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Alum Battery Clariciation

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  • Alum Battery Clariciation


    Calling all experts in Alum Battery Conversions!

    I have a few questions that I would like to put out there. Thanks in advance for any tips!!

    1. If I take a 12V 250Ah Lead Acid Flooded Cell Battery, dump out the acid, rinse it out, and fill with a solution of distilled water and alum till it has a slippery quality to it and charge it up fully will I get 250 Amp Hours out?

    2. I realize that the voltage will be different. Does anyone know the finishing voltage of a lead alum battery? as well as the resting voltage and voltage under a 1A load ?

    3. Let's say the plates of this battery are quite sulfated. What would happen to the sulfate on the plates if it was on a pulse or radiant charge? I know the plates would desulfate but how does this look chemically with the alum?

    4. Wondering if this is a feasible idea...Let's say I manage to acquire a bank of 6, 12V 250 AH batteries from a solar setup. If I converted all of them to alum would it be possible to design an inverter that could still out put 120V but work at the different voltage characteristics of an alum battery?

    P.S. sorry about the misspelled title



  • #2
    For instance, a circuit that sucks the alum battery "dry" maintaining a SUPERCAP charged at 11-12-14V for powering the inverter.

    Looks good for 36-48V systems powering a 24V on a 12V inverter (because intuitively, it must be easier/cheaper to have a lot of power converted into lower volts than stepping up)

    And better to have a good margin having ALUM's that drop the voltage so much
    So, all you need is a powerful DC-DC converter, the more efficient, the better. Power must match the inverter's plus peaks ...calculate cap's size here.
    Last edited by Dominus; 11-14-2013, 02:24 PM.


    • #3
      I'm talking about taking all the power out of an ALUM cell as they will give amps until dead at very low voltage.
      It was a partial response to Joster's questions.

      Inverters usually shut down at 10.5 or 11 Volts.

      I think when batts do not top off high they need further discharge and charge cycles. Voltage is potential, correlated to the chemical potential of the batt.
      Desulphating takes some cycles. Well, I'm just a beginner and don't know how your setups look like, and have no idea about converted AGM's behaviour. Especially when acid is added to the mix

