils use 470 as a base resistance
    a single Ne 2 neon with or without the 4.7k inline resistor
    a grain of wheat bulb (not needed for multi strand machines) available at most hobby stores, they are used in HO scale train sets for train headlights and running lights. get the smallest wattage you can find. this goes in the trigger circuit of bifilar coil machines only.

    Tom C
    Last edited by Tom C; 05-08-2015, 10:19 PM. Reason: clarification