I have been doing my own research on Crystal Cells as well as other so I decided to create a thread about Crystal Cell Research. This is for anyone wanting to talk about crystal cells of any kind. The main goal of a Crystal Cell is a cell that is not galvanic and/or does not act like a normal battery. So feel free to post any and all research you guys have done on the topic so that we all can learn from each other. 
I'll start with one of my cells.
I ran a data logger on my new 2 foot long crystal cell. The cell had a 100k ohm resistor on it and the logger measured the voltage across the resistor. The cell went down in voltage when first connected but then started going up until it even off and stayed. Once I removed the load the cell returned back to its normal standing voltage. Here is a picture comparing my crystal cell discharge curve to a normal AA battery discharge curve. The AA had a 470 ohm resistor on it. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1...8Q8/edit?pli=1
Here is also a video of me comparing the voltage of the cell to temp and humidity. This was the start of the cell where it was going up in voltage and wanting to start to level off. here is the video. Crystal Cell Voltage vs. Air temp and Humidity - YouTube
From this you can't say humidity is the reason for the power of the cell.

I'll start with one of my cells.
I ran a data logger on my new 2 foot long crystal cell. The cell had a 100k ohm resistor on it and the logger measured the voltage across the resistor. The cell went down in voltage when first connected but then started going up until it even off and stayed. Once I removed the load the cell returned back to its normal standing voltage. Here is a picture comparing my crystal cell discharge curve to a normal AA battery discharge curve. The AA had a 470 ohm resistor on it. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1...8Q8/edit?pli=1
Here is also a video of me comparing the voltage of the cell to temp and humidity. This was the start of the cell where it was going up in voltage and wanting to start to level off. here is the video. Crystal Cell Voltage vs. Air temp and Humidity - YouTube
From this you can't say humidity is the reason for the power of the cell.