I decided to post here because of the huge effect Nicola Tesla has had on my personal fascination with free thought. One of the greatest hindrances to this for me was the terrible effect concern for patent security has had on me. Dropping these shackles has allowed me to fly free as it were. So here I am, throwing out ideas for all to see. I love a good conversation, and I flourish on discussion for the purpose of research. But sometimes we all miss something that causes us to not "get it". I will not suffer however the irrational spewing of fools. So use your brains! Now, on to what was keeping me awake tonight ...
The Yellowstone Caldera. It seem scientists are looking at this area for some very scary reasons. There are obvious signs of a super volcano sub continent caldera. Why the hell do we not tap this vast amount of delta T energy and use it? We might even be able to tap off enough energy in 1000 years to avert a catastrophic eruption! (Ya, I know, big ticket item) Insert HVAC for long distance transportation, and using geothermal steam powered generators, and electricity would damn near be free! Central US could install gigantic hot houses for growing food and cotton for cloth using steam from heated water piped for hundreds of thousands of miles to maintain hot house internal temperatures. Electric lighting to simulate sun light. Massive hot house structures for cattle where their food is grown right where they live, "free range style". The electricity is damn near free, eat it up! The new mantra "Please turn up the heat in your houses and open the windows, we need to drain off Yellowstone some more before she blows!
The Yellowstone Caldera. It seem scientists are looking at this area for some very scary reasons. There are obvious signs of a super volcano sub continent caldera. Why the hell do we not tap this vast amount of delta T energy and use it? We might even be able to tap off enough energy in 1000 years to avert a catastrophic eruption! (Ya, I know, big ticket item) Insert HVAC for long distance transportation, and using geothermal steam powered generators, and electricity would damn near be free! Central US could install gigantic hot houses for growing food and cotton for cloth using steam from heated water piped for hundreds of thousands of miles to maintain hot house internal temperatures. Electric lighting to simulate sun light. Massive hot house structures for cattle where their food is grown right where they live, "free range style". The electricity is damn near free, eat it up! The new mantra "Please turn up the heat in your houses and open the windows, we need to drain off Yellowstone some more before she blows!