Hi guys,
I've been lurking around for quite some time And there are things which haven't really been addressed openly. Mainly I'm interested in waveforms across the battery and something which was suggested by John, running output positive lead through small gauge coil of many turns and scoping across it. I did this test and all my solid state oscilators show some kind of ring-out after the spike, spike magnitude on collector has almost no effect on little spike on this measuring coil, but ring-out amplitude is much bigger when increasing draw from primary.
My question basically Is, did anyone performed such test and how to determine what kind of input current should solid state oscillators draw, because about half an amp at 12 volts per strand/transistor no problem heat wise and spike just climbs and climbs So what's the limit? Or Its Simple matter where gain in amount of massless charge diminishes compared with increase in primary draw?
Thanks for any kind of advice
I've been lurking around for quite some time And there are things which haven't really been addressed openly. Mainly I'm interested in waveforms across the battery and something which was suggested by John, running output positive lead through small gauge coil of many turns and scoping across it. I did this test and all my solid state oscilators show some kind of ring-out after the spike, spike magnitude on collector has almost no effect on little spike on this measuring coil, but ring-out amplitude is much bigger when increasing draw from primary.
My question basically Is, did anyone performed such test and how to determine what kind of input current should solid state oscillators draw, because about half an amp at 12 volts per strand/transistor no problem heat wise and spike just climbs and climbs So what's the limit? Or Its Simple matter where gain in amount of massless charge diminishes compared with increase in primary draw?
Thanks for any kind of advice