First of all thanks for all of the great information you have made available!
Couple of questions:
I have seen it said that the Solar tracker series will pass the electricity straight to a load if it can handle it before draining the batteries.
This may be a dumb question but how does it do this?
The solar panels are connected to the solar tracker then to the batteries and the inverter is then connected to the batteries. There is only one pathway for the electricity to flow along so how does the solar tracker control whether the current is going to the batteries or straight to the inverter?
Im not that familiar with electricity so it may be a simple misunderstanding on my part but I would like to understand it better.
I would understand it if there were separate cables, i.e the solar tracker was connected to the batteries through one set of cable and then to the inverter through another, but I dont see how it works with there only being one "pathway". Maybe its a bit like water that always takes the easiest path, but in several comments on this topic I have seen you say that this is the solar tracker 5 that controls this.
I am currently designing an off grid solar system for a house Im building with the help of a guy that does this for a living. I am pretty set on going with the solar tracker 5 series (s80a24).
I sent my solar guy your website and info about the solar tracker and he wrote back saying that the only difference is that your chargers charge to a higher voltage and that all higher end solar chargers now can be set to charge to whatever voltage you like...
No doubt he hasn’t taken very long to look into it which is why when I meet up with him I would like to be able to tell him what is different about your chargers.
My question is, apart from the topping off at 15.1v what is different about your chargers and the way they charge?
How do they charge and how is this different to MPPT/PWM ?
I have watched and re-watched battery secrets, battery rejuvenation and Solar secrets but being a noob obviously this info takes time to set in and I wont fully understand it until I start playing with some batteries.
Thanks for your help!
First of all thanks for all of the great information you have made available!
Couple of questions:
I have seen it said that the Solar tracker series will pass the electricity straight to a load if it can handle it before draining the batteries.
This may be a dumb question but how does it do this?
The solar panels are connected to the solar tracker then to the batteries and the inverter is then connected to the batteries. There is only one pathway for the electricity to flow along so how does the solar tracker control whether the current is going to the batteries or straight to the inverter?
Im not that familiar with electricity so it may be a simple misunderstanding on my part but I would like to understand it better.
I would understand it if there were separate cables, i.e the solar tracker was connected to the batteries through one set of cable and then to the inverter through another, but I dont see how it works with there only being one "pathway". Maybe its a bit like water that always takes the easiest path, but in several comments on this topic I have seen you say that this is the solar tracker 5 that controls this.
I am currently designing an off grid solar system for a house Im building with the help of a guy that does this for a living. I am pretty set on going with the solar tracker 5 series (s80a24).
I sent my solar guy your website and info about the solar tracker and he wrote back saying that the only difference is that your chargers charge to a higher voltage and that all higher end solar chargers now can be set to charge to whatever voltage you like...
No doubt he hasn’t taken very long to look into it which is why when I meet up with him I would like to be able to tell him what is different about your chargers.
My question is, apart from the topping off at 15.1v what is different about your chargers and the way they charge?
How do they charge and how is this different to MPPT/PWM ?
I have watched and re-watched battery secrets, battery rejuvenation and Solar secrets but being a noob obviously this info takes time to set in and I wont fully understand it until I start playing with some batteries.
Thanks for your help!